After eating, Wei Yuxian felt comfortable all over, but her body was still a little soft, but there was nothing else wrong with her.

She lay lazily in Fu Xuanyi's arms and didn't want to move.

Fu Xuanyi carried her to the sofa, found a movie and showed it to her.

In this rare leisure time, the two of them had nothing to do and no one around. It was simply their world.

Wei Yuxian just woke up and was not sleepy at the moment. After watching a movie for a while, she felt bored and started chatting with Fu Xuanyi.

"Axuan, where is Ding Nana?" Only now did her slow mind have time to ask about the culprit who caused her amnesia.

Yesterday, she was busy reuniting with her family and making amends to Fu Xuanyi. How could she have the time to think about this unimportant person?

It was only now that I was free and had nothing to do that I remembered this person.

Speaking of which, Ding Nana is really hateful!

The original intention of letting her live was to give her a taste of the dangers of society, but who would have thought that not only did this guy have no repentance, he would actually attack her again!

This time, no matter what, I can't let her go.

Who knows what surprise will happen next time?

It's not that she is cruel, but some people don't need to be merciful!

When Fu Xuanyi heard her question, he said two words softly: "Dead."

Wei Yuxian was stunned for a while before digesting the news and said: "It's okay if you die. If you die, you won't harm society anymore."

Fu Xuanyi touched her head, which was the injured area, with a flash of distress in his eyes.

Wei Yuxian took his other hand, played with it with both hands, and asked: "Then tell me about Ding Nana's situation. What background does she have that can capture me under your nose. "

Being able to capture her in the Fu family's territory, it seems that Ding Nana's background is not simple. I don't know if those people will still cause trouble for Ah Xuan after Ding Nana's death.

Fu Xuanyi told her about Ding Nana and the Barrett family, and then told her about his cooperation with the Jones family.

In the end, she found her family by accident.

This world is such a coincidence. Even though the two countries are so far apart, they can still meet each other and find their families.

This is a very lucky thing for Wei Yuxian.

If it hadn't been for this trip to Country E, she didn't know when she would know that she still had family members in this world.

It is also possible that I will never know it in this life.

After listening to Fu Xuanyi's words, Wei Yuxian sighed and said: "Evil people will be punished. We have solved Ding Nana, which can be regarded as a contribution to society."

She is not the only one who has been bullied by Ding Nana over the years. I don’t know how many people were bullied by Ding Nana before her.

And most of those people chose to swallow their anger and endure it silently.

Because they couldn't beat Ding Nana and couldn't compete with her, they chose to tolerate and be bullied.

Even she didn't know how she would have been bullied by Ding Nana if she hadn't met Fu Xuanyi.

She was completely in no mood to watch that boring movie. She turned around and sat astride Fu Xuanyi's lap, holding his neck with her hands and looking at him.

Fu Xuanyi put his hands behind her waist to protect her, and looked at her lovingly without blinking.

Wei Yuxian put a hand on his cheek and said, "It's not easy. There are always people who want to separate us. What should we do?"

Fu Xuanyi tilted his head and kissed her hand and said, "I will make all those people disappear."

A smile appeared in Wei Yuxian's eyes, she said "hmm" and asked, "Are you very sad during the time when I lost my memory?"

After all, she looked like a child, and her brain circuit was a bit strange.

Speaking of this, she remembered that one night, Fu Xuanyi wanted to do something intimate with her, but she was so naive at that time that she thought he wanted to steal her clothes.

It was so embarrassing that I even went to my mother to complain.

And when I grew up, I was still so wary of him. I always thought he was a scumbag and wouldn't even let him touch me.

How uncomfortable must this man have been for so many days?

Fu Xuanyi thought about those days and said, "It's a little bit."

The main thing is that I can't get close to Guaiguai, which is very distressing.

But when Guaiguai turns into a six-year-old, he is still very cute and can do many things that adults cannot do.

"I promise that I will never forget you again." Wei Yuxian said, "You also have to protect me, okay?"

"This is natural." Fu Xuanyi said. He naturally wants to protect his obedience.

Thinking of those days of amnesia, Fu Xuanyi actually had one regret in his heart, that is, he could not hear his family call him "Brother A Xuan".

Uncle Ah Xuan shouted a lot, but brother Ah Xuan didn't say a word.

At this time, maybe you can make up for your original regrets?

Fu Xuanyi said tentatively: "Be good."

"Huh?" Wei Yuxian tilted her head and responded.

Fu Xuanyi pursed his lips and said, "Call Brother A Xuan."

Wei Yuxian remembered this. When Fu Xuanyi asked her to call her Brother Ah Xuan, she refused. She insisted on calling her Uncle Ah Xuan, forcing her to call him a generation older.

Thinking about it now, it's still embarrassing.

This man actually mentioned this matter again. What does he want to do? Do you have to see her embarrassed?

She turned her head to one side, not looking at the man, and thought about turning her body away too.

Before she could take action, the man's waist was firmly grasped by the man, not giving her a chance to turn around.

Fu Xuanyi pushed her hand hard, took her into his arms, and said in her ear: "Good boy, let me know."

Wei Yuxian frowned: "Don't scream."

Even if he forced her to call her husband yesterday, he will force her to call him brother today. This man really has one thought every day.

Today, she refused to be called by this name at all. She was bored to death.

Fu Xuanyi coaxed her, gently massaged her waist and said, "Just scream."

Wei Yuxian only believed what he said!

What's the cry? After calling out, it was more than just a cry. She knew this man very well.

She closed her eyes and pretended to be dead, pretending to be asleep and making a cute little snore.

Fu Xuanyi looked down at her, poked her tender cheek, and shouted: "Be good."

Wei Yuxian ignored him and didn't answer.

Fu Xuanyi poked again and continued to call: "Wife."

Wei Yuxian still ignored him, looking completely indifferent, but her attitude was firm.

Fu Xuanyi's mouth showed a hint of helplessness, and he kissed her, on her forehead, on her cheek, on her cheek, on the tip of her nose, then on her chin, eyes, wherever she saw.

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