
The air was trembling and roaring, and Ximu's body was wrapped in blazing fire, like a meteor piercing the sky, shuttling through the streets and alleys of the City of Blood at extremely fast speeds, occasionally penetrating high-rise buildings like cannonballs, leaving behind a shocking red cave.

He is hiding and running away.

Chasing behind him was an ever-expanding long blood-colored snake that penetrated the thick air and twisted its body freely, just like the legendary Jörmungandr, which could extend its body infinitely.

And right now.

"Qiang!" With a moon arc-like slash, it hit the bloody snake's head, causing sparks to fly out.


Mist showed an expression of surprise. She was unable to split the head of the long bloody snake. This was something beyond her expectation. Why was a creature shaped by blood so hard?

Before she had time to think deeply, the long bloody snake hit her lower abdomen. The terrifying impact sent her flying upside down and penetrated several tall buildings until she sank into the ground and disappeared completely.

And right now.

"Bang!" The long bloody snake collapsed suddenly, and its body that seemed to spread infinitely turned into blood and dissipated in the air.

Xi Mu braked with both feet, drawing a long ditch on the ground. At the same time, he took out the meteorite bow, turned around and looked behind him, and his eyes happened to meet the blood pope who was chasing him.

The two people's eyes overlapped, and the purple arrow was shot along the intersection of their eyes, hitting the heart of the Blood Pope.

"Qiang!" Sparks flew, and the explosive gravity had no effect on the Blood Pope. Instead, the Blood Pope casually knocked away the meteorite arrow.


"Bang!" The Blood Pope fell to the ground, and blood flowed and splashed on the ground. He patted his chest, looked at Akhtar who put down his bow and arrow not far away, and said:

"You have very good fighting ability, I am far inferior to you." He admitted frankly that his ability was insufficient, and then changed the subject.

"But being talented doesn't mean you can win."


Ximu didn't answer. He switched the weapon in his hand and changed it into a sword of light, and walked towards the Blood Pope step by step.

Damage effects.

This is the ability of the Blood Pope. It can affect any force that "hurts" itself. In theory, it can cause instant fatal damage. As long as the Blood Pope activates his ability, he can disperse the concentrated damage to every part of his body, thereby allowing himself to The defense power is greatly improved.

And if this is not a problem, as long as you use power beyond the limit of the Blood Pope, you can also kill the Blood Pope.

However, does blood... count as part of oneself? The answer is self-evident. The Blood Pope can share the damage to himself by constantly creating his own blood.

The blood flowing throughout the City of Blood, as well as the dark river of blood flowing underground, were all created by the Blood Pope, who could freely share all the damage caused to him.

Unless the City of Blood can be wiped out at once, along with the underground rivers of blood extending in all directions.

Otherwise, it would be impossible to kill the Blood Pope.

"Akhtar, admit defeat." The Blood Pope's voice was calm and calm. He blocked Akhtar's slash with a dagger. The joint between the sword blades exploded, setting off a raging wind.

Ximu, on the other hand, was blown away by his own attack, and his body slid for a distance on the dilapidated street before crashing into an abandoned store.

He lowered his head so that his expression could not be seen clearly. He stood up unsteadily, then raised his hand and pressed the joint of his right arm. With the clicking sound of the joint being reset, the arm holding the sword could be used again.

Damage effects.

Judging from the official description of the game, it can only share the damage inflicted on itself, but in actual combat, you will find that the Blood Pope can return the damage to himself to the attacker.

The damage is returned to the attacker by spreading the damage to a weapon shaped by blood and then detonating the weapon.

However, there are limitations to such damage, that is, weapons shaped by blood must be strong enough to bear the damage.

This causes the Blood Pope to invest more magic-shaped weapons to spread more damage.

"You have no chance of winning."

The Blood Pope asserted, looking at Akhtar who was approaching persistently, his eyes revealed pity. He had already felt the hero's determination to save his friends.

