Such a special existence as Hongyan.

Her tone was quite relaxed and leisurely:

"The current battle between the ten thousand clans has reached the level of raging fire. I don't know who will be able to reach the end between the Moon God Clan and the Knights of the Round Table in the end."

"But anyway."

"This is extremely harmful to the current ten thousand races."

After hearing this, Hei Yan naturally expressed a little approval.

But on top of this recognition, Hei Yan has another thing to add: "Actually, we don't need to pay too much attention to this kind of thing."

"There are too many times this kind of thing happened in history, and only those of us who have a relatively short life expectancy will be a little bit embarrassed about this kind of thing. If there is a person who can look at the past and present, look at it now. There will be no fluctuations in his heart with the appearance of the battle of the ten thousand races."

"Are there not many similar things?"

"Fight after battle."

"The conflict of rights time and time again, there is no way to make this kind of person have any psychological waves."

Hong Yan knew who the person Hei Yan was referring to was.

Obviously it is the old man on their side of the sunken sea with a lifespan of 300,000 years.

It can be said that this old man seems to have too many battles. In the eyes of this old man, this kind of war will never be worth pondering carefully.

War itself is nothing more than simple conflicts, like two like-minded lovers arguing by chance.

For the whole of a long life, such conflicts will always be in the minority.

And the whole world is constantly moving forward in this ups and downs.

As for whether to go to the peak or go to decline?

This matter is not clear, but there is no need to discuss it on any level.

Because that in itself is meaningless.

If you have any emotion about this kind of thing, then the only reason for emotion is that your lifespan is too short, otherwise your lifespan will be very long, and it will be no surprise after watching too much.

Compared with the struggle among all races, how to become a real god, how to stand on the highest peak and understand all these happenings, this is the real solution.

Everyone in the fence is a sheep, and there is no difference between a sheep and a sheep. Only by crossing the fence and becoming something else can we control the overall situation.

Hong Yan said:

"So apart from his very long lifespan, this old senior is not really a respectable old senior in our Sunken Sea. It seems that this old senior is still quite indifferent, and some of the words he uttered are even more ambiguous. It upset a lot of people."

Hei Yan: "So what?"

"This old senior obviously doesn't care about some evaluations from outsiders like us. The old senior has some opinions of her own, but she doesn't know if she can truly become a god one day, and if such an old senior God, then what will this world look like? I don’t know.”

Hong Yan: "I feel that it will be more dangerous than it is now."

Hei Yan: "I think so too."

And in the simple daily conversation between Hongyan and Heiyan, a stone man finally came over.

The size of this stone man is still very large, and of course the temper of this stone man is quite playful.

Now after the stone man saw Hongyan and Heiyan, he came over and wanted to say something, but Hongyan and Heiyan said to the stone man speechlessly in an instant: "We don't have time to play some messy games with you now, If you want to play cards, find other people, I don't have the skills now."

Obviously, this stone man is a mascot in the outside world of the Sunken Sea. The stone man's favorite thing to do is to play cards with those stones and other demigods. He wins a lot and loses a lot. few.

Now when the stone man heard it, he immediately smiled, and then said to Hongyan and Heiyan:

"Oh, it's a pity that I came here specifically to find you, and was going to tell you the news of Yuchi's arrival, but you all thought that I was a being who wanted to play cards anytime and anywhere. You just broke my heart."

After finishing speaking, the stone man turned around and was about to leave.

Hongyan and Heiyan were stunned for a moment, then overtook the stone man and walked over in an instant, and the two women asked at the same time, "Has Yuchi come here? Where is he now?"

stone man:"……"

It took Yuchi two years to reach this area finally.

Now Yuchi has come to the edge of the sinking sea.

Now he could actually see what the Sunken Sea really looked like.


One thing can be made clear, that is, the Sunken Sea is not a simple ocean, but a mountain after another.

It's just that these mountains now look quite fierce, especially some rather huge bones can be seen lying on the surface of these mountains, so that the entire mountains look like lost relics.

at the same time.

The sky of the Sunken Sea is purple, and this deep purple completely covers the large mountains. Under this strange scenery, the whole world looks very depressing.

And outside the sunken sea, there are quite a few demigods gathered.

The number of these demigods is quite considerable, and when Yuchi came here, he was first discovered by the stone giant.

Had a brief chat with the stone giant.

Yuchi was standing on the edge of the sunken sea, thinking about finding three treasures next.

The other demigods looked at Yuchi's position, but now the eyes of these gods are a little strange.

"Is he Yuchi? I've heard of it before, it seems that he is quite talented."

"Yes, a person has directly reached the state of demigod in such a short time, not to mention that he also has a disaster star himself?"

"Yes, the point is that he has not directly obtained the seat of demigod through the disaster star, so his talent may be the most powerful among us."

"But didn't he plan to come to our Sunken Sea before? How did he come here now?"

"Before, it was because there were other things on him, so there was no way to come to our sinking sea. Now that all these things have been dealt with, he came to see what kind of area we are."

"Then he should feel a little disappointed, after all, our Sunken Sea has no scenery at all."

"There are some corpses from ancient times everywhere, and there are all kinds of ghosts and ghosts everywhere. Even the sky is always this deep purple light. After looking at it for a long time, the eyes still hurt very much."

"What kind of broken place?"

"Yeah, what kind of place is the Sunken Sea, we are all a group of salted fish."

After this demigod uttered this sentence, the other demigods were not happy to hear it.

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