When Fu Xuanyi came out of the dark basement, it was already half an hour later.

Guan Jinyou took out a portable wet wipe from his arms and handed it to him.

Fu Xuanyi wiped the blood from his hands, his face was still so cold and emotionless.

He has changed back to the Fu Xuanyi he was before he met Wei Yuxian.

Guan Jinyou followed him and asked: "Master Xuan, what should we do with those people?"

"Leave no one behind." Fu Xuanyi's expression was not only cold, but his tone was also without warmth.

Guan Jinyou nodded and glanced at Lu Chengxiao on the other side, who said, "Leave it to me then. I will have people take good care of them and I won't let them get out of trouble so quickly."

That group of people, whether they are members of the Barrett family or any other family, is useless. They will not suffer less from the torture they deserve.

His group of men have many ways to torture people, and they have more experience than him!

Fu Xuanyi's steps were a little hurried, and he walked outside. On the sofa, the two elders were holding Shishi and Zhizhi, waiting with worried expressions.

As soon as she saw the person coming out, Fu's mother quickly asked: "How is it? Has the trial come out? Who did it? Where is Yuxian now?"

Fu Xuanyi sat down on the sofa and said, "Barrett family, country E."

As a top wealthy family, Fu's mother naturally knew about the Barrett family, one of the two major families in E country.

It turns out that Ding Nana actually hooked up with the Barrett family. No wonder she was so confident to return to China and do such a thing.

But did she think that by hooking up with the Barrett family, she could be unscrupulous? !

The Fu family is not afraid of the Barrett family!

"Right now, Yuxian should be on her way to country E. It takes at least twenty hours to fly from here to country E. It's only been more than an hour now. Yuxian should be fine on the plane." Fu Mother way.

Father Fu thought for a while and said, "We can take advantage of this time to deal with Barrett. I have some friendship with the Jones family."

Fu Xuanyi did not hesitate and said: "Please ask father to contact the Jones family."

The Jones family is in country E and is a family that can compete with Barrett. It would be great to have their help.

Father Fu nodded, took out his cell phone and called the head of the Jones family.

It took a while before the call was connected. An old voice came from the other side. It was a man in his sixties: "Fu, it's late at night here. You'd better come to me if you have something important to do."

There is almost an eight-hour time difference between country E and Kyoto. The time in Kyoto is around eleven o'clock at the moment, while it is three o'clock in the middle of the night in country E.

Father Fu spoke fluent E Mandarin and said, "If there was nothing important, I wouldn't bother you at this time. Jones, I really need your help this time."

"Say," Jones said, "It's rare that you ask me for help."

Father Fu didn't say much. Time was urgent and he said directly: "My daughter-in-law was kidnapped by Barrett, so I want to cooperate with you to make Barrett disappear. From then on, in country E, Jones, you can dominate the family." ”

When Jones heard this, he immediately lost his sleepiness and sat up from the bed, but his movements were very gentle and his voice was kept as low as possible when speaking, so as not to wake up the people around him.

He lowered his head and glanced at the sleeping person next to him. He was afraid that the next conversation would disturb her, so he stood up and walked outside the balcony, smiling and saying: "Are you serious? Your son agreed?"

He knew that the real person in charge of the Fu family now was Fu Xuanyi, and his good friend Fu rarely interfered with those matters anymore.

Father Fu said: "Of course it's true. This is what my son means. Jones, my daughter-in-law is very important. I want to resolve this matter quickly."

Jones was so happy over there!

He has long disliked that old guy Barrett!

However, there is not much difference in strength between the two families, and no one can do anything to the other, but it will be different if the Fu family joins in. This is equivalent to two Jones families dealing with Barrett!

Jones asked: "How quickly do you want to resolve this?"

Father Fu looked at Fu Xuanyi opposite and said, "Within one day."

As soon as these words came out, Jones on the other side of the phone became even more excited and said, "Okay! Just within one day! Leave all your people here to me and I promise to get it done within one day!"

"Thank you Jones." Fu Fu said, "My son wants to say a few words to you."

He saw Fu Xuanyi's eyes and added something later.

After saying that, he gave the phone to Fu Xuanyi.

Fu Xuanyi also chatted with Jones for a few words and refined the entire plan.

The overall situation is as follows: The Fu family and the Jones family will attack Barrett's stock market at the same time. In country E, the Jones family and the Fu family will also attack Barrett together!

This time, it was to catch Barrett off guard so that Barrett would not have time to resist!

Especially now that it is late at night, it is even more suitable to do these shameful things.

Although this is not a good idea, there is no need to use any good means to deal with that old guy Barrett.

He actually kidnapped Fu's daughter-in-law, which is really abominable!

Fu Xuanyi talked to Jones for five minutes, then hung up the phone and returned the phone to his father.

At this time, Guan Jinyou beside him said: "Master Xuan, the private plane is ready."

Fu Xuanyi nodded and said to his father: "Dad, leave the company to you. Mom, take good care of the child."

The second elder nodded, and Fu's mother said, "You can go with peace of mind. Your father and I are here at home. There will be no problem in the company, and there will be no problem in the two children. You should bring Yuxian back as soon as possible."

The elders and the child were relatively lucky and were not injured, because the target of those people was not them, but Wei Yuxian.

Almost everyone rushed towards Wei Yuxian.

So much so that Fu Xuanyi couldn't save anyone even if he wanted to.

Fu Xuanyi said "hmm" and took Lu Chengxiao out without wasting any more time.

Guan Jinyou will not go with him this time. He will stay in China and help Fu's father manage the company.

After all, Father Fu is getting older and his energy is not as good as before. In addition, he has not been in charge of the company for several years, so he still needs someone to help manage it.

Lu Chengxiao followed Fu Xuanyi and took the time to call his little girlfriend.

"Tiantian, I have to go on a business trip for a while. You have to take care of yourself these days. If you miss me, just send me a message. I will reply when I see it."

You Wantian didn't ask him where he was going on a business trip, but asked: "How long will it take to go? When will he come back? Is there any danger?"

She knew Lu Chengxiao's job as a "bodyguard", a job that was quite dangerous.

She couldn't help but worry, worried that something would happen to Lu Chengxiao.

What if I come back from this trip with missing arms and legs? She didn't want to see him like that.

They had agreed to get married after she graduated from college, and she didn't want anything to happen to him.

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