Tian Luohe is also very emotional when talking about this matter now.

Although it may be said that the other directors of the Tiandu Division have never had direct contact with Yuchi, he has met him a few times.

Well, under such circumstances, he still has a relatively deep understanding of Yuchi, so he didn't believe it at the beginning of this matter, but everyone was angry and angry, and his side was not good. Help Yuchi say something here.

But now that the matter cleared the clouds and mist and saw the blue sky, he suddenly realized that this matter had nothing to do with Yuchi's non-existence.

It's just that the head of the human race didn't know where it was broken, and they made this choice.

Aldington let out a long sigh of relief.

He also said to the other directors of Tiandu Division in a slightly relaxed tone: "Actually, I have a basic understanding of Senior Yuchi, and I am not afraid of everyone's jokes when I say it. So being able to become the director of the Tiandu Division in this area is mainly because the seniors killed Andrew, the director of the Tiandu Division, a few years ago."

"So the reason why I have this identity on my side is really because of a sideways help from Senior Yuchi's side by accident."

"So in the few years when I just became the director of Tiandu Division, I was really worried every day whether senior would come to find me, whether he would want to make profits from me, but the facts did prove that Senior Yuchi I have no idea about this kind of thing.”

"He doesn't care about that at all."

"And as long as this incident doesn't have anything to do with Senior Yuchi, then everything will be easy to handle."

"Then everyone just stand by and wait quietly."

"Let me talk to these people a little bit, and then we will start the formal processing process here."

The other directors of Tiandu Division also nodded one after another.

The patriarchs of the other ten thousand races breathed a sigh of relief.

Let's talk, let's make trouble, don't make fun of people with Dao heart.

Who is not afraid?

Everyone is afraid.

It is very difficult to deal with a race in the Dao Heart realm.

It was very dangerous and difficult. Although they were very angry before they came, their remaining rationality told them that this matter must be dealt with relatively kindly.

Otherwise, if Yuchi's side is really angered, even if Yuchi is killed in the end, the damage he can cause with a single Dao Heart is immeasurable.

"What do you mean? What are you talking about?"

Seeing the chief of the Tiandu Division and the patriarchs of other ten thousand clans talking with each other relaxedly, and even showing a kind of respect for Yuchi, the chiefs of the Supervision Department couldn't bear it at all. , and completely incomprehensible.

Judging from the current situation, is it possible that the reason why these people talk to them calmly is not because their strength is too strong, not because they are strong in the Dao Yun realm, but because they are worried Is it Yuchi's revenge?

By the time they felt in a trance that this matter seemed to be different from what they had imagined, the directors of the Supervision Department had already fallen into a state of rage.

A person directly smashed the table in front of him, and there was a lot of distorted hatred in his eyes. He was obviously questioning the director of the Tiandu Division in front of him. Seeing that the more than 100 people in front of him directly published a A series of hearty speeches.

"I don't even know why you are afraid of him?"

"I don't even know why you guys are afraid of Yuchi?!"

"He is just a person, a person who was voted out by our human race. How can you behave like this?"

"You really make us look down!"

"We humans are not afraid of Yuchi, but you are actually afraid of him. Are you acting cowardly?"

"To be honest, you are fortunate not to live in our human race!"

"Otherwise people with a personality like yours will be eliminated directly by our human race!"

"You are not worthy to stand in front of us and talk, you are so afraid of Yuchi, you really let me have nothing to say!!!"

The director of the Supervision Department of this human race was already extremely resentful and angry, and said to these people in front of him.

After Aldington, Tian Luohe and others heard this statement.

They laughed even more.

A strong smile made it difficult for the few people present to restrain them.

These guys are really one genius after another.

What is the situation on the human side?

Why did these people vote to kick Yuchi's side out of the house?

Totally incomprehensible.

It's like voting your ancestors out of the house directly!

Judging from the current situation, the reason why the human race is still alive and able to carry out such negotiations is not because of the human race itself.

It is because of Yuchi's prestige that the race has the most basic power, otherwise the other big races would have taken advantage of this opportunity to directly kill them.

"Okay, okay, now I don't want to answer your question, and I don't even want to say why we are afraid of Senior Yuchi."

"After all, you can't even see the basic fear and respect clearly."

"Forget it."

Aldington has already taken out a document.

This document is also bilingually translated in a language that the human race can understand and the official language of Tiandu Division.


He simply ignored the directors of the Supervision Department in front of him and began to recite some basic clauses in the document.


"Based on the total population loss caused by the human race to the two races, you have killed more than 40 million Wan races. The exact number is difficult to estimate."

"Here we make a unified decision to use 40 million as a base number."

"In this case, according to the expression in the first column of Article 1 of the Tiandu Division Law, you will pay back 10 times the population, that is, you will pay 400 million people for your genocide this time. Compensation means 400 million lives."


"The total loss you have caused this time is 390,000 crystals, converted into the current money and wealth of the adult race, and at the same time expressed in accordance with Article 1, Column 2 of the Tiandu Division Law, you will have to pay 10 times the compensation, which is 3.9 million crystals Stone, 3.9 million crystals compared with the current purchasing power of the human race, you have to pay a total of 3900 trillion in compensation, we do not accept your local currency for compensation, you need to go to the nearest sect to spend other equivalent resources to exchange and purchase .”


"Your crimes this time are quite serious. According to the normal terms, in addition to simple loss of life and money, you still need to pay the same amount of labor to help restore the areas destroyed by you. At the same time, you There is a duty and a duty to be kind to survivors of all races."




"Above, there are a total of 18 compensation clauses. Please read them here in detail. This clause does not require any of your signatures on this clause, nor does it require you to provide any opinions. You only have to accept this clause and implement it. Qualification, and the execution period is 365 days. The time when the terms start to be implemented is today, and the time when the terms end is one year later. Please also repay all of them according to these terms within one year. If there is no way to repay, Our Tiandu Division will enforce it."

Aldington finally roughly read the document of more than 5,000 words.

Of course, some of the specific implementation steps have been written, but there is no need to read it aloud now, the other party will know after reading it.


finished reading.

Aldington looked at the more than 10 stunned directors of the Supervision Department in front of him, and he said frankly: "If you don't know what the basic rules of the struggle of all races are, then I hope we can help you know what the basic rules are this time. right to life."

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