After Getting Pregnant, The Celibate Buddhist Fiercely Dotes on His Beloved Wife

Chapter 242 Uncle Ah Xuan is not around, and he is unhappy

The little brow couldn't help but wrinkled, and he ate the breakfast in front of him absentmindedly, feeling that the delicious breakfast was not delicious.

Wei Guoan was the first to notice that something was wrong with his daughter's mood. He turned around and asked gently: "What's wrong? Is the breakfast not delicious?"

He glanced at the breakfast in Wei Yuxian's bowl. They were all her usual favorites. This shouldn't be the reason. So, what was the reason?

Wei Yuxian swallowed the porridge in her mouth, sighed, and looked around again. She didn't see the person she wanted to see, so she asked, "Dad, where is Uncle A-Xuan?"

She was used to staying with Uncle A-Xuan these days, and she felt a little uncomfortable when she suddenly couldn't see him.

Wei Guoan thought it was something, but he didn't expect that it was because of Fu Xuanyi that his wife was in a bad mood.

He coaxed her and said: "Your Uncle Xuan is busy with something and will be back soon. Eat your breakfast and don't let Uncle Xuan worry."

Wei Yuxian tilted her head and continued to ask, "What is Uncle Ah Xuan busy with?"

After asking, in order not to worry Uncle Xuan, she took a bite of breakfast to show that she was eating breakfast seriously.

Wei Guoan knew what Fu Xuanyi was going to do, but he didn't plan to tell her for fear of scaring her. He said, "Dad doesn't know what he is going to do, but he said that if you let him play at home for a long time, he will be able to do it." Saw him."

Wei Yuxian pursed her lips, still a little unhappy, missing her Uncle Xuan.

She doesn’t know what’s wrong, but she just misses Uncle A-Xuan when she can’t see him, just like she usually misses her father.

Perhaps unknowingly, Uncle Xuan really became a very important person to her.

Wei Yuxian finished his breakfast in a state of confusion, but his mood did not improve.

After eating, she sat in the living room and watched TV. It was her favorite cartoon that she had watched in the past two days, but she found it boring to watch today.

Because Uncle A-Xuan usually watched it with her. With Uncle A-Xuan by her side, she felt more at ease watching it.

Now that Uncle Xuan is no longer around, she has no interest in watching cartoons anymore.

Wei Guoan couldn't bear to see his daughter's depressed look, so he thought of ways to divert her attention.

Thinking of what the nanny just said about Shishi and Zhizhi waking up, he had an idea in his mind.

"Eucalyptus, Shishi and Zhizhi are awake. Do you want to feed the baby some milk?"

The two little guys have had enough sleep and are about to be hungry. The nannies are preparing milk powder and they can feed them after it is ready.

After Wei Yuxian lost her memory, she had never tried breastfeeding babies. This was a novel thing for her, and it immediately aroused her curiosity.

She put her unhappiness aside for the time being, looked at her father with bright eyes, and asked, "Can I feed grandma to the baby?"

Wei Guoan nodded and said, "Of course, daddy, can you let the nanny teach you?"

The smile on Wei Yuxian's face finally appeared again. She nodded happily and said "yes" before getting up and pulling her father up to the room.

"Come on, Dad! Let's go feed the baby to grandma!"

Wei Guoan saw a smile finally appeared on his daughter's face, and he breathed a sigh of relief, with the corners of his mouth slightly raised.

As long as the eucalyptus is happy, it will be fine. The method of diverting attention is reliable and can be used again in the future.

Wei Yuxian excitedly pulled her father up to the room. The nannies had just prepared the milk powder, and each of them was holding a baby and was about to breastfeed.

Wei Yuxian quickly said: "Auntie nanny! Let me feed the baby grandma!" She stopped the nannies' actions.

The two nannies set their sights on Wei Guoan and sought his advice.

Wei Guoan nodded gently, and then the two nannies put the two babies down and asked Wei Yuxian to feed them.

Considering Wei Yuxian's current intellectual problems, the two nannies watched her carefully and taught her how to feed the baby, and what kind of posture to use to hold the baby so that it would not be so tiring, so that the baby could drink milk better.

Wei Yuxian started to feed the babies while listening to the nanny's instructions and doing the movements. I don't know why, but she did these movements very naturally, as if she had done them countless times.

Of course she wouldn't know, it's her muscle memory.

In the Fu family, as long as she was at home, she would breastfeed the babies herself. Only when she was not at home would the nanny or Fu's mother come to feed them.

She enjoys the process of breastfeeding her two babies and can get closer to them.

She fed Zhizhi milk first, and stared closely at Zhizhi as he drank the milk from the bottle into his stomach, feeling full of accomplishment!

The baby is so cute when he drinks milk! Wei Yuxian's eyes are about to turn into star eyes!

It didn't take long for Zhizhi to feel full and refused to drink any more. There was still a little bit left in the bottle.

Wei Yuxian felt it was a pity, so she drank it herself. It had a strong milky aroma and was delicious!

Next, it was time to feed Shishi. Wei Yuxian did it right, and she was very happy.


And what is Fu Xuanyi, who has always been remembered by Wei Yuxian, doing now?

In the morning, he got up early, washed up, and went to Wei Yuxian's room. He kissed her and the babies on their foreheads, had a simple breakfast, and then left the manor in a car.

The destination is another estate of the Jones family.

The car drove for more than half an hour before arriving at the manor.

The manor also covers a large area, but not as big as the one they live in now.

Fu Xuanyi had no intention of observing these at the moment. After getting out of the car, he entered the manor under the leadership of his men and walked through several doors before arriving at the final destination.

It's an underground darkroom filled with some scary stuff.

Fu Xuanyi walked in expressionlessly, looking at the people tied up in the dark room, a murderous intent flashed in his eyes!

He took off the prayer beads from his hand and twisted them in his hands as usual.

There were not many people in the darkroom because it was too early and most people hadn't gotten up yet. There were only two men here watching the tied people.

When they saw Fu Xuanyi coming, they hurried forward and called: "Master Xuan."

Fu Xuanyi said coldly, "Yeah", without any warmth in his tone, it was so cold that it was scary!

Even people who have been with him for many years feel a little uncomfortable when they hear his cold tone.

One of the men said: "Master Xuan, the second master will be here in a minute."

Fu Xuanyi said "hmm" again and looked at the tied person.

At this moment, there is no good piece of meat on this man's body. He doesn't know what kind of torture he has suffered these days.

Both cheeks became swollen, with bruises and bruises left on them that lingered for a long time.

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