After eating, Old Man Jiang immediately went to rest.

In the end, it was the old housekeeper who sent He Shi's family out of the community.

As for Jiang Wan, after getting his grandfather's consent, he also went out with Nanxun.

As before, after dinner, He Shi will send people back.

When they were about to separate, the old housekeeper bent down respectfully with Nanxun and sighed: "I'm going to trouble Mr. He and Mrs. He again, the two of you came to the house today, and the old man was also very happy." "

Since that incident, the old man has never been to Yancheng, this is the first time he has taken the initiative to mention the past, and it seems that his heart is relieved."

He Shi stepped forward and helped the old housekeeper's arm: "You're polite, if there is anything going on the old man's side in the future, just contact us husband and wife." The

old housekeeper looked at He Shi's serious face, and after being slightly stunned, he hurriedly agreed gratefully.

It wasn't until he turned around that he couldn't see the figure of the old housekeeper that Nan Xun asked in a low voice: "What's wrong?"

He Shi looked ahead, holding hands with the triplets Jiang Wan.

The delicate little face is not as pale as it used to be, and the already beautiful eyes are now more like full of stars.

After walking a few steps and looking back at him and Nanxun, it can be imagined that the little guy is in a good mood at the moment.

He Shi quietly pinched his wife's palm and motioned to go home.


"Husband, are you serious?" Nanxun couldn't help but stand up excitedly after hearing He Shi's words.

He Shi hurriedly grabbed her waist and reassured: "I'm just guessing, don't worry."

"But judging from today's situation, Old Man Jiang's body is indeed not very optimistic...... Nan

Xun listened to He Shiyi's words, and also thought that the old man's abnormal complexion was obviously much more ruddy than others.

"That's the symptoms that have been made up by the tonics, and the herbs grown in the Jiang family's garden may be commonly used by Old Man Jiang.

Nan Xun followed up and said: "In order to take care of the old man, this old housekeeper has no time to connect Jiang Jiang after school, so ......"

The couple glanced at each other, with the same worry in their eyes.

It seems that what Mr. Tang Xin said about Mr. Jiang is busy with work and has no time to pick up Jiang Jiang is also false.

It is possible that even Teacher Tang Xin does not know the truth.

Now I'm afraid that Old Man Jiang's body won't last long, otherwise Jiang Wan is still so young, if he loses his only grandfather again, what will this child do in the future?

Nan Xun felt distressed when he thought about it.

Although they haven't known each other for a long time, Jiang Wan is very sensible and closest to her.

When she thought of it, there was only the little guy in the huge Jiang family, and her throat was like something was blocked.

He Shi hugged Nan Xun into his arms: "Don't worry, when I send Jiang back at night, I'll talk to Old Man Jiang." "As long as there is a chance to treat the condition, he will definitely try his best to help.

"If it really ...... I'm sure Mr. Jiang will also have an arrangement.

Nan Xun lay on the man's chest, nodded, and after a while he barely cleaned up his mood and went to the toy room with He Shi to watch the children.

The four little guys were grabbing the ball, and they were all sweating all over, and Sister Zhang couldn't take care of it.

Looking at a few little cats whose hair was soaked in sweat, in the end, there was no way, and after the children rested, Nanxun and Sister Zhang went directly to the bathroom with Xiang Xiang and Nian Nian.

Xiao Yu'er and Jiang Wan are in charge of He Shi, who plans to clean a few little guys from the inside out! Next to

the toy room is the bathroom where the three children usually take a bath, and He Shi specially designed two rooms, one blue and one pink.

Although Jiang Wan has been to He's house many times, it is the first time to take a bath here and change clothes.

As soon as he entered, he was attracted by the ducklings floating in the water, because when he was at home, his grandfather would also let the ducklings accompany him in the bath.

Xiao Yu'er took off himself naked in three or two quick movements, and when he saw his good friend standing still, he thought that he would not take off his clothes by himself.

After all, thinking and thinking about it sometimes requires grandma to change clothes.

Thinking that this good friend might marry into his own family in the future, he reached out and prepared to help him.

This scared Jiang Bang!

When he turned around after He Shi put the water, he saw his son pulling Jiang Bang's collar, and Jiang Bang's cheeks were red, and his face was full of reluctance, how strange the movements of the two looked like.

He glanced at the two little guys suspiciously: "What are you doing, come here!" Xiao

Yu'er still didn't let go, muttering: "I'll undress

Jiang Jiang, he won't!" Jiang Wan's face turned even redder when he heard this, who said he wouldn't!

He Shi didn't think so much, and when he saw his son say this, he pulled Jiang Wan in front of him.

Looking at the pair of slender and good-looking hands, Jiang pulled the words to his mouth and swallowed them back.

Carrying the two little guys into the bathtub one by one, He Shi directly made a handshake shopkeeper and let them flutter by themselves.

Xiao Yu'er has long been accustomed to his father's stocking, and he skillfully picked up the small handkerchief, and Jiang Bang on the side also learned when he saw it.

Later, the two little ones consciously rubbed each other's backs!

He Shi nodded secretly, "Count you smart!"

When the two little cubs were about to splash the water and cool down, he remembered to wash the children's hair.

Although He Shi has always felt that the boy should be free-range, he is not ambiguous when he should take good care of it.

The two little ones sat on the small bench, feeling the force on their heads, and after a while they fell asleep comfortably.

By the time the eldest and third children finally finished taking a shower and went out, Nian Nian and Xiang Xiang had already eaten a piece of watermelon by themselves.

He Shi came out late every time he bathed the child, and Nanxun had long been used to it.

She always thought that her husband was too careful, so she didn't find out until now, in fact, her son is playing in the water every time he takes

a bath! Fortunately, children don't work every day like adults, and they have delicate skin, so they can sweat when taking a bath, otherwise the little fish will become a little clay figure sooner or later!

Of course, now that a small partner has joined, the two help each other, and there may be no need to worry about this matter in the future.

After dinner, He Shi took Jiang Wan and Xiao Yu'er out alone, and he planned to go to Jiang's house to have a good talk with the old man.

Nanxun taught at home to think and think about painting.

suddenly became pregnant, and Nanxun's plan to hold an art exhibition could only be postponed temporarily.

But it gave her more time to prepare.

Pregnant women don't have access to electronic products for too long, so Nanxun has been spending more time in the studio recently.

One large and two small are sitting side by side, and they are still wearing the same parent-child clothes, and they can feel warm when they look at the back.

Qi Lan at the door saw a smile in her eyes, and quietly filmed this scene with the Polaroid she had just learned recently.

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