
However, in just 7 days, the human race has already dealt with it in an orderly manner under the instructions of Tiandusi.

After the Tiandusi people got the instruction from Yuchi's side, they seemed to be able to handle this matter with ease.

It was really through detailed understanding and detailed investigations that all the relevant personnel were pulled out.

It's really shocking.

After the back of a director of the Supervision Department was pulled out, it could be seen that countless people were connected to it, just like pulling out carrots and mud.

In addition to Tiandu Division's basic judgment on the current economic situation of the human race, it is only in the vein of the director of the Supervision Department, which already has more than 400,000 people involved.

This is still a direct connection.

Through the investigation of more than 400,000 people, this is an exponentially rising existence.

Pretty scary.

Who would have thought that there are so many associates behind the director of the Supervision Department.

Of course, there is no need to go into details about specific things.

First of all, the directors of the more than 10 supervision departments have already knelt in front of all the human races. At that time, the human race praised them for how dazzling they are, but now they are so ruthless when they scold them.

Secondly, there are all kinds of filthy statues of Yuchi all over his body, which have been quietly removed now.

I don't know what the specific way to deal with it is, and everyone seems to have tacit understanding, and just forgot about this kind of thing.

No matter how high the enthusiasm for the war was, everyone was already terrified when they saw the sanctions coming.

The color of the talk changed.

This is like a dynamic picture that was often circulated on the Internet in Yuchi's previous life.

At the beginning, the puppy was all kinds of ferocious, but when a knife was placed directly on its neck, the eyes of the whole puppy were clear.

That is to say, no tears without seeing the coffin.

Now the situation of the entire human race changed almost overnight.

From the original all kinds of arrogance and all kinds of hustle and bustle to now everyone has developed the appearance of mutual humility.

A gentleman.


If you had said that there would be such a change in the human race a month ago.

Then absolutely no one will believe it, after all, this kind of change is too exaggerated and too fast.


dark cool.

All the human races have now fallen into a state of intense darkness.

The reason why the previous wars were so fierce was because of the emergence of interests. When an interest that should not have appeared appeared in front of everyone, if someone did not care about this interest, then no one would To say how close he is to the people, but everyone will scold him as an existence that does not seek to make progress, so everyone is forced to mount a horse to follow the interests of this war.

And once this kind of following thing started to appear, the wind of comparison began to prevail.

Everyone will subtly compare some of the money they have recently gained.

If someone gets less money, they will feel sorry for themselves in various ways.

All kinds of talk about the injustice of heaven.

It is completely impossible to remember whether this matter is correct or incorrect.

Already will be completely forgotten.

As a result, he fell into this perverted state of being forced to move forward, stepping on the glass shards while gritting his teeth to rejoice.

And wait until this unhealthy trend is suppressed.

That is cool.

Even Yuchi's own reputation has completed a drastic change.

Of course, from the perspective of Tiandusi, it is inevitable to make all these things public, and it is inevitable that the ins and outs of this incident will be mentioned, that is, some support from the Moon God Clan, and the moon For the support of the Protoss, one has to mention the existence of Yuchi himself.

So things passed, just a month's time.

Yuchi has become a god of the entire human race again...

Yuchi himself didn't know about this matter, if he knew, he would probably show a helpless smile.


If God cares about the eyes of mortals, then God is not God.

Divinity is ruthless in nature.

A sentient god is bound to be paranoid.

Gods who are paranoid will act out human nature that is contrary to the godhead, and will cause all kinds of injustice.

God must be ruthless.

Like the way of heaven, always only pay attention to the most basic rules.

Follow the rules.

This is something that all living beings cannot do.


Outside the human race.

There are probably more than 1,000 people who are already in a state of scars. After leaving the human race, they have left the protection of the human race.

In this case, many wild beasts will come to attack.

The leaders of the more than 1,000 people are Fengyi, Qin Lanyu and others, and now they are leading the human race forward slowly.

It is trying to find a place to live again.

They obviously don't know that the war on the Terran side has subsided.

And now these people are facing a new round of wild beast attacks. These wild beasts are very large, and each beast is grouped together. There is an elephant as tall as an elephant and weighs several tons. The appearance of these wild beasts makes them appear In the sight of these homeless people, they looked like demons.

When I first left the city, there were still more than 100,000 people.

By the end of a week, more than 50,000 people had chosen to return to the human race.

The remaining 50,000 people will go back one after another in the next week.

So that in the end there were only more than 5,000 people left.

More than 5,000 people walked halfway and were attacked by these beasts.

In the end, there are still more than 1,000 scarred people, but these 1,000 people are all traditional warriors, so it's not that they can't bear it.

"Brothers, come on, let's go forward."

"We will go to an open field. When we get to this open field, we can set up a house and rest for a while."

The fight between humans and wild beasts is also quite frank, and the number of people lost in a battle is quite a lot.

And just when everyone finally arrived at this pioneering place and were slowly resting, Yuchi also came to this gathering place.

After the crowd saw Yuchi's arrival.

Their eye circles were really red.

One after another did not speak.

They were just standing next to the dilapidated tent, and they had only been away from the human race for a while, but now the feeling of isolation and helplessness was getting deeper and deeper.

In this case, the blood in their bodies seemed to be activated.

He already has a supreme will, and already feels that even if he dies outside the human race, he should not be in the same boat.

Yuchi so they expressed great respect.

And after a simple inquiry, he finally found Fengyi, Qin Lanyu, and of course Yuanyuan.

At a glance.

The hair is already graying a lot.

Even though she still looks like a young woman, her whole body is already incomparably vicissitudes, and there are all kinds of bloodstains on her clothes.

Obsessed with obedience.

Qin Lanyu held a knife in her hand, who would have thought that she used to be a psychiatrist.

Kite and kite are skinning animals.

It was bitter wind and rain outside.

inside the tent.

There was a dead silence.

Then everyone was silent.

Yuchi said with a smile: "I will take you to a new place."

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