"Senior Yuchi."

"This time, the heart of the ocean we are going to is basically in a state of vicissitudes."

"Under such circumstances, the difficulty of the heart of the ocean itself is relatively large."

"And this is the first time you have come to our primordial ocean, so I think we can give you some of the simplest suggestions, that is, when facing the heart of the ocean next, you should maintain a Relatively calm, so that there will be no major danger."

This time, a total of 16 people went to the heart of the ocean together, including Yuehanjiang, 13 of the 16 people were only the first rank of the Taoist species. The existence of the other two Taoist realms.

And the person who just spoke is a humanoid with a half-step Dao heart.

It is a man who looks at Yuchi with great respect now, and the reason why he talks so much with Yuchi is that he has a good relationship with Yuchi, and has a good relationship with a cultivator in the realm of Taoism , no matter in any case, this is a very good choice.

Of course, there are still many people who think the same as him.

In their eyes, it was also the first time for Yuchi to come to such a place.

So in this case, it should be a very good choice for them to simply say something.

So after this humanoid has just finished speaking, other tribesmen will make detailed supplements there.

"Senior Yuchi, this time the heart of the ocean is the Heavenly King Seal, which has a very powerful coercive ability, that is, when we face the Heavenly King Seal, we will all feel a strong sense of oppression."

"It's almost like meeting some ancient emperor."

"And we have no chance to see the specific appearance of this Heavenly King Seal. We have already been suppressed. If we really want to face this Heavenly King Impression, we will suffer greater and greater pressure. We also know that Yuchi The strength of the seniors is very strong."

"But no matter how you face this Heavenly King Seal, you still have to be a little more cautious. I also hope that you, Senior Yuchi, can get this Heavenly King Seal."

And in the following mutual introductions of these first-rank cultivators of the Dao species, Yuchi also simply had a basic understanding of the heart of the ocean to which he was going.

Judging from the current situation, it can be clearly found that the heart of the ocean can become stronger and stronger as it continuously defeats practitioners.

And this piece of primordial ocean is not a secret, so many people will choose to come here, and once someone is killed by the seal of the king of heaven, the seal of the king of heaven will absorb the spirit.

And then grow stronger and stronger.

It is also like a fledgling general. If one person is not killed, then naturally he will not be too fierce, but if he is always in a state of getting stronger and stronger, then it will be quite troublesome.

After Yuchi roughly understood it, he said kindly to the other practitioners who were traveling together: "Thank you for telling me about this in a simple way. Effective victory in the battle for the Heart of the Sea."

After the other cultivators heard this, their faces were also full of smiles.

Of course, these two people who have the realm of Dao Mind are excluded.

For these two people to have the seal of the heavenly king now, it is simply something that they dare not even think about.

No one is a fool.

The failure once or twice at the beginning can also be regarded as accidental, but it is not accidental to fail for decades.

This is an inevitability.

This means that they are not qualified to touch the seal of the heavenly king at all, so that absorbing the seal of the heavenly king is essentially an act of chance, and the probability of this chance is estimated to be higher than that of buying a lottery ticket exaggerate.

So under such circumstances, their eyes had already fallen on Yue Hanjiang next to Yuchi.

They could clearly feel that Yue Hanjiang possessed a different Dao Heart in his body.

If they can get this kind of Dao heart, they can definitely help themselves very, very effectively.

The two are also communicating quickly in their minds.

One person also turned his head and glanced at Yuchi who was walking fast on the sea behind, and said using his divine sense: "This is the first time I have met this Yuchi, it seems that his strength is not particularly strong, That is to say, someone who has just entered the realm of Dao Xin? Then, under such circumstances, why hasn't the disaster star beside him been snatched away by others?"

The other person was also very puzzled. He glanced at Yue Hanjiang secretly, and the greed in his eyes flashed past. He said: "I am also very skeptical about this matter. According to normal reasoning. With this With a catastrophe by my side, others should attack him."

"Although the demigod realm cannot take action against Yuchi because of the rules, other people in the Taoist realm can also unite to launch an effective attack on Yuchi, so there is no chance for Yuchi alone. Killing two people at the same time."

"I also vaguely remember that two years ago, there seemed to be two other people in the Dao Xin realm who started tracking Yuchi's side, but no sound was heard from behind these two people, and they seemed to have completely disappeared. I don’t know if it’s because of something else, or because I was killed by someone?”

After a person heard it, he also looked at the undulating sea under his feet. Now the sea is already windy, and this group of people is walking against the wind. He said deeply: "We don't need to speculate about the specific situation now. , and the reason why I am talking about this matter with you now... I think you should be able to understand what I mean without me saying anything more."

Of course the other person understood: "Don't worry, wait for this year to see the situation, anyway, when Yuchi leaves this area a year later, can't we go hunt and kill again, this matter There is no need to worry about anything, the strength of the two of us is already quite ferocious, and we are people who have mastered the third level of Dao Xin techniques!"

Dao Heart Technique Three Heavens, this is indeed a very brutal strength. When many people in the Dao Heart realm just break through the Dao Heart, they will not master any Dao Heart skills. After mastering the Dao Heart skills, it will take a long time For a period of time, he was only in the first heaven, and he was not qualified to reach the second heaven at all, let alone the opponent's Dao Xin technique was already in the third heaven.

It's just that these two people obviously overestimated their own strength, or underestimated Yuchi's current level. Yuchi's current Nether Fire Dance already belongs to the state of the fourth heaven. People from the three heavens add together, so what?

If Yuchi was really no match three years ago, he could only survive by relying on Ning and Yu through such a sacrifice-like act.

But now he really doesn't need to use this kind of power, nor does he need to forcibly obtain a demigod experience card in a short period of time, just relying on his own strength is completely enough.

"Okay, then this matter is settled like this, let's wait for a year, anyway, a year passes very quickly."

"After a year, there is no way for Yuchi to absorb the Heavenly King Seal, and then we will find another chance to kill him."

"Compared to absorbing the Heavenly King Seal, I feel more about absorbing this calamity."

"Haha, me too."

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