Govlan said a lot of things inexplicably when she appeared this time.

Yuchi couldn't understand.

Then, in Govlan's detailed explanation, Yuchi had a general understanding of some of Govlan's inferences.

Now Yuchi is like a person floating in the vast universe.

If there is no way for Govlan to make a detailed prediction for Yuchi before encountering the black hole, knowing where Yuchi will drift, but if Yuchi is captured by the black hole, then his fate is basically not way to change.

And the process of capturing is quite long, and only extremely keen people can feel that Yuchi's life has been firmly aimed at the death omen star at the moment of capture, and his entire destiny is beyond help. Escape from the death star.


Anyone can do this kind of prophecy.

It's just that some people can see a little bit in the long run, that's all.

Ge Fulan was able to predict some of Yuchi's fate, and of course these things were gradually determined as time went by.

"So based on my latest understanding."

"Your current fate is to be captured by the death star."

"If there is even a slight mistake in your next behavior, then you will really die. At that time, I really can only take you back to the sea of ​​time and space. I hope you won't blame me for not helping you."

What Ge Fulan said was quite serious.

He didn't know what kind of danger Yuchi would face next, but this danger always existed.

And Ge Fulan can clearly feel that Yuchi is getting closer and closer to this dangerous direction.

So under such circumstances, Govlan will always pay attention to what is happening around Yuchi.

If something seems odd, it's clear that this incident was a fork in the road that led to Yuchi's final death.

But Yuchi suddenly laughed after hearing this: "It's not the first time I've encountered the death omen star you mentioned."

"Of course, if I really die this time, it won't be such a big deal. At worst, we can just start over."

"Think about it."

"If you hadn't brought my soul from the sea of ​​time and space to this world back then, I would still be floating in the sea of ​​time and space. I wouldn't be able to go fishing with peace of mind, and I wouldn't be able to carry these demons and ghosts to torture my soul."

"in this way."

"It's just going back again."

"Isn't death to others a kind of new life to me?"

Yuchi is really not afraid of these death things now, but he may feel a little bit embarrassed at the moment of death, and his life will be over if he comes here, but this is all indifferent.

It is ok to start the execution again.

After hearing Yuchi's answer, Ge Fulan felt completely relaxed.

She could feel that Yuchi didn't have any forced smiles.

Yuchi really doesn't have any fear.

Think about it.

It was an unbelievable thing for such a man to feel any fear. His soul was already tempered from the very beginning like a lunatic, and thinking about it now is still fresh in his memory.

Then he looked at Yuchi quite lovingly and said:

"So you're wondering now what exactly you're going to die for?"

"I now have a very vague view of your death scene, and I can tell you directly."

"But you have to understand one thing clearly. Sometimes the reason why a prophecy is a prophecy is because of its own inaccuracy. At the same time, the prophecy will also bring a negative price, which is the death caused by subjective consciousness. "

Prophecy is essentially the same as fortune-telling.

If a fortune teller says, when you are in your 20s, you will meet some noble people and get rich at the same time, all kinds of peaks in life.

Then the fortune teller is probably nothing more than nonsense

But these words he said can leave a very clear subjective consciousness in a person's heart.

So when this person really waits until this age, he will show a very high sensitivity, thus greatly increasing the probability of this kind of thing happening.


If a fortune teller says that there will be a calamity at the age of fifty.

This year will be full of disasters and disasters, so be careful, and you must not make any rash advances, otherwise you will die without a place to bury, then you will probably not live to be 50 years old.

In essence, this kind of strong psychological suggestion will cause the lifeline to keep approaching the certain star of death.

After all, there are only two things in this world that can be completely certain.

These two things are life and death.

All wealth, love, affection, marriage, etc. other than life and death are all nonsense.

This is something that cannot be predicted, but if someone insists on implying that his life is coming to an end.

Then the lifeline will continue to approach the direction of death, and the original impossibility will gradually become possible. This is the scary part of psychological suggestion.

Take it a step further.

If you don't know that there are 10,000 people cursing you to death behind your back, then there is no problem, but if you see 10,000 people staring at you fiercely and cursing your whole family to death, then you will probably go to a very serious situation. Terrible decline.

Psychological suggestion is essentially a subjective idealistic behavior.

But it will directly lead to the same subjective lifeline becoming more arrogant.

"So you now want to know exactly where you died?"

"You know I wasn't going to tell you about this at all."

Ge Fulan is also completely relaxed now.

Anyway, things are just like what Yuchi said, the big deal is that after he dies, he will take Yuchi back to the sea of ​​time and space, anyway, everything will start again, everything will be the same, it's not a big deal.

Then when Yuchi nodded, Govlan said:

"It has something to do with the Moon God Clan. This is what I foresee now. If you want to prevent your fate from continuing to fall to death, then you should not care about anything related to the Moon God Clan. Otherwise, you will get worse and worse. deep."

After Yuchi heard this, he didn't say anything about himself.

Instead, he asked Ge Fulan: "What kind of existence do you think the Moon God Clan is? Do you have good intentions or malice towards the Moon God Clan, or are you completely neutral?"

Govlan heard it.

She put her fingers directly between Yuchi's lips: "Don't ask me too many things, obviously you can't get close to my fate line now, after all, you haven't even reached God, you are a demigod , is too far away from me."

Two people galloped quickly in the sky.

After waiting for a certain moment, Govlan looked at the silent Yuchi, and finally put her lips against Yuchi's face, and then said to Yuchi with a little unbearable: "Then I will leave it to you." is you."

"I still have a lot of things to study, all about you, the bad guy."

"The intricate fusion of everything will be very confusing to people in this grotesque world."

"Unusual worry."

Yuchi supported Ge Fulan's willow waist: "You are right, so can you see the result of you being possessed by me?"

Govlan was taken aback.

Then he frowned with a smile: "You think beautifully!"

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