"Let's have a cup of tea." The Sick Death Witch placed four cups of hot tea on the table, and her eyes swept over Akhtar, the Plague Goddess, Leticia, and the Shark Lady Kasiut.

She held the tea tray in her arms.

"I won't disturb your gathering. I'm going to take a shower first." After saying that, he turned around and left, but after taking a few steps, he walked back.

Then, under the gaze of everyone, he picked up a piece of cheese bread from the table and left in a hurry without stopping for a moment.

"After getting wet in the rain, it will be more comfortable to take a shower first." Ximu picked up the teacup on the table and smiled at Leticia, "Would you like to take a shower first?"

"It doesn't matter, you won't catch a cold because of the light rain." Leticia shook her head gently. She has a certain level of magic power and will not catch a cold due to being exposed to the rain, unless she falls into a weak state and is showered by a heavy rain. .

"She won't catch a cold." The plague goddess said with a smile, and no one doubted it at all. As the plague goddess who controls diseases, she manages all diseases in the world. After saying that Leticia won't catch a cold, , has become an established fact.

"Is this a favor from the Plague Goddess?" Ximu said as if joking, and then saw the Plague Goddess smiling slightly, taking out a long piece of bread on the table and pointing it at Akhtar's cheek like a sharp sword.

"If you have to talk about favors, you have the favors I gave you."

"When did it happen?" Ximu asked, biting the bread pointed at him, but the Plague Goddess rolled her eyes when she heard this, withdrew the bread pointed at Akhtar, and tore it into two pieces. Half.

After handing half the bread to Akhtar, he said:

"As the Lord of Ashes, will he not be aware of the blessings he possesses?"

"Maybe it's because your favor is so inconspicuous." Ximu said casually while eating half a piece of bread.

The Plague Goddess's cheeks swelled slightly, and then she smiled slightly: "Is this why the Lord of Ashes has always retained favors from others?"

Originally, she didn't realize that Akhtar was holding her favor, but she got too close recently, and occasionally had negative distance contact... Well, negative distance refers to feeding, and her fingers accidentally touching her lips.

Only then did she realize that Akhtar had her favor.

The Death Witch's favors were obviously burnt clean, but her favors were retained because they were inconspicuous.

It's quite interesting when I think about it.

"I just forgot to burn the favor you gave me." Ximu looked at the smiling face of the Plague Goddess, "I will burn your favor when I have time."

"Do you still need to find some time?" The Plague Goddess covered her lips with a smile, "I didn't expect Akhtar, who seemed to be doing nothing, to be so busy with work."

Ximu took a bite of bread: "Probably your favor is not as important as my eating bread."

The Plague Goddess showed a surprised expression, covered her lips with her delicate hands and said, "I didn't expect favors to be so important."

Something's not quite right.

Shark Girl Kasiut's tail was slightly curled. Although she could not see Master Akhtar, she could detect that the Plague Goddess was relaxed and casual. She was obviously very close to Master Akhtar, otherwise she would not have been able to Make fun of each other.

But isn't that a little too intimate.

"Lord Akhtar, have you been living here recently?" She chose to interrupt, but her eyes fell on Leticia, who was sitting elegantly and drinking tea silently.

It was as if he was telling Lord Akhtar not to neglect his real girlfriend.

"Yes." Ximu's attention was diverted, and his eyes fell on the shark girl Cassuta, and then on Leticia. "In order to avoid the plague and... regret, I chose to come to Lionheart City to save her. Plague Goddess."

He took a sip of tea.

"Remember when we escaped from Lionheart City?"

Leticia nodded slightly and said: "It's because the death of the Plague Goddess caused a huge disaster, so we had to race against time to escape from Lionheart City."

"Without the protection of the hood given by the Plague Goddess, we would all have died in Lionheart City." Ximu turned his head and looked at the Plague Goddess and said, "So in order to prevent her from being killed again, I intervened a little bit."

The Plague Goddess smiled and explained to Leticia: "If Akhtar hadn't told me in advance, I would probably have been captured by the Doppelgänger and become the dead of the original god again."

