After Having Everything Taken Away, She Returns As A God

Chapter 785 The big boss appears, embroidering clothes [2 updates]


The entire long table fell into dead silence for an instant.

Yu Xiheng's eyes also suddenly paused.

Si Fuqing's eyes widened slightly: "Senior Brother, you have been missing for so many years, so you went to the Eternal Continent?!"

Instead of using the game cabin, the whole person went directly there.

So, the Dongling Sea is actually a place connecting the Earth and the Eternal Continent? ! At this time, many thoughts are flowing freely at this moment.

No wonder something like the Gate of the Dead appears in the East Ridge Sea that should not exist. It must be the Onmyoji of the Eternal Continent who has tampered with it.

She also asked from Dongsang's Yin Yang family that there was a woman who helped them improve their abilities and gave them many Yin Yang and Five Elements secret books.

But many years later, this woman's appearance has never changed.

Si Fuqing's eyes turned cold, and he suddenly thought of someone.

That great disciple of Yunmeng, Bi Ji!

"Yes." Yun Ying wrote lightly, "I chased the people who had tampered with the Intercontinental Research Institute all the way to the Dongling Sea, and then they disappeared."

Si Fuqing's eyes changed slightly: "Those people from the Eternal Continent?"


If there are spiritual cultivators from the Eternal Continent, it will indeed be much easier to take action.

"Not bad." Yun Ying nodded slightly, "I circled the Dongling Sea several times, but I never found them."

"Later, when I was about to give up, I accidentally triggered something. When I woke up again, I was in another place."

Yun Ying let out a soft sneer: "It is really a familiar yet strange place. I found that I couldn't get out, so I simply stayed."

This stay lasts five hundred years.

The flow of time in the Eternal Continent is completely different from that on the Earth, and there is no pattern at all.

He had no choice but to suppress the bloodlust and violence in his heart, become a spiritual cultivator in the Eternal Continent, and collect more news in this long period of time.

The ten most dangerous places in the Eternal Continent are the Endless Sea, Tomb of the Gods, Huangquan Mountain, Ghost Valley, Demonic Abyss, Yunmengze, Tianchi, Wild End, Palace of Eternal Life and Death Swamp.

Countless players died in the fierce place.

Some have been completely banned from logging in, and some have become vegetative.

No matter how serious it is, they will die like Ye Banglan and Lu Qingning.

Since the Eternal Continent is a real world, the game "Eternal" is also a conspiracy.

The deaths of Ye Banglan and Lu Qingning are absolutely inseparable from the forces to which the godfather is loyal!

Si Fuqing took a deep breath: "Senior Brother, there is also a problem with the three brainwave link modes of the game cabin, right?"

Yun Ying raised his eyebrows: "Oh? Xiaojiu, tell me."

"In normal mode, we are just projections and can't affect anything." Si Fuqing said slowly, "In sleep mode, our souls have passed away, so once we are severely injured, we will become a vegetative state."

"And the abyss mode..." She clenched her fingers and her voice was hoarse, "It is equivalent to entering the eternal continent."

So if Abyss Mode is dead, it is really dead.

Ye Banglan and Lu Qingning died in another world, and their graves were empty.

"Smart." Yun Ying said lightly, "It's just that I haven't found out who created the 'game' 'Eternity'."

Si Fuqing asked again: "Elder brother, what is the holy day?"

"It's the last day in their plan." Yun Ying raised his eyebrows, "According to the prophecy on the tomb of the god, on this day, everything will be reborn."

Si Fuqing frowned slightly: "That might be our destruction."

Destruction and rebirth are inherently relative things.

This sentence made everyone's nerves tense.

"Children, don't worry too much." Yun Ying smiled lightly instead, "You can't run away from a big disaster, but you don't have to run away from a small one. If the sky falls, your senior brother will get up first."

Tan Jingmo stood up first: "Elder brother, let's go and compare notes."

"Oh?" Yun Ying smiled, "Okay, as the controller of the earth element, you want to increase your strength, come on."

The two go out.

"Xiaojiu, the matter is more serious than we thought, and I have to improve my strength as soon as possible." Yue Jian said in a deep voice, "Elder brother said that you are a vital link, and no matter what, senior brother and sister will protect you first. "

Si Fuqing clasped his fingers: "Third Senior Sister, I should be the one protecting you..."

"I'm leaving first." Yue Jian patted her shoulder and said in a relaxed tone, "Safety measures must be taken, young people, be restrained."

Si Fuqing's eyes widened: "Wait, Third Senior Sister, I really haven't..."

Tsukimi has left.

