"Desire for a correct death?" Ashelia looked a little confused. She couldn't understand what the man in white robe in the sky was saying. The deepest fear in this world was death, so who would desire death.

The delusional demon in the sky seemed to have expected it. He lowered his sight next to him. As the air suddenly distorted, a mature woman appeared. Her blue eyes were gentle and the delusional demon looked at each other, full of heart-wrenching emotions. Envious love.

"She is my wife, and she is also my delusion." The delusion demon stretched out his hand and touched the cheek of the woman next to him. "She is not a real person, she is just a puppet that I can manipulate."

"Henry, that's enough." The woman raised her hand and held the hand of the delusional demon, with a gentle and guilty smile, "It doesn't matter even if it's delusion, I will accompany you to a correct death."

Not far away, the Density Demon turned his head away upon seeing this, feeling a little unbearable that the Delusion Demon was communicating with his delusional wife.

With the ability and talent of the delusional devil, it is certainly impossible to be lonely enough to fantasize about having a wife. In fact, the delusional devil really had a wife who loved him, but she died very early, which caused the delusional devil to have mental problems, and the delusional devil had a wife. His wife is still alive by his side, but ordinary people cannot see her.

But now, imagining that the demon appears in his wife is tantamount to opening his scars to the world, and he has to face countless ridicules. There are people who imagine that they love their wives. They are really... pathetic.

He is very aware of the desire for survival in people's hearts, and he also knows that people will not give up their desire to survive easily.

"A fantasy wife?" Ashley's eyes showed a hint of confusion, and she raised her hand to brush the golden hair beside her ears. "Since we have become demons, will we still be short of wives?"

Since you have become a devil, you can get any kind of beauty, so why bother to dream of a wife who loves you.

And the woman in the delusion was not very beautiful either.

"Normally," Ximu replied, "After becoming demons, they will cherish the lover who has grown up with them even more. Even if this lover is weak and pitiful, they will not choose someone who seems to be better."

After reaching the height of a demon, as long as you are not of the same level, there will not be much difference in the eyes of the demon. They will not look at you differently just because you are the pinnacle of human beings, unless this person has the potential to become a demon, or is too high. Too stunning and stunning.

"Yes." Ashelia lowered her head. She suddenly thought of the scene of Akhtar and her sister together, and suddenly understood why Akhtar chose to be with her sister. It was not because her sister's charm was enough to confuse the Ashes. Lord, purely because the Lord of Ashes went through the ordeal with his sister.

This was the reason why her sister was favored by the Lord of Ashes.

If she had gone to meet the Plague Goddess before going back in time, her destiny would have developed differently. The woman standing next to the Lord of Ashes now is herself, with a noble status that defies the gods.

And right now.

"Some people may be curious as to why I want to have a wife." The demon of delusion withdrew his hand from stroking his wife's cheek, only to see the manifested woman turn into a shadow and disappear from the place.

"Because my real wife has passed away, I missed her and gave birth to a delusional identity, imagining that my wife was still with me."

He spoke his mind.

"My original vision in life was to grow old with my children and my wife, and then accept death calmly."

"This is the right death that I can accept." The light and gentle voice spread throughout the world, explaining what the right death is.

Very easy to understand explanation, without too many words that are difficult to understand, so that everyone can understand his concept correctly as much as possible.

Not everyone in this world is smart and has different levels of education, so the delusional devil must use the most understandable language to make everyone understand.

"Of course, this is just the right death that I can accept." The delusional devil smiled extremely gently, revealing the compassion of a saint. "Everyone's right death that they are willing to accept is different. Some people want to become a world-famous blacksmith, and some want to To become a famous hero, there are also people who want to burn the world to ashes. Everyone’s inner vision is different, but they all have things they want to accomplish.”

He reached out to everyone.

"I can fulfill the visions in your hearts, let all of you fulfill your wishes in your delusions, and then usher in the correct death."

"But the price is that if you achieve a correct death in your delusion, you will also... die in reality."

"What's the difference between this and escaping?" A casual voice suddenly came, and then a bald, strong man appeared under everyone's gaze, holding a feminine man with one arm.

But the delusional demon did not show an angry expression when he saw this. He looked at the God of War approaching and said:

"It's an escape."

God of War: "..."

"It has been less than three years since Ragnarok came." The delusional demon explained, "For the strong, Ragnarok is a challenge, but for ordinary people, it is impossible to resist the disaster, and their lives will come to an abrupt end. Maybe they haven’t even experienced love, and maybe they haven’t even left the village gate. This is really unfair to them.”

He said sincerely.

"It doesn't matter if it's a delusion. I hope everyone can realize their own value and die a correct death."

"But what if someone wants to accompany their family to a correct death?" the God of War asked, "Not everyone desires to fulfill their wishes, some people desire a real person."

The delusion devil smiled and replied: "As long as both parties are willing, they can connect each other's delusions, and they can still stay together and die correctly."

"What if one of them is unwilling to connect with each other's delusions?" the God of War asked. He didn't care about the delusion devil's so-called pity for the weak. As a strong man, the weak's so-called self-realization was not important to him.

Now he was just following orders to negate the plans of the delusional demon.

However, the goddess of fate asked him to deny it, and she probably didn't expect him to really deny the plan of the delusional devil. As long as the ending of Ragnarok does not change, the plan of the delusional devil will have unparalleled appeal.

No matter how much you deny it, it makes no sense.

"That is their own choice." The delusion demon showed an unexpectedly cold side, "All I can do is provide choices, and I cannot satisfy everyone. If we are not willing to connect delusions, then I will not have any put one's oar in."

"Really." The God of War thought for a moment, "But now Ragnarok has not come yet, so is it too anxious to let everyone die correctly?"

