Yuchi then followed these ten thousand races to a building of the human race, which used to be the building of the Supervision Department.

Now the human race's supervisory department still exists.

However, the supervisory department was investigated extremely seriously back then.

So much so that anyone in the Supervision Department who had something wrong was sent to die, so the current Supervision Department is completely different from the previous Supervision Department. At this time, the Supervision Department really has such a very reliable flavor in it.

Fortunately, Tiandusi and Yuchi made decisions for the ordinary people back then, otherwise it must have been the ordinary people who were pushed out that year.

Now the walls of the Supervision Department can be seen everywhere in the shocking pictures of those years. The pictures of so many people being wiped out are custom-made photos hung on the wall. When other people walk past these photos, they can also I deeply feel the seriousness of that incident back then. This kind of thing must never be done again in the future, otherwise history will repeat itself again, and the human race is really hopeless.

Yuchi followed these ten thousand races and walked slowly all the way, listening to these ten thousand races chattering about some things along the way.

It is obvious that these ten thousand races want to expose the flaws of the race, and they already have a very good strategy.

And this time, in addition to the director of the Supervision Department, there were also other people who were cultivating in the Dao Yun realm of the human race.

This is a very large conference hall.

On one side of the conference hall are the five directors of the Supervision Department, and on the other side of the conference hall are the five ethnic groups.

Naturally, there are many chairs on the front of the conference hall.

These chairs are the other practitioners who participated in this meeting.

To be able to participate in this level meeting, the requirement for cultivation base is the realm of Daoyun, and if you have not reached the realm of Daoyun, you don't have any qualifications to intervene in this kind of thing now.

This kind of thing is too serious.


Now the Supervision Department still tries to control the news as much as possible, so as to prevent the news from being known to other people.

so as to cause mass panic.

And now the directors of the Supervision Department, they also nodded and looked at each other.

"We cannot, under any circumstances, engage in this kind of war."

"This kind of war will bring us unbearable pain, and this is not what Senior Yuchi wants to see."

"Yes, we can't do that anyway."

"This is our bottom line, and our bottom line is that we can't touch this kind of war again."

The directors of several inspection departments once again confirmed the seriousness of this statement.


The meeting officially begins.

And Yuchi was sitting in the first row under the stage, quietly sitting there, smoking a cigarette casually.

This cigarette appeared out of thin air, burned out of thin air, and stuck in his mouth, Yuchi watched the scene calmly.


But it's just 5 minutes.

The situation in the conference hall has already fallen into a huge state of seriousness.

Because the aura displayed by the ten thousand races in the realm of these Dao species is very oppressive.

All kinds of arrogance, all kinds of pretentiousness.


The expressions on the faces of the human race in the conference hall were very ugly.

The strength of each of them is the ninth or eighth rank of Dao Yun.

This kind of strength is definitely no problem in normal times.

It is already possible to allow certain races to enter the sight of other races.


Looking at it now, this kind of strength is obviously not enough.

Especially when this kind of strength is compared with other ten thousand races.

The main reason is that the gap lies in a lot of actual combat experience. Many human races don't know anything about the way of heaven, and they don't have any other fighting behaviors except for a little perception of the way of heaven.

It's no wonder that the human race is here.

The human race has never appeared before, any strong man who really came up to the realm of Dao Yun through his own cultivation.

The human race used to live silently in the corners of the world.

In the past, the human race thought that they were invincible and that they were the center of the world.


All this is developing too fast for the human race.

It is understandable that it cannot be accepted in a short time.

This Wanzu with two horns on his head spoke even more contemptuously.

When the directors of the Supervision Department in front of him were obviously suppressing their anger, he said quite proudly: "I think we have made things very clear just now, we can not attack your human race at all, but we I am also very worried that your human race will come to attack us after it becomes stronger."

"Don't look at us like that!"

"You keep saying that this matter is impossible, that you will never kill the other ten thousand races again, but obviously we will not believe what you said, because you have done so to the other two races before. We still have vivid memories of what the Wanzu did, so don’t blame us for not trusting you, but blame your original performance for not satisfying us.”

Obviously, the Wanzu people have found a breakthrough.

This is to completely render the image of the human race as a violent lunatic who will never grow up.


They want to render the Terran as an unstable factor, so that they will switch from the original active attack to forced defense.

"A good strategy, anyway, it is to pour dirty water on the human race, so that the human race will fall into a stinky infamy. Sometimes the murderer often enters the murder scene as a victim, and this is smarter."

Yuchi was smoking a cigarette leisurely, he really wanted to see how the situation on the human side would be.

The Superintendent of a certain human race, his expression is quite serious: "I repeat once again, our human race's current position! Our human race will never go out to participate in the battle of any race, our human race just wants to do The only thing is to stay in our city and grow slowly, we are no different from this cruel battle, and we don't have any thoughts of attacking you."

When the Wanzu heard this, they immediately laughed.

Several people laughed quite heartily.


In the dignified expressions of other spectators and other directors of the Supervision Department.

A Wanzu with eyeballs all over his face said: "This world will never be decided by your human race."

"Why do you always feel that we must believe what you say?"

"Why don't you believe what we say?"

"Aren't you too arrogant?"

"Look at it from a completely impartial standpoint."

"We give your human race trust, and you should also give our other races a very huge sense of trust!"

"It can't be just what you say the world is, so aren't you too authoritarian?"

The other ten thousand races went on to add: "There is no way, there is no way, I think the current human race still hasn't learned the lesson of the past!"


"They still think that the human race is the center of the world!"

"They still feel that the human race can still make their own decisions!"

"Still feel that the human race is completely separated from us?"

"Or do you feel like they have the volition to make their own decisions?"

"They have no idea how serious the situation is!"

"They also have no idea how dangerous the world is now!"

"Under such circumstances, count on our mutual trust?"


"Can you show some basic sincerity?"

When the director of the Supervision Department of the human race heard the other party's words.

The eyes of several people communicate with each other.

They obviously have the corresponding words, but they are not in a hurry at this time.

One of the directors of the Supervision Department said to the Wanzu: "I don't know what you mean by sincerity?"

Hooked! ! !

A few people from the Taoist realm of ten thousand races, they were immediately overjoyed.

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