After Getting Pregnant, The Celibate Buddhist Fiercely Dotes on His Beloved Wife

Chapter 181 From now on, don’t have any contact with Qin Junling

Fu Xuanyi leaned back on the chair and looked at Wei Yuxian who was walking towards him. When he saw that she wanted to walk to the chair opposite, he waved to her.

Wei Yuxian took into consideration that her secretary was still here and would not be too intimate with Fu Xuanyi, so she shook her head gently and sat down on the chair opposite him.

Fu Xuanyi looked a little unhappy, but didn't say anything.

Wei Yuxian looked at the secretary and asked, "What's wrong with Mr. Qin?"

Seeing that this man didn't want to pay attention to the secretary, she could only ask it herself.

She also wanted to know why Qin Junling came to see Ah Xuan every day. Does a cooperation require meeting and discussing every day?

Can't both parties meet to sign the contract after they have reached an agreement?

Is it necessary to come here every day?

She saw that Qin Junling was not here to discuss cooperation, but to fulfill his personal wishes.

Wei Yuxian still doesn't know that Fu Xuanyi has stopped cooperating with the Qin family, and Fu Xuanyi has not told her about it.

However, she was still very satisfied with this man's current attitude.

At least, he didn't let people into his office casually, but put them in the lobby on the first floor.

The secretary glanced at Mr. Fu, who looked completely indifferent, as if he was approving that his wife should handle this matter for him.

The secretary could only say to Wei Yuxian: "Mr. Qin didn't say what the matter was. He only said that he had something to do with Mr. Fu."

Hearing this, Wei Yuxian rolled her eyes in her heart. Who knew whether she was really having trouble or not.

Just say something, who wouldn’t say anything?

At this moment, Wei Yuxian had no idea that she felt sour in her heart.

She said: "Then please go and ask Mr. Qin what's going on. Thank you."

The secretary nodded and said, "Okay ma'am, I'll ask now."

After saying that, the secretary walked out of the office and went to ask people dutifully.

Wei Yuxian and Fu Xuanyi were left in the office, and the latter waved to the former again, letting her pass.

Wei Yuxian thought for a while, then moved her buttocks and went to Fu Xuanyi's side. Then she was pulled by the man and sat on the man's lap.

"How did you sleep?" The man kissed her earlobe and asked.

Wei Yuxian tilted her head to stop him from kissing her any more, and said, "You've had enough sleep."

Then she asked: "What happened to Miss Qin?"

When I asked this question, it had a bit of a sour taste.

Fu Xuanyi squeezed her hand and played with it in his palm, and said casually: "I don't know."

How did he know what was going on with this woman? She came here every once in a while, and even specifically chose to come when his family was obediently around. He didn't know what was wrong with her.

Wei Yuxian turned her head slightly, looked into his eyes, and asked, "Then she still comes to you. Is she here to discuss cooperation with you?"

Fu Xuanyi said: "The cooperation has stopped."

Just five words, Wei Yuxian was shocked to death!

"Stopped? When did it happen?" Why didn't she know when it stopped?

When had Fu Xuanyi made such a big move behind her back?

You must know that a project that Fu Xuanyi likes must be a good project with great potential for future development!

But now, Fu Xuanyi said that this project has been stopped!

It was impossible for Wei Yuxian not to be shocked.

Fu Xuanyi's tone was still so calm, as if he was talking about something insignificant: "The day before yesterday."

Wei Yuxian calculated the time. The day before yesterday, wasn't it Tuesday, the day she misunderstood Fu Xuanyi?

Therefore, this man immediately broke off the relationship with Qin Junling when they had a misunderstanding!

I have to say that Wei Yuxian was very touched because, in this man's heart, she was very important.

However, she is also a little worried that this project will fall into the hands of others.

She asked: "Wouldn't this be bad? What if this project falls into the hands of others? Will it have any impact on the company?"

"There is no problem. Without Fu, this project would not be possible."

Hearing this, Wei Yuxian breathed a sigh of relief and said, "That's good, I'm afraid I'll give others an advantage."

After all, Fu Xuanyi had put in some hard work on this project before, and she didn't want Fu Xuanyi's hard work to go to waste.

A smile appeared on Fu Xuanyi's lips and he said, "I'm very happy that you care about me so much."

Wei Yuxian blushed a little and said in a low voice: "I don't care about you, who do I care about."

After saying that, she thought of Qin Junling and said, "Don't have any contact with Qin Junling from now on."

She felt that her request was a bit unreasonable. The Qin Company was one of the largest companies in Kyoto, and it was inevitable that there would be interest-related interactions with the Fu Company, but she did not allow Fu Xuanyi to interact with her.

This is a bit too selfish.

But she couldn't help but say such words, because she really didn't like Qin Junling.

By the way, who would like someone who likes their husband?

Now, Fu Xuanyi is her legitimate husband, her legal husband!

Fu Xuanyi said "Okay" and agreed naturally.

Originally, he didn't want to have any contact with that woman anymore, lest his family would misunderstand her and he would hide in the corner and feel sad.

He won't allow anyone who makes him sad to exist, not even himself!

After a while, the secretary knocked on the office door again. Wei Yuxian quickly got off the man's lap and sat on the chair opposite.

After getting Fu Xuanyi's permission, the secretary opened the door and walked in.

"Mr. Fu, madam, Mr. Qin said that he would like to talk to Mr. Fu about the project again."

After Wei Yuxian heard this, she felt that Qin Junling's real purpose might not be that. Anyone with a discerning eye could see what this woman was thinking about Ah Xuan.

Talking about the project was just an excuse. Her real purpose was to ease the relationship with Ah Xuan, right?

Wei Yuxian set her sights on Fu Xuanyi, wanting to see the man's attitude and whether he wanted to see Qin Junling.

As a result, when she looked over, she saw the man's eyes on her, staring at her for a moment.

It seems that his eyes can only hold himself.

She cleared her throat shyly and said, "What do you think?"

Fu Xuanyi threw the question back to her: "What do you think?"

Wei Yuxian became even more shy when she was called that affectionate name in front of the secretary. After a while, she said, "Then let's ask her to come up and see if she is talking about the project."

Fu Xuanyi naturally followed her lead, looking at her with doting eyes. When he turned to look at the secretary, his eyes returned to their usual coldness.

"Listen to Madam." He said calmly.

The secretary received the order, said "yes", and went down to find the person.

Wei Yuxian quickly stood up and went to the floor-to-ceiling window, fanning her face with her hands in an attempt to cool down the temperature on her face.

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