After Having Everything Taken Away, She Returns As A God

Chapter 464 Fifth Senior Brother Protects Weaknesses, Your Majesty Protects His Wife [2 More]

Previously, he only judged from the video, and Yuan Mingchi was also afraid that he would make a mistake, in case something happened.

But even if it is one ten thousandth, the little junior sister is worth it.

Seeing the real person now, Yuanming Chi can completely confirm it.

It is indeed the little junior sister.

Not the same face, much less the same body, but the same soul.

Compared with that time four years ago, the little junior sister now gave him a more real feeling, as if her soul had been sublimated and she was finally complete.

But no matter what, this is their little junior sister.

Yuanmingchi let out a breath slowly, and his body that had been tensed all the way finally relaxed.

He touched the head of Yamata no Orochi, and said softly: "You recognize it too? Go, heal Xiaojiu first."

Yamata no Orochi put away its attack form and turned into a miniature snake.

It made a "hissing" sound and floated towards Sifu.

Suddenly seeing a cute creature with these eight heads and eight tails appearing in front of her, Si Fuqing was startled.

She opened her eyes vigorously, a little uncertain: "...Baqi?"

The eight heads of Yamata no Orochi nodded, and barked a few more times. It looked very well-behaved, and it was completely devoid of the viciousness it had when it devoured the soul of the third elder.

Then, it stretched out one of its heads, rubbed against the girl's palm, and began to heal her.

Si Fuqing felt that she regained some strength, and her mind gradually cleared up.

She is the only one with five senior brothers who can tame Yamata no Orochi to become a shikigami onmyoji.

Si Fuqing raised his head, and his vision finally became clear.

At the same time, one hand supported her to stand up.

Under the cherry blossom tree, the petals were flying, Yuan Mingchi smiled at her, without any words, just called her simply.

"Little Junior Sister."

Familiar address, familiar tone.

Just like how she worshiped on the top of the cloud many years ago, that's what he called her.

Yuanmingchi was originally a famous handsome man in the Free State, always smiling and calm, even before Mount Tai collapsed.

But at this moment, his eyes were red, his eyes were also black and blue, and he was a little more tired.

Si Fuqing had never seen Yuanming Pond like this before, her body shook, and she muttered: "Fifth Senior Brother..."

"It's me." Yuan Mingchi's eyes also moved, he raised his head, and then forced the sore feeling back into his eyes.

After a pause, he smiled slightly, like clear water flowing through the field, clear and moving: "Fifth Senior Brother found you, Junior Junior Sister."

The length of four years suddenly disappeared at this moment.

Si Fuqing blinked, and laughed lowly: "You are so powerful, surely no one can pretend to be you."

Yuanmingchi also laughed, with a gentle voice: "Of course."

Although the strength of senior brother is higher than that of Yuanmingchi, it is far more difficult to pretend to be Yuanmingchi.

A powerful onmyoji can even recondense the body.

"Let's go, this is not a place to talk." Yuan Mingchi asked Yaqi Orochi to carry Si Fuqing on his back, and lifted Fujiyama Shizuya up with his own hand.

Relying on their superb yin and yang skills, the two quickly left Fujiyama's house and came to a secluded pavilion.

Yamata no Orochi wagged his tail and put Si Fu down, and returned to his miniature state.

"What's going on?" Yuanmingchi frowned, and then asked, "Why were you suddenly found by the Fujiyama family?"

"Because I am the daughter of luck." Si Fuqing briefly explained, "They want to use my luck for their own use."

As soon as these words came out, the aura on Yuanmingchi's body instantly turned cold: "What courage!"

Junior Sister was very lucky in the past, but no one dared to call her attention.

Anyone dared to be so presumptuous now, and it really didn't kill enough!

"Did you see me at the exchange meeting that day?" Yuan Mingchi took a deep breath, with anger hidden in his brows and eyes, "Why didn't you come to me directly? You think I can't see that you plan to use Is it a yin and yang technique that hurts both sides?"

The reason why Fujiyama Shizuya was stunned by Yamata no Orochi with one blow was also because he was already injured.

Si Fuqing is currently only a celestial master of yin and yang, but he can push Fujiyama Jing, who has a higher level of cultivation, to this point. He is worthy of being their little junior sister.

There was a momentary silence in the air, and after a long, long silence, Si Fuqing said slowly, "I doubted you."

Yuanmingchi was startled, and his expression gradually became serious: "Because I am an Onmyoji, and I understand the soul better?"

"Yes." Si Fuqing said in a low voice, "I'm sorry, Fifth Senior Brother."

After confirming with Yuejian that the explosion might be man-made, she first suspected that it was Yuanmingchi, because Yuanmingchi is an onmyoji, and she can do it quietly.

"No, you don't need to say sorry to me." Yuan Mingchi's eyes gradually became sharper, "This proves that the explosion you experienced was intentionally done by someone, and not everyone in Shimen can believe it. Even if he was nice to you before, you have to be vigilant."

Si Fuqing's fox eyes curled up: "Understood, fifth senior brother."