"That's right." The Delusion Demon admitted, "It would be too sad if we didn't try to cross the Twilight of the Gods and directly enter the correct death in delusion."

The God of War grinned: "Do you think Ragnarok can be transcended? It is the end of time and the end of everything."

In fact, he also feels that Ragnarok cannot be crossed, but he will not feel fear about it, but is full of expectations to challenge the absolutely invincible existence.

"How will you know if you don't try." The delusional demon said, his eyes falling on the omniscient saint, and then he took a step back.

Next is the time of the Omniscient Saint. He just has a demon who pities the weak. He can only come up with a plan to let everyone die correctly in their delusions. Nothing else can be done.

Crossing Ragnarok was beyond his capabilities.

"I knew things wouldn't be that simple." The God of War stared at the omniscient saint in a gray cloak, then suddenly opened his arms and said loudly:

"Let me introduce to you, this fragile-looking girl. She is the incarnation of the omniscient tree that pervades everything. She possesses all the wisdom in the world. She has witnessed the development and decline of all civilizations. She is the oldest in the world. exist."

"The gods are children in her eyes, the world is just the courtyard where she takes root, and all life is life that grows under her wings."

Eden: "..."

"Then how do you, such a great person, plan to save this world that is about to be burned to ashes?" The God of War lowered his hand and looked at the Omniscient Saint with interest. Everything he said was true, and he felt that the Omniscient Saint was from the bottom of his heart. Can come up with a more reliable plan to save the world, if not even the omniscient saint can come up with a more reliable plan.

Then this world will inevitably be burned to ashes.

Gao Tian.

On the Tower of Wisdom.

"I knew the Omniscient Saint would take action." The goddess of circulation put her hands on her hips and glanced at the goddess of wisdom not far away and asked:

"What plan do you think the omniscient saint can come up with?"

The goddess of wisdom shook her head slightly. She looked at the projected image in the sky, expecting the omniscient saint to come up with a reliable plan. Although she is a goddess who possesses wisdom, it does not mean that she can stand shoulder to shoulder with the omniscient saint. The incarnation of the omniscient tree where she lives has also witnessed the rise and fall of civilization. Even she cannot guess what plans the omniscient saint, who possesses all the existing knowledge in the world, can come up with.

But what is certain is that this plan will definitely give people hope of survival, because the omniscient saint is quite annoying... people who fall into dreams and escape from reality.

Although the all-knowing saint protects a group of dreaming elects.


The lowest level.

The Witch of Death looked calmly, glanced at the projection in the sky, and then looked down at the iron cage of thorns in her hand, which contained the soul of the little dragon princess.

She originally had no intention of rescuing the soul of the little dragon princess, but the gods of hell took the initiative to send the soul of the little dragon princess to her door, and also sent the soul of the former dragon queen, as if by default, the soul of the little dragon princess and the former dragon queen were the same. Belongs to her.

"Bring her soul back to the present world." She handed the iron cage of thorns to Ijelica, who was standing next to her, and then waved her hand in the void next to her, opening a passage to the present world.

"Lord Witch of Death, don't you plan to return to this world?" Ijelica asked the Witch of Death while holding the iron cage containing her daughter's soul, "The Order of Death is waiting for your return."

Although she did not retain the memory of the time before going back in time, she still understood through the description that she should join the Death Order in the future, so she should be considered a member of the Death Order.

Otherwise, the gods of hell would not have given their souls to the Witch of Death.

The Witch of Death shook her head slightly, and then disappeared from the spot. She was very busy now, just like the Omniscient Saint who was preparing to save the world. She and the Goddess of Death were also planning accordingly to create a world of death in death to accommodate all The soul is smuggled to a new world, but whether this plan can succeed is still unknown.

But even if she fails, it doesn't matter. She will challenge the Lord of Ashes again and pull Akhtar down from the position of the Creator.

"Really reliable." Ijelica pursed her lips and smiled, her eyes fell on the sky, and she saw the All-Knowing Saint took off her cloak, revealing her delicate face.

Then she heard the All-Knowing Saint's plan.

"The Lord of Ashes is very strong. His mission is to burn the old world and create a new world. What He represents is inevitable." The All-Knowing Saint's voice was calm, and she asked everyone, "But do you know how strong the Lord of Ashes is?"

Of course it is impossible to know.

In this world, no one can know exactly how strong the Lord of Ashes is... No, maybe the All-Knowing God can know, but that doesn't make any sense, because no one knows how strong the All-Knowing God is either. The only concept they have is that the Lord of Ashes has power beyond the All-Knowing God, so the Lord of Ashes is an irresistible existence.

"If you want to know how strong the Lord of Ashes is, you must fight him." Eden said something seemingly useless, because fighting the Lord of Ashes means death, and it is meaningless even if you realize how strong the Lord of Ashes is.

But soon everyone understood what the All-Knowing Saint was thinking.

"I can input all the necessary information in the world into the world created by the Delusion Demon, so that everyone can try to challenge the Lord of Ashes."

"Compared to unprepared fantasies, you have enough time to prepare to try to defeat the Lord of Ashes. Whether it is mortals, demons or gods, you can get the qualification to challenge the Lord of Ashes. As long as you have an idea, you can try it."

"As long as someone can surpass the simulated Lord of Ashes once, it means that there is a possibility of surpassing the Lord of Ashes."

The world seemed to be silent in an instant.

The God of War was stunned when he heard the words, staring at the All-Knowing Saint with a calm and indifferent expression. He didn't expect the All-Knowing Saint to be so generous, but considering that the All-Knowing Saint has all the knowledge in the world, it is not surprising that she can do this.

"This way, the heroes can experiment with their own conjectures and plans." He grinned, "It seems that there is still hope in crossing the Lord of Ashes."

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