If she had a baby at this time, she would not have the financial means yet, and the other would still be in school, which would affect her studies.

So, not yet.

You Wantian regained her senses in time and said, "A Cheng, can you wait until I graduate? I don't want to interrupt my studies."

She reached out to touch his handsome face, soothing him who was restless.

Lu Chengxiao's mind became clearer, he relaxed his body, lay on her body, buried his head in her neck, and took a deep breath.

He sighed and said a vague "hmm".

Now, it is indeed not the best time. His age is okay, but Tiantian is still young and is still in school.

The only strange thing is that he was born a few years earlier. If he had been born a few years later, he might still be Tiantian's classmates.

But now, he can also accompany Tiantian to school. As long as Master Xuan doesn't assign tasks, he can stay with Tiantian.

You Wantian hugged him and patted his back gently with her hands, as if comforting a big dog.

Lu Chengxiao nuzzled her neck, kissed her a few more times, and said, "Tiantian, I feel so uncomfortable."

You Wantian turned her head to look at his face, looking bitter and uncomfortable, and asked, "Then do you want to take a cold shower?"

Lu Chengxiao shook his head and said coquettishly to her, "I don't want to wash it."

"What should we do? Just leave it hanging like this?" She could feel the heat and majesty of that thing.

Being pressed against her makes me feel shy.

Lu Chengxiao shook his head again and said, "It's uncomfortable."

"Then what do you think we should do?"

Lu Chengxiao had already had an idea in his mind and whispered something in her ear.

After hearing this, You Wantian's face turned red! I was a little hesitant to agree to him.

Lu Chengxiao acted coquettishly in her ear again, saying things like how he felt uncomfortable, but You Wantian couldn't get enough of him, so she agreed.

Lu Chengxiao happily held her hand and kissed her tenderly several times before...

You Wantian's face was always red, and in her ears was her boyfriend's low and hoarse voice.

She didn't know how much time had passed, but You Wantian couldn't feel the passage of time at all. She just felt that this period of time had passed extremely long!

With great difficulty, her tender hands were freed, and they turned red and almost bruised!

She blushed and asked Lu Chengxiao to get off her, and she shyly went into the bathroom to wash her hands.

Lu Chengxiao lay on the bed contentedly, staring at the ceiling in a daze, with the corners of his mouth raised.

You Wantian washed her hands several times with hand soap in the bathroom. After drying them, she put it under her nose and smelled it. She didn't know if it was her imagination, but she always felt that the smell was still there.

When I looked at myself in the mirror again, my face was as red as a ripe tomato.

She stopped washing her hands and walked out while rubbing her almost numb hands.

Outside, Lu Chengxiao was still lying on her bed, without even changing his posture and the smile on his face.

She sat down on the edge of the bed, crossed her thin legs, not daring to look at the man, and said, "You, you should go back to your room to take care of yourself and go to bed."

Lu Chengxiao turned to look at her lazily and asked, "Can I sleep with you tonight?"

You Wantian shook her head and said, "No, you can sleep alone."

Who knows if this man will suddenly appear again in the middle of the night... Then you will be really dangerous when you are by his side!

Lu Chengxiao moved over, put his arms around her waist, and rubbed her waist, showing off his coquettish skills.

"Tiantian, I promise not to do anything. Let's sleep together."

You Wantian wanted to pry his hand away, but the man held her tightly, and she tried her best not to pry him away. She could only say, "No, we can only sleep together after we get married."

In essence, she is a fairly conservative person.

"It's okay before we get married. I will never mess around. Tiantian, I promise you, if I mess around, I will never set foot in your room again! Okay, Tiantian?"

What he said was sincere.

To prevent him from ever entering Tiantian's room in the future, it would be better to let him die.

You Wantian agreed, said a shy "hmm", covered her face with her hands, and said, "Go and clean it up quickly."

Lu Chengxiao happily said "Okay", stood up and kissed You Wantian on the face before walking out of the room and going back to his own room to change into pajamas.

The suit on my body is a bit dirty.

After changing clothes and coming back, You Wantian still lay down on the bed. He was holding a bag in his hand, which contained the gift he brought back to her from country E.

When I came back, I only thought about posting with my wife. How could I think of anything else?

I just went back to the room to get my pajamas. I saw them by chance, then I remembered them and brought them over together.

He put the bag in front of You Wantian like a treasure and said, "Tiantian, look at the gift I bought for you!"

You Wantian looked at this exquisite gift bag and asked, "What is it?"

"Open it and take a look." He thrust the gift bag into her hand.

You Wantian stood up quickly, sat down with her legs crossed, opened the gift bag, and found that there was a gift box inside, which contained something like jewelry.

The gift box was opened again, containing a necklace, a beautiful star pendant.

She took out the necklace in surprise, with a smile on her face and said, "It looks good!"

This star will still shine under the light!

Take a closer look at why this star shines. It turns out that there is a diamond embedded in it!

It's a real diamond!

He’s quite small!

When Lu Chengxiao was buying gifts in Country E, he took a fancy to this necklace at first sight, thinking that his Tiantian would like it very much, so he bought it without saying a word.

Now it seems that his Tiantian really likes it and he bought it right.

"Tiantian, let me put it on for you." He said.

You Wantian didn't dare to wear it or put it away. She put the necklace back into the box and said, "This necklace must be very expensive, right?"

Lu Chengxiao didn't need to tell her that such a big diamond was expensive.

"It's not expensive, not expensive at all. Take it, Tiantian, and I'll put it on for you."

"Then how much does this necklace cost?"

Lu Chengxiao named a number, six digits, which shocked You Wantian!

She has never seen so much money in her life!

Her family is just an ordinary family, and it can't even spend the amount Lu Chengxiao mentioned in one year!

This man still said it was not expensive? !

It's obviously very expensive!

"It's too expensive. You should return it. I don't dare to wear such an expensive thing." She shook her head and closed the box, put it back in the gift bag, and returned it intact.

"How expensive is it? No matter how expensive it is, can it be as expensive as my Tiantian?" Lu Chengxiao took out the necklace again and insisted on putting it on her.

He has been with Master Xuan for so many years. Although his assets are not as good as Master Xuan, he is still very rich, right?

He also had several small companies under his name, but he found them troublesome to manage, so he hired people with high salaries to manage them for him.

To him, six figures are not even a drop in the bucket.

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