After the Hundred Days Banquet, all the upper-class wealthy families in Kyoto knew that Master Xuan had a fiancée named Wei Yuxian and two children, a son and a daughter. His life could be considered complete.

I didn’t expect that Master Xuan would do great things in a low voice! It was such a big surprise for them when they arrived!

Those wealthy families who wanted to marry their daughters into the Fu family regretted why they didn't let their daughters seduce Fu Xuanyi earlier.

Otherwise, after hooking up with the Fu family, they will be able to lift all boats!

It's just that it's too late to regret now, everything has already happened.

In the Fu Mansion, Wei Yuxian was not affected at all. Her only feeling was that the 100-day banquet was too boring, so she kept sitting and eating and watching Fu Xuanyi chatting with others.

Although later on, the old lady took her and introduced her to the ladies in Kyoto, but she still felt bored.

Fortunately, it's all over, and it's finally time for her to go back to school!

It was already one month after the university started. Wei Yuxian stepped into this land again, feeling a wave of emotion in her heart.

In the morning, Fu Xuanyi personally took her to school. Behind their car, there was a black car, and Wei Yuxian didn't know who was in the car.

I can only ask the people around me: "Why does the car behind us keep following us?"

The man glanced at the rearview mirror and uttered two words: "Bodyguard."

Wei Yuxian's eyes widened and her mouth opened slightly. She was stunned for a moment and asked, "How many?"

Fu Xuanyi: "Four."

Wei Yuxian's eyes opened even wider: "So many!"

She thought there were two, but she didn't expect there were four!

Fu Xuanyi said calmly: "Not much."

He originally wanted to arrange ten, but thinking that his family would definitely not agree, after thinking about it carefully, he changed it to four.

He doesn't want his darling to be bullied again. This time, he wants to let his darling go to college with peace of mind.

Wei Yuxian tried to discuss it with him and said, "Can there be two? Four would be too ostentatious. People might think I am a promiscuous person."

In her imagination, the four bodyguards must be tall, muscular, and wearing black suits on hot days.

In TV dramas, bodyguards all dress up like this, which makes people put off.

Fu Xuanyi guessed what she was thinking. He raised the corner of his mouth and teased her: "Two are too few, how about twenty?"

Wei Yuxian was shocked, and she didn't dare to say anything anymore, and said: "Actually, I think four is pretty good, so let's go with four, it's pretty good, pretty good."

Fu Xuanyi laughed again and said nothing.

The car drove all the way to the school gate. Wei Yuxian loosened her seat belt and prepared to get out of the car. Unexpectedly, as soon as she took it off, the car started again. When she looked up, she saw that Fu Xuanyi had already driven the car into the school.

The car behind also drove in.

She was a little stunned, then thought of the man's identity, and said nothing, enjoying such a special service.

I thought, it would be great if I had money. I could drive directly to the school without having to walk any further.

The car drove all the way to the downstairs where the principal's office was located. Wei Yuxian also saw that the principal, who was rare to see every year, was actually waiting downstairs in person!

This man still has face!

After getting out of the car, a wave of heat greeted her. Wei Yuxian was held by Fu Xuanyi's hand and walked over.

The people in the car behind him also got out, and Wei Yuxian saw a familiar person - Lu Chengxiao.

Why is he here?

In addition, Assistant Guan also came with her, and three other bodyguards, two girls and one boy, all looked young and about the same age as her.

This and this are completely different from what she imagined!

Several bodyguards saw Wei Yuxian looking at them and gave Wei Yuxian a youthful smile.

Here, when the principal and several leaders of the school saw that the person had finally arrived, they greeted him with a smile and said, "Hello, Mr. Xuan! Hello, madam!"

Fu Xuanyi said lightly "Yes", his face was expressionless and cold.

Everyone was used to Master Xuan's cold face and didn't say anything.

Wei Yuxian greeted the leaders politely: "Hello principal, hello teachers."

The smiles on the faces of several leaders became even brighter, and they said "Hey"!

It was hot, so the principal didn't dare to let people stay outside for any longer, so he invited people into the teaching building and took the elevator all the way up to the principal's office.

In the principal's office, the air conditioner is turned on fully, and it is extremely cool as soon as you enter.

Wei Yuxian sweated a little and took out a tissue to wipe it off.

I usually look at the large principal's office, so many people poured in at once, and it instantly seemed a little crowded.

Sitting down on the sofa, Wei Yuxian also enjoyed the service of the principal pouring tea for her personally.

She couldn't bear it, but when she saw the calm look of the man next to her, she felt relieved.

Next, Assistant Guan started chatting with the principal. Wei Yuxian didn't have to say anything, she just sat there and listened.

She finally understood why Fu Xuanyi brought Assistant Guan with him.

Guan Jinyou is very good at conversation, with a decent smile on his face, and the principal is willing to talk to him.

If I talk to Mr. Xuan, he will probably be frightened and won't be able to say anything.

The conversation lasted for about half an hour, and everything was agreed upon. Wei Yuxian listened to the whole process, and there was no need to repeat it again.

To put it simply, the main contents discussed are as follows:

First, regarding Wei Yuxian's accommodation, the school will arrange the best apartment for her and give her a lunch break.

Second, Wei Yuxian's travel problem is that she can freely take the car driven by the bodyguard on campus and go wherever she wants.

Third, the issue of bodyguards going to school, yes, it is the issue of bodyguards going to school! In order to make the identity of the bodyguards less obvious, the school will assign them the identity of auditors.

Fourth, regarding Wei Yuxian's class issue, she is still in her original class and will be directly promoted to sophomore year after passing the assessment.

Fifth, regarding the assessment issue, the assessment time is scheduled for today. All subjects will be tested, but there will not be many questions. Try to complete the assessment within one day.

After making these arrangements, Fu Xuanyi also went to work in the company. After spending some time alone with Wei Yuxian and kissing several times, he reluctantly left the school.

Next, it was Wei Yuxian's assessment time. The principal did not waste time and took out a few test papers for Wei Yuxian to write in the principal's office.

The environment here is more comfortable, and you don't have to run around.

After she finished writing a piece of paper, the teachers immediately marked it, and the exam was completed in a short time.

It was noon and only half of the subjects had been taken. Wei Yuxian ate a lunch sent by Aunt Fu and took a nap in the apartment before continuing the test.

That's right, even if she wasn't pregnant, Fu Xuanyi arranged for Aunt Fu to deliver meals to her every day so that she could eat healthily.

Because she is still breastfeeding, it is better to eat food from home.

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