However, with the ability to affect damage, he is invincible unless he encounters a being that is overwhelmed by strength.

Even if Akhtar is extremely talented, it is impossible to defeat him.

at the same time.

Deep underground, Mist clutched her lower abdomen and stabbed the long knife into the ground. Blood spilled from the corner of her mouth. She felt that her internal organs were damaged to varying degrees. She was seriously injured by the sudden impact.

"Akhtar, you lost." The goddess of lies suddenly appeared and stood beside Mist, "You...lost."

She brushed her fingers over her red lips.

"Your brother is about to be insulted by the Blood God, and Akhtar is about to die at the hands of the Blood Pope."

"..." Mist opened her mouth, not quite understanding why this woman was mocking her at this time.

But what the Goddess of Lies said is indeed true.

"Everyone is trying their best, only you are lazy." The goddess of lies shook her head, holding Mist's pretty face in her hands, "Hurry up and think about how to save Akhtar?"

There is no way.

Mister thought so, but she had already begun to subconsciously recall everything in the past, what could help her win.

"Don't you have the power of the disordered witch?" The goddess of lies kindly reminded her.

There are many geniuses in this world who can leave a brilliant track in the long river of history, but after all, they are just geniuses, not powerful people who are feared. Only those who exceed the limits of the human realm can be called powerful people, enough for the gods to look at them squarely.

However, the conditions for promotion to a witch are very harsh. Not only do you have to find a way to create a unique ritual for your own promotion to a witch, but you also have to find a way to achieve the conditions of the ritual, and your own soul must have the qualifications.

The superposition of various conditions makes it extremely difficult for witches to be born.

Therefore, people have developed another way to make themselves become dead witches, that is, by collecting traces of dead witches, following the path of past witches, and making themselves close to witches.

Becoming a witch, understanding witches, and surpassing witches, this is a system that seems to have a clear growth path.

And Mister collected traces of disordered witches to surpass the limits of the human realm.

"Think it over quickly, or Akhtar will die." Waving her hand, the goddess of lies disappeared.

Mist was silent for a moment, holding the long knife in her hand tightly, and left the underground like lightning, rushing towards the battlefield.

Then she saw... despair.

In the square less than a hundred meters away, the Blood Pope put down his palms, looked at Akhtar who fell down in blood, and sneered.

"In front of me, you are just... a mortal."

He is the partner of the God of Blood, and has power beyond the human realm. It is too easy to defeat Akhtar.

By injecting his own blood into Akhtar's body, Akhtar loses his ability to move, thereby threatening Akhtar to cooperate with him.

This was the plan he had thought of from the beginning.

However, the plan seemed to have an accident. The blood clot that was originally intended to limit Akhtar's heart actually stopped beating.

Dead, no... this is not right, he did not want to kill Akhtar, he still expected Akhtar to negotiate with the witch of death.

However, the breath of death exuded by Akhtar was so real, whether it was the stopped heart or the dilated pupils, they all said one thing.

Akhtar is dead.




Heavy footsteps came, and the Blood Pope subconsciously looked in the direction of the sound, only to see Misty walk to Akhtar with a desperate look and hold Akhtar in his arms.

Blood rain fell on Misty's body, and her long red hair slid down her tall body.

She hugged Akhtar tightly, and a bad breath came out.

There was a moment of silence.

The Blood Pope took a step forward, wanting to check whether Akhtar was really dead.

However, his steps seemed to be a hint, breaking the current atmosphere and bringing Misty back to her senses.

She turned her head and looked at the Blood Pope.

The desperate eyes reflected a figure with long red hair, but it was definitely not Mist.

It was the Witch of Disorder, who was once attacked by the gods.

Without even thinking about it.

The Blood Pope immediately withdrew. He didn't know Mist's condition very well, and could only roughly guess that it was related to the witch.

But it was too late.

Butterflies were flying in the air, carrying the breath of death, and the blood flowing on the ground bloomed into flowers of the other shore.