"It's good to know." Yuan Mingchi said, "If you have any troubles in the future, don't ask Fifth Senior Brother——"

He turned his head: "Baqi."

The miniature Yamata no Orochi instantly recovered its fighting form and let out a roar.

Si Fuqing: "..."

Why is her fifth senior brother suddenly so dark-bellied?

It must have been spoiled by the second senior brother.

At the same time, Yuan Mingchi began to check all the suspicious characters in his mind, his brows were tightly frowned.

No one can match the number.

Although Si Fuqing was the latest to start, she was already fifteen years old when she entered the top of the cloud, unlike them who were all picked up by their masters and lived and practiced in the top of the cloud since they were young.

But they all cherish the new Junior Sister Jiu and are willing to teach her everything.

He also taught her a lot of yin and yang in "Eternity".

Little Junior Sister is a relative to him, and no one can hurt him.

"Fifth senior brother, can you deduce why I use the corpse to return my soul?" Si Fu frowned slightly, "And I feel that this body is mine, which is very strange."

"Our theory of Yin Yang and Five Elements emphasizes that people have three souls and seven souls." Yuan Mingchi pondered for a moment, "Why can you borrow a corpse to revive your soul? It's not that simple."

There are many stories in the history of returning the soul from a corpse, but in fact, the so-called returning from a corpse in the Yin-Yang and Five Elements Realm is that You Fuling temporarily puts on a corpse that has not been dead for a long time, and it cannot last too long. After all, it is not his own body, and the degree of fit is too low .

But when he saw Si Fu, he didn't feel rejected by his body in the slightest.

"I will check, I will send you back first, your friend should be waiting." Yuan Mingchi withdrew his thoughts, his expression was serious, "Junior Sister, you can trust me."

"Yeah." Si Fu smiled, "If there is any trouble, I won't let Fifth Brother sit idle."

"Okay." Yuanmingchi took out his mobile phone, "Tell your friends first, don't let them worry, and let Baqi see if there are any hidden injuries after returning."


The time went back ten minutes, and when Patriarch Fujiyama and the remaining elders rushed over, there was only the destroyed formation left in the yard.

There were pools of blood on the ground, and Fujiyama Shizuya and Si Fuqing had disappeared.

The Great Elder's expression changed, and he said angrily, "This Yuanming Pond came here to snatch the daughter of Luck!"

He also said that he was a gentleman, but he was just a despicable and shameless villain!

But there is nothing the Great Elder can do if he gets angry again, Yuanming Chi is no one they can offend, and they have to give in whatever Yuanming Chi wants.

The Great Elder looked gloomy.

"Great Elder, Patriarch, something is wrong!" Suddenly, a guard rushed to report, "Someone has entered the Fujiyama family!"

Patriarch Fujiyama turned pale with shock: "Yuanming Pond is here again?!"

"No... not Yuanmingchi!" the guard stammered, "Yes, yes..."

There is no need for the guards to say that Patriarch Fujiyama and several other elders have already seen it.

The man came through the night, holding the throat of a yin and yang celestial master in his hand.

He said lightly: "A mere yin-yang celestial master."


This sentence was like a thunderbolt, and everyone in the Fujiyama family was shocked in place.

It is too difficult to train a celestial yin and yang master. Not only does the yin and yang master need to have talent, but resources are also indispensable.

Who is this man?

He is clearly not an Onmyoji!

The great elder looked horrified: "...S-level evolutionary?!"

Only S-level evolutionists have such strength.

In just a few hours, the Fujiyama family was bloodbathed twice!

This is the first time in the thousand-year history of the Fujiyama family.

The Great Elder summoned Shikigami and said sharply, "Your Excellency killed my Fujiyama family for no reason. What do you mean?!"

"Where is she?" Yu Xiheng finally looked up, "I ask you, where is she?"

"Her?" The Great Elder couldn't react for a while.

Patriarch Fujiyama's voice trembled: " also want the daughter of luck?"

Yu Xiheng didn't say a word, she opened her palm, and a huge force came, and the fourth elder let out a scream.

"Where is she?"

Still these three words, without ups and downs.

"Your Excellency!" The Great Elder was surprised and angry, "He was with us before, but he is really gone now!"

"Your Excellency wants us to hand over someone, but we really have no one to hand over!"

Yu Xiheng hummed: "Okay."

He took a step forward, and more and more onmyojis appeared.

"Your Excellency is only one person. You must know that there is an old saying in your Great Xia that two fists can defeat four hands!" The Great Elder gritted his teeth, "There are more than three thousand onmyojis in my Fujiyama family! Your Excellency, don't think that you alone can resist my Fujiyama family. "

Yu Xiheng raised her eyes and smiled slightly: "A single spark can do nothing to me."

Wuwuwuwu Fifth Senior Brother and Your Majesty are both so handsome, ask for a monthly ticket for the two beauties to support the arrangement!

About the big villain, I haven’t written or mentioned it yet, don’t be scared by the reversal of Yinghuang’s book, it’s meaningless to write the same routine twice qvq

See you tomorrow~

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