After Having Everything Taken Away, She Returns As A God

Chapter 791 The Yinhuang Chapter is released worldwide! 【2 more】

The desire for control and coercive power that belonged to the emperor were fully revealed at this moment.

He's always been someone who wants to hold everything in his hands.

It's just that in this life, he restrained his sharpness and momentum, making himself ordinary and ordinary.

But in his bones, he was still the decisive emperor.

Si Fuqing's fox eyes slowly widened: "I'm working hard to serve Da Xia, why do you want me?"

Woohoo, her idol's personality has completely collapsed.

"The girl has always been able to do several things at the same time, and she does it very well." He unhurriedly tied the hair behind her ear, "I heard from your brothers and sisters that you are on a mission at T18 At the time, I was still doing experiments at the Intercontinental Research Institute."

"Well, yes, you haven't missed the task of Eternal Academy, and you are playing Yin Yang from time to time."

At the end, he smiled: "Serving the country faithfully and making promises with one's body are not in conflict at all, and even complement each other, aren't they?"

"You are completely oppressing me." Si Fuqing whispered, "And I feel a little uncomfortable in this position."

Yu Xiheng raised her eyebrows: "Sorry."

He suddenly grabbed her waist.

In the next second, she was half in the air.

Then she fell into a warm embrace.

He lay down and let her lie on top of him.

But such a posture left her with no place to retreat.

However, at this moment, he asked her again: "Is this comfortable?"

Si Fuqing: "...This sentence will cause ambiguity!"

"Oh?" Yu Xiheng smiled lightly, raised her hand and touched her head, "It's not ambiguous, it can be changed into a normal meaning."

Sticking to his broad and warm chest, Si Fuqing could clearly hear his steady and powerful heartbeat.

She couldn't help but think back to the day he left, the snow fell heavily, and his heartbeat gradually disappeared and could no longer be heard.

Tears soaked the shirt, Yu Xiheng tightened her hand, and slowly patted her on the back: "Don't cry, Qingqing."

After a long silence, she complained in a low voice: "I was carried on the horse dozens of times by you, it hurts a lot."

Yu Xiheng pondered for a moment: "At that time, you were indeed very delicate. I was afraid that you would not be able to hold on, but you really did a good job."

As his military adviser, she has to run around the whole summer, but she has never complained.

"Of course." Si Fuqing raised his eyebrows, "Not everyone has the opportunity to go out with you."


At this moment the door was knocked suddenly, it was Director Qin.

"Mr. Si, Mr. Yu, do you want to stay for dinner?"

Si Fuqing looked at the postures of the two, and suddenly remembered a key question: "This is the rest room, black-hearted monster!"

Yu Xiheng paused: "Sorry, I can't help it."

Si Fuqing got up quickly: "Go home, go home first."

She hugged her clothes and walked slowly to the dressing room next door.

Behind her, Yu Xiheng also sat up and arranged her suit in an orderly manner.

After tidying up, he went out: "There is no need to eat, there are very important things today."

"Okay, Mr. Yu is busy with your affairs." Director Qin hurriedly said, "If you have any questions about the program in the future, just contact me directly."

Over here in the locker room.

"Sister Sang." Si Fuqing made a special call to Sang Yanqing, "From now on, just leave me a bench in my lounge."

She emphasized again: "I need iron benches, not even cushions."

Sang Yanqing was taken aback: "'re short of money again? No, the rest room is all prepared by the program crew, and you don't need your money."

Anyway, her family's entertainers are also top-notch, so the lounge is of course dedicated.

The program team will not be stingy with this kind of facilities at all, all the furniture is fully equipped, and the comfort level is no less than that of a five-star hotel.

Si Fuqing gritted his teeth: "Because someone will take this opportunity to use the bed to commit crimes against me."

Sang Yanqing: "???"

who? !

Her artist didn't directly destroy the other party?

Then there is only...

Sang Yanqing suddenly realized: "Qingqing, don't worry, there must still be a bed. I'll tell the program team later and I'll equip you with a smart lock. Don't worry."

Si Fuqing: "..."

Now she couldn't be more at ease.


After changing his clothes, Si Fu walked out of the dressing room.

As soon as she came out, she met Yu Xiheng's eyes.

She immediately covered her face with the folder.

Yu Xiheng smiled slightly: "Let's go, why are you still shy?"

Si Fuqing was expressionless: "Because your character design has completely collapsed."

