Fu Xuanyi sat up, looked at the shy person on the other side of the bed, and said, "I've seen him so many times and he's still shy."

Of course Wei Yuxian will be shy! She is not a shameless person like Fu Xuanyi, she is thin-skinned.

This man is the only one who doesn't feel shy.

Fu Xuanyi glanced at the time and saw that it was almost time to go to work, so he stopped teasing her and got up and got dressed.

Wei Yuxian heard the rustling sound of putting on clothes and breathed a sigh of relief. Fortunately, this man still had sense and knew that this was a company.

After the man had put on his clothes, she exposed her head and looked at the neatly dressed man. Then she got up and went to wash herself briefly.

Walking out of the small room, she glanced at the place where the chairs were placed at noon. The chairs in that place had disappeared, replaced by a brand new chair next to the table.

They are different styles than the previous one, but they are both ergonomic chairs, which look very comfortable.

Her mood improved inexplicably, and a faint smile appeared at the corner of Wei Yuxian's mouth.

She asked: "Have the people in the finance department gone to work? I wasted all my time this morning and now I want to go there early."

Otherwise, if she keeps procrastinating, she will get off work, and her week will be wasted.

Seeing the longing on her face, Fu Xuanyi couldn't bear to break his promise and took her to the Finance Department himself.

Wei Yuxian was so happy, she bounced slightly when she walked, and she looked very energetic.

Along the way to the Finance Department, I met many employees on the way. The employees greeted them one after another and were curious about where they were going.

Finally arriving at the financial department, Wei Yuxian was even happier!

As soon as Fu Xuanyi walked in, someone went to notify the manager of the finance department, and soon the manager rushed over.

The manager is a bald man in his fifties. Although he doesn't look very good, he is an elite at work. Otherwise, he would not be able to sit in the position of financial manager.

The manager came over with a smile on his face and said hello first: "Hello, Mr. Fu! Hello, madam!"

Fu Xuanyi said softly "Yeah", and Wei Yuxian replied "Good afternoon" with a smile on her face.

The smile on the manager's face suddenly became brighter and he asked, "Do you have anything to do with Mr. Fu and his wife coming to the Finance Department?"

This time, it was Fu Xuanyi who spoke: "Take my wife to get familiar with this place."

The manager immediately understood what Fu Xuanyi meant and said, "Okay, Mr. Fu, don't worry, I will definitely take my wife to get familiar with this place!"

As soon as Wei Yuxian heard this, she knew it was done and said, "Thank you, manager. I'm sorry to trouble you."

The manager quickly waved his hand and said: "Don't take it seriously, don't take it seriously, it should be done."

After bringing people here and giving orders, Fu Xuanyi would have no use if he stayed here. On the contrary, it would also affect the work efficiency of the employees.

Because his complexion is really not good, he has a stern face that makes people feel scared.

He said to the people around him: "Remember to go back to the office."

Wei Yuxian nodded and promised him: "I understand, I will go back."

Fu Xuanyi left the finance department, and all the employees breathed a sigh of relief and continued their work.

Just now, they thought that there was something wrong with the finance department, and Mr. Fu would personally come to hold him accountable. Unexpectedly, he just sent his wife here to study.

Give them a fright.

Now, it's okay, Madam seems to be easy to get along with, so they don't have anything to worry about.

When Wei Yuxian came here, it was as if she had gone to some happy place. Under the leadership of the manager, she first became familiar with the entire finance department and learned the specific division of labor.

Then she learned about the daily work content of the finance department, and the manager took her to see them one by one.

After doing this, more than an hour had passed. The manager took Wei Yuxian back to his office, poured tea for her personally, and said, "Madam, you are tired too, please drink some tea."

Wei Yuxian had been standing for a lot of time just now, and she was indeed a little tired. She sat on a chair and drank a cup of tea in one breath.

After refilling his cup, he said, "Manager, I'm really sorry to trouble you. From now on, I'll just study by myself. You don't have to stay with me all the time."

The manager immediately said: "How can this be done? No, I must accompany you. This is Mr. Fu's order."

Wei Yuxian didn't want to delay the manager's work, so she said, "It's okay, I'm just strolling around, and Xuan won't say anything.

The manager was still worried and said, "What if something happens to you? I'd better stay with you. My work is not urgent."

Wei Yuxian: "It's really okay. I'm in the company. If anything happens, Ah Xuan is just making a fuss out of a molehill. If anything happens, I'll be responsible."

Mainly because the manager was always by her side, and she felt a little uncomfortable and awkward.

Sometimes, she just wants to see it by herself, without anyone around her.

Besides, if she delayed the manager's work because of herself, she would feel bad about it.

Seeing her persistence, the manager could only say: "Okay, madam, if you have anything, you must remember to find me."

Wei Yuxian said "Okay", walked out of the office with a happy face, and went to see it by herself.

She went to see how each employee worked and felt that everyone worked a little differently.

Also, she felt that whenever she got close to an employee, that employee's body would become a little stiff.

Is it because you are not used to being watched by others at work? she thought.

It hadn't occurred to her little head that it was because she was Fu Xuanyi's fiancée.

She is the future young lady of the Fu family. This matter is already a certainty. The master, the old lady and Mr. Fu have personally admitted it. No one can shake her status.

After this calculation, she can be regarded as the leader of the employees. Who is not nervous when her boss is watching her work?

Although she looked friendly, they didn't have much contact with her and didn't know what kind of person she was.

After Wei Yuxian noticed that they would be nervous, she immediately didn't dare to get so close to them again, for fear of causing trouble to them.

It was almost done in the finance department. In order not to disturb the employees' serious work, Wei Yuxian chose to go back to the office.

The choice is almost the same. There is still one hour until get off work time. After this hour, a wonderful weekend is coming.

Of course, except for those who work overtime.

Fu Xuanyi was a little surprised when he saw her coming back so early, and asked, "Aren't you happy over there?"

Wei Yuxian shook her head: "No, I'm very happy and I learned a lot. I just don't want to disturb their work anymore, so I came back."

"Just be happy." Fu Xuanyi said. After saying that, he put down his work, looked at the person opposite, and said, "Come here."

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