Si Fuqing turned his head and looked at Yu Xiheng who was calm and calm: "My reputation is gone."

"Yeah." He touched her head, "I don't have any anymore."

Si Fuqing: "..."

Can this be the same?



At the same time, somewhere in the Eternal Continent.

The young man clasped his fists and bowed respectfully: "Sir, Zhong Shanwen is dead."

After a long time, a faint voice came from the depths of darkness: "Oh?"

There was no confusion in the tone of the voice, as if everything was expected.

"Zhong Shanwen is dead, and Lord Moyuan was also seriously injured." The young man said respectfully, "It seems that the Lord of Ghost Valley has developed a new poison. Zhong Shanwen went there today and happened to touch his bad luck."

The voice was still calm: "It's not like he died without any use."

At least they got new information.

The poison that can seriously injure even the Demon Abyss Lords is indeed worthy of their attention.

"Yes, sir." The young man smiled, "He failed the mission, humiliated your face, and wasted a quota to go to Earth. He deserves to die."

The voice hummed lightly: "Bigi is also dead?"

"Yes, he was killed by Yunmeng." The young man sneered, "He is also a waste of time and effort."

"Don't worry about them. Whether they die or not will have no impact on the plan." The voice gradually faded away, "Don't make any mistakes."

The young man's eyes moved: "Don't worry, sir. Since I have surrendered to you, I will definitely not let you down."


On the other side, Ghost Valley.

The Lord of the Ghost Valley was so angry that his beard stood up: "Smelly girl, if you dare to touch my kitchen in the future, I will beat you out with a stick!"

He wasted the ingredients he carefully cultivated and made a bowl of noodles that was more poisonous than poison.

The Lord of the Ghost Valley hated iron and said: "Do you know what the rumors say outside? They say I have made a terrifying poison!"

Si Fuqing clasped his hands together: "Sorry, sorry, master, I really didn't expect it to be like that..."

The words suddenly stopped.

Eh, that's not right.

She also made a bowl for Xiao Yinhuang, but Xiao Yinhuang finished it without changing his expression.

Is it really so unpalatable? !

Si Fuqing burst into tears.

Xiao Yinhuang actually doted on her so much, she couldn't hurt him anymore.

She decided not to cook, but to finish the embroidery as soon as possible to prove that she was the ghost who accompanied him from the age of nine to fourteen.

The Lord of Ghost Valley glanced at him: "What are you embroidering?"

"I'm embroidering clothes for my boyfriend." Si Fuqing said cheerfully, "I'm here to accompany you, master."

The Lord of Ghost Valley has become accustomed to the new words she pops up from time to time.

He snorted coldly: "You haven't been acting well since the past few days. Do you have anything else to ask me to be my teacher?"

"No, really not." Si Fuqing paused and smiled, "I just think that you are a real person, master, and it couldn't be better."

She has a deep relationship with the Lord of Ghost Valley, and she doesn't regard him as just a bunch of data.

The Lord of the Ghost Valley turned away and said awkwardly: "You stinky girl, you are really good at sensationalism."

But he was quite happy in his heart and wanted to show off to Lord Mo Yuan later.


After discussing with Yun Ying, Tan Jingmo returned to the Free Continent T18 headquarters.

After he finished handling the matter, the fatigue of many days overwhelmed him, and he quickly fell asleep.

In the dream, someone was calling him.

"Momo? Momo!"

"A Ning..."

Tan Jingmo suddenly woke up from his dream and found that it was completely dark.

He poured a glass of red wine and walked slowly to the window.

He doesn't like drinking.

Part of the reason was that Si Fuqing was so destructive after drinking that he never had alcohol around him.

The bigger reason is that Lu Qingning doesn't like wine.

The events of the day impacted Tan Jingmo's brain, and he still couldn't believe the explosive news that Eternal Continent was the real world. Slowly click on your phone.

There is a text message lying in the text box that will never be deleted.

It was also the last words Lu Qingning left for him.

[Mo Mo, I like you more today than I did yesterday, and it will be the same tomorrow. I’m leaving. 】

She really left.

He didn't even get to see her for the last time.

Tan Jingmo stood in front of the huge floor-to-ceiling window. The rain was pouring outside the window, and the Freedom Tower in the distance was shining brightly.

Thousands of lights reflected in his pupils, brilliant and divine.

Tan Jingmo smiled and said softly: "A Ning, we meet again."

After ten years of life and death, we only dare to meet each other in dreams.

Several of my classmates are sick. Everyone must protect yourself and take precautions!

The final stage of writing will be very slow, thank you very much for your waiting and support.

See you tomorrow~

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