The Witch of Disorder.

She has the ability to make orderly things enter chaos. When placed on the human body, it destroys the balance and makes people poisoned or sick.

And when placed in the objective world, it makes the orderly objective world fall into chaos.

Dangerous and meaningless ability.

This is the evaluation of the Witch of Disorder by the gods. In addition to accelerating the world into death, there is no way to bring any positive impact.

But the negative impact is huge.

The moment the Blood Pope evacuated and fled to the Blood Temple, he felt chaos. The blood throughout the Blood City and the underground dark river was invaded by an unknown force, as if a deadly poison was injected into the blood vessels. All the blood was necrotic and lost contact with him.

Turning around, the Blood Pope saw countless bright red red spider lilies, parasitic on his blood, all over the Blood City.

"What is going on?" The Blood Pope muttered to himself, feeling confused about the development of the situation.

Why did Akhtar die suddenly, and why did Mist use the power of the disordered witch.

At the same time.

In the city.

"Cough cough cough." Ximu coughed, spit out a few mouthfuls of blood, and his heart started beating again.

He opened his eyes and looked at the surprised Mist.

"I... what is this?"

"You just had no breath of life." Mist hurriedly explained, carefully helping Akhtar up.

"Really?" Ximu nodded and looked around. Crystal butterflies were flying, spreading the power of disorder, making all orderly things go to disorder.

If he didn't have the grace of the goddess of life, he could force his disordered body state to return to normal.

Then his body should also show symptoms of necrosis.

"Maybe it's your power that destroyed my body balance and triggered my instinctive healing." Ximu looked calm and spoke nonsense seriously.

However, Mist had no doubts. She was very satisfied just looking at Akhtar who had come back to life. This intense joy of regaining her soul made it impossible for her to think about anything else.

"Perhaps this is the blessing of the goddess." She subconsciously wanted to touch Akhtar's cheek, but the moment her fingertips touched it, the skin instantly became necrotic, causing her to withdraw her hand immediately.

Now she can't touch anyone, and the power from disorder will throw everything into chaos.

No... to be more precise, anything that comes close to her will enter a state of disorder and chaos.

Nowadays, the City of Blood is under the influence of her power and has begun to fall into a state of collapse.

"It's still an interesting power." Ximu touched his cheek, and the necrotic skin was healed visibly.

"But it's meaningless in front of the power of the goddess of life."

He bent down and picked up the sword of light on the ground.

"Let's start the second round."

"Yes." Mist didn't refute and seemed extremely submissive. Even if Akhtar wanted to marry her and have ten children, she would not refuse now.

Blood Temple.

Mister and Ximu walked in, and the power from disorder also entered the temple.

"Cough." The Blood God on the throne suddenly coughed and spat out a mouthful of blood, obviously affected by the power of disorder.

Michael next to him also looked obviously uncomfortable, but he did not speak and tried his best to hide his discomfort.

The power of disorder will not deliberately avoid anyone. Unless the witch of disorder herself is resurrected, anyone who comes close will be affected.

"Are you really pretending to be dead?" The Blood Pope understood clearly. He looked at Xi Mu who was safe and sound and sneered:

"Mist, the man next to you is pretending to be dead because..."

"Shut up." Mister's voice was cold and impatient, "Do you think I will be provoked?"

Blood Pope: "..."

Could this woman use her brain a little? He had no reason to kill Akhtar, and Akhtar's death and resurrection were too fast, it was obvious that he was acting.

"Maybe I'm really pretending to be dead." Ximu smiled helplessly, the sword of light in his hand burning with flames.

"It could also be the blessing of the goddess of life, isn't it?" Mist whispered, taking the initiative to help Akhtar explain the possibility of resurrection from the dead.

And it was also at this moment that the Blood Pope understood one thing. He kept slandering Akhtar... No, even if it was the truth, it was meaningless. Mist would not listen at all.

Even if you are cheated, you will find your own reasons.

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