"Is that so?" Leticia raised her hand to gently tuck the hair around her ears, looked at the smiling plague goddess, and showed a gentle smile, "It's really great to see that you are safe and sound."

After understanding the cause and effect, she understood why Akhtar stayed with the Plague Goddess. It turned out that it was to redeem the regrets in her heart.

It was really thanks to the precious props given by the Plague Goddess that she and Akhtar were able to leave Lionheart City alive.

Otherwise it would have been impossible for her and Akhtar to leave alive.

"But the danger is always there." The Plague Goddess continued to explain, "Since I can't be captured, the clone witch will attack the sick and dead witch and use the power of the sick and dead witch to bring down the plague."

She fixed her eyes on Akhtar.

"This is also the reason why I live with Akhtar, to prevent the Sick Death Witch from being... killed."

Believe it or not.

Shark Girl Cassuta twitched her lips. She had witnessed the reaction of the Plague Goddess throughout the whole process. Rather than staying here to protect the Witch of Death, it was better to say that she stayed for Akhtar, and protecting the Witch of Death was nothing but a plague. The goddess convinced herself of the excuse.

"With Lord Akhtar's protection, there is no need for you to stay and protect the Sick Witch, right?" she asked.

The Plague Goddess sighed and stared at Akhtar beside her:

"Lord Ash Lord doesn't seem to intend to protect the Sick Witch, so I can only protect the Sick Witch myself."

Shark Lady Kashut showed a skeptical expression: "Is that so?"

"If you don't believe me, you can ask Akhtar." The Plague Goddess's eyes fell on Akhtar. She explained so much just to prevent Leticia from misunderstanding that the reason she lived with Akhtar was not because she had any deep relationship with Akhtar, but mainly to protect the safety of the Sick Witch.

"That's right." Ximu admitted frankly, "I have no reason to protect the Sick Witch. If she is captured by the Witch of the Clone, it can only mean that it is inevitable for the development of this era and an attempt made by past heroes to defeat me."

His voice was too calm.

"I will not stop the past heroes from growing up, even if the means they use are not very bright."

The atmosphere stagnated slightly.

Such cold words are different from Akhtar's heroic side in the past, and are full of a cold sense of rationality.

The Plague Goddess expressed her inner thoughts: "Now you look at the problem more like an omniscient god."

She turned her head to look at the drizzle outside the window.

"The perspective is not a specific individual, but the survival of a world and the continuation of a race. No matter how humans fight and struggle internally, as long as they can achieve the corresponding goals, the final result will be... good."

Ximu said calmly: "If I intervene too much and do not allow any tragedy to happen, then humans... No, what is the difference between this world and the puppets in my hands? What choice to make is the choice of the creatures in this world."

"From a certain perspective, you are more like a god than me now." The Plague Goddess commented in this way, but she did not blame Akhtar. She could understand Akhtar's choice. When Akhtar was in the position of the Lord of Ashes, he would inevitably have a corresponding change of mind and look at the world from the corresponding position.

And Leticia, who was listening, finally noticed... abnormality, that was a desperate difference. She and Akhtar were almost at the point where they could not understand each other. The choice that seemed cold and cruel to ordinary people might be goodwill and respect in Akhtar's eyes. This was due to the difference in status and strength between the two sides.

Assuming that the Plague Goddess had not talked to Akhtar, I am afraid she would not be able to quickly understand Akhtar's current transformation.

God loves the world, but not a specific... individual. Maybe God loves the human race and hopes that the human race will continue to move forward. As for the wars and disasters caused in the process, they might be seen from God's perspective.

It is no different from the fatigue of humans after exercise.

"Since Lord Akhtar is stronger, he is naturally more like a god than you." Shark Lady Kashut said as a matter of course. She did not feel that there was anything wrong with Akhtar's choice, because Akhtar had no obligation to do so.

Now Akhtar can give everyone a chance, which is already a kind of almost saintly mentality.

Otherwise, the more beneficial choice is to crush everyone directly.

"Now Akhtar has his followers." The Plague Goddess smiled and looked into Akhtar's eyes and asked, "Are those captured Twilight followers going to be released?"

