This small room does not have a roof so to speak.

That is, the entire room, only the most basic walls.

The surface of these walls is already riddled with holes, and many smooth columns can be seen at the edges of the walls.

These columns are like the gateposts that often appear in some ancient ruins, and there is a feeling of supporting the sky and the earth inside.

And in the most central position, you can see a statue of a god.

This idol sat upright on an altar, with many chains passing through its body, and then fixing it to the edge of the altar.

In front of this statue, you can see a copper iron basin.

The opening of this iron basin is relatively large, and the edge of the iron basin is also very rounded, and a seal the size of a palm can be seen in this iron basin.

This seal is square and square, just like the most standard cuboid, and on the surface of this cuboid, there can be many complicated circular patterns.

Circles of different sizes appear one after another on the surface of this palm-sized cuboid. Inside these circles, many slowly moving lines can be seen. These lines can have a maze-like appearance in the inexhaustible rotation. Complicated feelings are inside.

Naturally, this is the Seal of the Heavenly King.

comes from surrender.

"In my impression."

"This Heavenly King Seal is similar to some ancient emperors I learned about in my previous life, and they possessed military talismans."

"Or maybe it's like some jade seals from Chuanguo."

"When other people see this jade seal, they will have an uncontrollable fear. There is a kind of fear that seeing the jade seal is like seeing the emperor, and this Tianwang seal has killed many people, many of them Most people are in the realm of Dao Xin, so under such circumstances, this Heavenly King Seal has a sense of imprint that only the emperor of the Dao of Heaven can have."

When he met Ning Heyu before, Yuchi didn't have such a thrilling feeling.

But now after seeing the Heavenly King Seal, Yuchi can see the aura emanating from the Heavenly King Seal itself, which is much stronger than Ning Heyu.

That being the case, there is no need to talk about it.

Yuchi directly reached out to touch the Heavenly King Seal.

And the moment his finger just touched the seal of the Heavenly King, Yuchi's mind seemed to explode, and he suddenly felt an emperor spanning the ancient times appeared in his mind.

A projection of himself appeared in his mind, Yuchi was at the highest end of the sacred mountain, looking at the sky in front of him.

end of the sky.

A phantom completely distorted by the way of heaven, holding a seal of the king of heaven, sitting quite upright in the void.

It feels a bit like Tota Li Tianwang in it.

The upright jade seal appeared in his hand, and bursts of distorted energy from the heavens were quite terrifying.

"It's a little difficult."

Yuchi gave such an evaluation, when he faced Ning and Yu before, he never felt such ferocity, nor did he express any kind of opinion during the whole process, but after seeing the seal of the king this time, he just You will really feel that the heart of the ocean can be so powerful.

The specific strength can be judged only by the volume.

If the largest black gold sun wheel in his mind is similar to a ping-pong ball in size, then Ning Heyu should be about the size of a lychee.

Both fit comfortably in the palm of your hand and won't spill.

And the Tianwangyin in front of him is a real human being, and this human being is not so big. He is dressed in golden armor, with a heart shield hanging on his chest, and a long whip in his hand, with golden eyes hanging from his eyes. Big eyes, thick eyebrows and a national face, fierce and majestic.

"You wait for the young people to see me, why don't you worship, why don't you surrender!?"

This kind of words can be directly understood by Yuchi.

Quite scary.


The Heavenly King Seal has already issued an extremely violent surrender Sanskrit sound.

Yuchi now has the feeling of being forcibly held down on the shoulders and kicked into broken kneecaps.

The whole person already showed a sense of fear of having to kneel down when facing the emperor.

But this kind of thought is just a thought, Yuchi would not kneel directly when he saw the seal of the king of heaven, his body was still standing upright.

However, he is standing straight, and the other little animals can't hold it anymore. These little rabbits and little bears have already knelt together, and there is no one in the whole mountain except Yuchi. A thing that can stand up straight on its own spine.

This is the first time this has happened.

The black golden sun wheel and Ninghe fish in the sky now felt a shivering inside.

Just like the little guys who are just preparing to rebel, they only have one or two thousand soldiers.

As a result, when he suddenly saw the real emperor and came before him leading thousands of troops, he would feel an instant sense of frustration.

Is this surrender?

The one who surrenders without fighting?


"What if I fight with you?" Yuchi smiled.


Under Yuchi's control, Ning Heyu and Heijin Rilun directly bloomed unprecedented power in their minds.


Many green vines instantly appeared in Yuchi's mind.

These vines rushed towards the direction of the Heavenly King Seal like strong iron chains, trapping the Heavenly King Seal and the phantom behind the Heavenly King Seal in the sky.

Even though many vines could be seen being completely shattered every second, it was not a problem in itself.

The emergence of Ninghe techniques.

Peace of life and death.

This rootless tree reappeared in my mind.

Wave after wave of extremely noisy power oscillated in Yuchi's mind.

The whole world trembled.

There are many cracks in the sky in my mind, but these cracks are firmly controlled by the vines.

Now that the Nether Fire Dance has reached the fourth level, it is finally blooming in the mind, and the Nether Fire Dance is slowly killing the controlled emperor in the sky.

This is to get in directly from the mouth of the emperor, so as to completely destroy the statue of the emperor in front of him.

And this is a very dangerous move!

Now Yuchi is like a general controlling his own soldiers. He has indeed sent a very elite Nether Huowu to attack and kill the opponent's king, but the opponent's king has a terrifying ruling power. At the moment of the emperor, there will even be a situation of turning against each other.

That's it for now.

Yuchi actually found himself gradually losing control over Nether Fire Dance!

That is to say, Nether Fire Dance is now gradually not belonging to him, but it belongs to the emperor in front of him! ?

And that's very dangerous.

The reason why Yuchi had the guts to explode the Nether Fire Dance in his mind.

In essence, it is because Nether Fire Dance has a fairly accurate target, that is, what Yuchi does not let her kill, so she will definitely not kill.

Very well-behaved.

So even if such a ferocious technique erupts in his body, it will not do any harm in essence.

As a result, as long as Youming Huowu is controlled by others, Youming Huowu can completely shatter Yuchi's body and mind in an instant!

Yue Hanjiang stayed next to her master. She was practicing obediently and skillfully at first, but she suddenly felt that her master seemed a little strange.

Wait until he opened his eyes in doubt and looked towards the master beside him.

On the other hand, you can see many cracks on the surface of your master's body, from which you can even see the four-color flames permeating it!


Yue Hanjiang fell into a tense state in an instant.

How could his master be hurt by his Nether Fire Dance? !

Yue Hanjiang couldn't understand this kind of thing.

Wait until a little while to have a look.

It dawned on her.

It turned out that this Nether Fire Dance was no longer his master.

Has Nether Fire Dance been subdued? ! ! !

Countless worries appeared in Yue Hanjiang's big eyes in an instant!

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