
In the Supervision Department.

Everyone is still enjoying the various benefits brought by the second war, and they are still dividing up various things that the Moon God Clan gave before.

Obviously, for directors like them, they make a lot of money.

They have even gained great wealth. The current wealth of each director is more than the combined wealth of all the people in the entire city.

It is no exaggeration to say that the directors of the Supervision Department can already have 100 lifetimes of money that they cannot use up.

Then a piece of news suddenly reached the ears of the directors of the Supervision Division.

"There are people from other ten thousand races coming, and the director of the Tiandu Division?"

The directors of more than 10 supervision departments folded their arms and crossed their legs, sitting on this extremely luxurious chair. The moment they heard the news, they had casual smiles on their faces.

"What is the director of the Tiandu Division? Compared with our Supervision Division, this is simply a weak person. Under such circumstances, these days, the director of the Tiandu Division has the nerve to come to our human race and want to have a dialogue with us. Where did the courage come from? Who would dare to give them such courage."

"If you really want to talk about launching a war, then there is a kind of direct war against us. You only dare to come here to discuss something with us. Are you really not afraid that our side will kill them all? Really? Do you see people in our Daoyun realm in your eyes?!"

"A bunch of jokes."

After talking, laughing, these directors of the Supervision Department finally left the room one by one. Everyone had a rather insolent look on their faces, and everyone's faces were written all over The pride and pride of being the leader of the human race.

Until an hour later, in a rather luxurious and solemn human race meeting hall, the directors of these supervision departments had already seen so many directors of the Tiandu Division and the patriarchs of other ten thousand races in front of them.

But now their mood is not as proud as it was at the beginning.

Especially when they felt the gloomy gazes of so many people, they obviously began to have some basic timidity in their hearts.

Among them was a director of the Supervision Department, who was forcing himself not to have any fear of this matter, anyway, there were people from the Moon God Clan standing behind them.

Would the people of the Moon God Clan be afraid of the Director of the Heavenly Capital?

Not to mention that their human race is now so powerful that they have recharged their energy and recharged their energy. If even this kind of Tiandusi is afraid, then how can the human race destroy all the races in the world, so that they become the dominant family.

He opened his mouth and said to the more than 100 people of different appearances in front of him: "I don't know what's going on with you coming to our human race this time, and you haven't submitted any advance application to us this time, so we can come and see you this time." You, this is also your blessing."

The directors of the other supervision departments also tried their best to maintain their solemn and sacred appearance. After all, they are all top-notch existences in the cities of the human race.

The other chiefs of the Ten Thousand Clans, as well as the directors of the Supervision Department, after hearing what the human man in front of them said, their eyes were filled with great anger.

They have no way to understand why these few people in front of them are so arrogant.

So much so that one's own strength is going to completely crush the opponent, but the opponent does not have any arrogance, and even has an unreasonable self-confidence?

How is this going?

We have so many directors of the Supervision Department coming to your human race, and they still have to report to your human race in advance?

We were able to meet you, but you say this is our blessing?

You are executioners!

Aldington couldn't help laughing.

It's a wry smile.

A kind of wry smile after not knowing why this kind of thing happened, but it ended up happening.

Aldington signaled to the other Ten Thousand Races not to get angry at this time, and he looked at the more than 10 directors of the Supervision Department in front of him and said slowly: "The reason why we came to you this time is mainly Let me explain the seriousness of the next matter, and at the same time discuss with you, what kind of price the human race should pay to calm the anger of other ten thousand races."

"So don't treat us as enemies."

"The reason why we came here to find you this time is to minimize the price your human race has to bear after making a mistake this time. Otherwise, if all the other ten thousand races rush in, then your human race will suffer this time." Annihilation."

Aldington was clearly telling the truth.

These are the usual responsibilities of Tiandu Si.

The main purpose is to maintain the relative tranquility of a large area, that is, to provide a basic living environment for ordinary and powerless Wanzu.

This is the most basic thing.

Just like the breath that everyone needs, the air that everyone needs, this is the most basic and unshakable thing.

As a result, after the directors of the Supervision Department heard what Aldington said, they laughed wildly in unison.

"I think you still have no way to figure out the situation. I think you still don't know how powerful our human race is. I think you still don't understand that our own strength has reached the Dao Yun realm!"

"Under such circumstances, more than 10 of us from the Daoyun realm are in front of you, and it is already your blessing to be able to talk to you!"

"So under such circumstances, you still say that you are thinking about coming and going for our human race. What kind of qualifications do you have to say such things?"

"So I advise you to go back wherever you came from now!"

"Just treat it as if you didn't see it. It's just killing some scattered races. The strength of these races is so bad. They don't have the right to live in this area at all. Why are they qualified to breathe with our human race? The same piece of air."

"Our human race is destined to be respected in this world, and our human race is destined to stand at the top of this world. I advise you to do it yourself."

After finishing speaking, these directors of the Supervision Department have no fear at all now. After all, if the other party is really powerful, why should they say these words to themselves calmly?

So the reason why the other party talks like this is because their own strength is really too bad.

So under such circumstances, why let them, the distinguished directors of the Supervision Department, speak calmly?

Judging from the understanding of the directors of the Supervision Department.

People in the Daoyun realm, would they still be afraid of ordinary people?

The other races are already angry.

Anger has reached its limit.

Including some directors of the Tiandu Division, they were still in constant communication when they came, telling themselves not to escalate this matter again and again.

Try to get the forgiveness of the other races at the lowest cost, so that they have fulfilled their duty as the Heavenly Capital Division.

But in this situation, the other party not only didn't appreciate it, but threatened them, saying that the weak have no right to live? !

If it is true as they said, then why is the human race qualified to live in the corner of the world today? Other races have already attacked them, so how can the entire human race grow to so many people?

Even if this fertile soil of the human race can breed so many people, wouldn't other races be envious? Haven't the other ten thousand races cursed the extermination of the human race? Of course there are, but others just think about it in their hearts.

Some basic rationality still tells them not to do this, which is the most basic reason why the human race can survive without much strength.

"I don't want to communicate with the group of barbarians in front of me anymore. Director Aldington will leave the rest of the matter to you. I believe you should be able to handle the affairs of the human race." The other directors of Tiandu Division have already expressed their views.

Now just wait for Aldington to issue any orders. After all, this area is under the jurisdiction of Aldington, and their other directors of the Tiandu Division have also come to support.

Aldington nodded.

The eyes also asked the other directors of Tiandu Division to maintain the most basic calmness, and even cast a rather apologetic look at the patriarchs of the other ten thousand clans.

Instead, he said, "Where is Senior Yuchi now?"

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