When she was fighting with the witch clone, she caught the Twilight followers who broke into the duel field and they are now imprisoned in the prison of Lionheart City.

Ximu thought for a while and said, "There is an interesting little guy among them, so let them go."

"Then don't let them continue to kill innocent people." The Plague Goddess said while conveying her will to her followers, asking them to release the imprisoned Twilight followers instead of directly executing the group of Twilight followers.

But Ximu shook his head and said, "If they kill innocent people, it is natural for them to be killed."

The Plague Goddess said, "Now you are the object of their faith."

"It's none of my business whether I believe it or not." Ximu said indifferently. He didn't care much about faith, unless someone who caught up with him suddenly appeared and had an extremely firm belief in him, then maybe he would pay attention to him.

Lionheart Castle.


The heavy iron door slowly opened, and the light poured in like a tide, washing away the darkness in the room, revealing the old wall buried in the darkness, and a dwarf loli lying on the ground sleeping soundly.

The guard walked into the room and knocked on the ground with a spear. The sound woke up the dwarf loli.

"Go out."

"Go out?" The dwarf loli rubbed her eyes and asked the vigilant guard, "Are you out of your mind?"

"It's an order from above." The guard explained, "I heard that it was because of the hostage exchange."

The dwarf loli showed an expression of enlightenment, and then saw the guard throw out a bunch of keys, which fell beside her.

The guard took a defensive posture.

"Untie the handcuffs yourself, and then leave the dungeon safely."

"Yes, yes, yes." The dwarf loli did not refuse, picked up the key and untie the handcuffs, and walked out of the cell calmly.

However, in the moment of passing by the guard.

"Awoo!" She struck a scary pose and imitated the roar of a tiger, scaring the nervous guard so much that he took a few steps back. Then, before the guard could react, she hurriedly ran out of the cell.


After leaving the dungeon.

The dwarf loli came to a hotel and saw Hercules, who was sitting on the steps at the door of the hotel with his hands on his knees.

"Collect and split the soul fragments of the demon?" The dwarf loli asked in a puzzled tone, "What's the point of resurrecting him?"

This world is already full of demons. You may encounter demons in any country. Although the number is not as large as that of gods, it is not very rare. Now the split demons have no use at all.

Hercules took out a cigarette from somewhere, rubbed his fingers gently, lit the flame, lit the cigarette in his mouth, and then took a strong puff. With his strong lung capacity, he smoked the whole cigarette at once, and then exhaled a long breath of smoke.

The dwarf loli pinched her nose and stepped back a few steps, frowning at Hercules who exhaled a long smoke, waiting for him to tell the reason.

"It's the order of the Dusk Saint." Hercules' expression was strange. "I heard that the Segment Demon is known as the strongest weapon and killed the God of All-Knowing once. We need to revive the Segment Demon, and then..."

The dwarf loli suddenly realized: "Then make him into a weapon."

"I don't know whether it is intended to be made into a weapon." Waving his hand, Hercules stood up slowly, "But the Dusk Saint attaches great importance to the resurrection of the Segment Demon. It seems that he intends to use him to complete some plan."

"Are there any clues?" The dwarf loli nodded. She was too lazy to think about what the upper level was going to do. She just had to execute the order.

But Hercules shook his head when he heard it: "It's not just the Dusk Saint who knows the future. Now many people are collecting the soul fragments of the Segment Demon. Now no one knows who has the soul fragments of the Segment Demon."

The dwarf loli's expression collapsed: "That means we need to find it slowly...right?"

Hercules nodded, then rubbed the dwarf loli's head, said come on and left.



The Kingdom of Fenrir.


Half buried in the soil, the body of the Split Demon, like a stone statue, asked the Saint of Fate who was holding his soul fragment:

"Ha, I killed the God of All-Knowing?"

"To be more precise, it was you who killed the God of All-Knowing in the form of a long sword." Suna explained seriously, "You... are very special."

The Split Demon's tone was full of doubt: "So you are here to revive me?"

"Not to revive you." Suna turned to look at the dwarf master beside him, "We are here to take your body away and make it into a weapon."

The Split Demon: "..."

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