"Yeah." He was very indifferent, "Then it's okay to have more collapses by the way."


Si Fuqing raised his head, before he could say anything, he grabbed his hand.

He used an extremely ingenious way to prevent her from advancing and retreating, and directly carried her into the elevator, and then stuffed her into the car after leaving the building.

Si Fuqing: "..."

What's the difference between that and carrying her on a horse?

Oh, the difference lies in the different means of transportation used in ancient and modern times.

"Jingle Bell--"

The ringing of the phone broke the quiet atmosphere at this moment.

Si Fuqing picked it up quickly: "Hello?"

"Brother Wow, after you finished filming Wen Changyi, a bunch of his poems appeared." Ji Xingzhi was beaming, "My old man even suspects that you have really worn them."

Si Fuqing raised his eyebrows: "Yes."

After Yu Xiheng recognized her, the restrictions on her finally disappeared.

Ji Xingzhi just said that casually, and now he was stunned, his brain was not enough: "That is to say, brother, you really met the ancestor Chunyuan of my Ji family?!"

After all, he is also an onmyoji who deals with souls and bodies every day, so why can't he accept such supernatural things?

"That's right." Si Fu rubbed his chin, "He has already noticed your presence."

Ji Xingzhi raised his head immediately, his whole body was refreshed: "Brother, please speak."

"Master Chunyuan said that there will be a genius in the Ji family in the future. Although he is stupid, his talent is definitely not bad." Si Fuqing said, "He will find a new path and lead the Ji family back to the top."

Ji Xingzhi froze suddenly, and he opened his mouth: "Old, old ancestor really said that?"

"Really, what did I lie to you for?" Si Fuqing hummed, "Or are you so unconfident in yourself?"

Ji Xingzhi muttered: "Isn't it because you see a lot of perverts like you?"

Si Fuqing narrowed his eyes: "What did you say?"

"No, no, no, I didn't say anything." Ji Xingzhi looked serious, "Brother and ancestors have high hopes for me, and I will definitely not let you down!"

After the call ended, Si Fuqing regained his vitality: "Ninth brother, I want to eat supper."

Yu Xiheng smiled: "Okay."


The next day, at 7:30 p.m. on Saturday night, the fourth issue of "Great Summer Treasure" was officially released.

World premiere simultaneously!

The number of viewers in the fourth issue was several times higher than that of Wen Changyi's article. More than a billion people around the world were waiting in front of the screen, waiting for the arrival of the new article.

At the beginning of this issue, Si Fuqing did not appear first, leading the audience into the ancient world bit by bit.

On the pitch-black screen, a line of golden words first appeared.

"Legends say that the dragon sparrow is not as gorgeous as other phoenixes, but it is the most ferocious among the phoenixes."

A juvenile dragon finch then appeared.

"A young dragon finch looks like an ordinary water bird, but when it grows up, it will spread its huge black wings, covering the sky and covering the earth, and the sun, moon and stars will also be covered by it."

"It is ferocious and lonely, defying the destiny."


The little sparrow on the screen suddenly spread its wings and soared into the air, turning into a huge beast in an instant.

The sparrow flew high and went away like a shooting star.

The light filled the air, and finally outlined four big characters——

Big summer sparrow!

There is no Bactrian who is not familiar with this bird.

Daxia Longque, that is the synonym of Yinhuang.

This title was given to him by the barbarians and the Western Continent.

There are rumors that once the dragon finch comes out, it is invincible.

[Fuck! This issue is really Yinhuang? ! 】

【Ahhhhhhh I'm crazy to die! It's Your Majesty! My white moonlight male god! 】

[Although I really want to watch it, the program team is still too bold, who should I ask to play? I really went through all the actors in my mind, and none of them fit. 】

[Let's not mention who will be acting, first be prepared that something about Emperor Yin will appear soon. 】

【Fortunately, Your Majesty doesn't write poetry... Otherwise, I would collapse. 】

Wen Changyixin's discovered poems have been appraised by writers and historians in many ways, and are of great cultural value.

Tiandimeng has decided to compile several of them into textbooks for elementary and middle school students.

This made the students complain.

Director Qin glanced at the more and more bullet screens, as well as the soaring data of the entire network, but calmly took a Sisi brand quick-acting heart-saving pill, thinking extremely gloatingly.

He has medicine.

Hmph, I can't scare you to death.

The colder the weather, the more my arms started to hurt, I wrote a little slow QAQ

See you tomorrow~

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