After Having Everything Taken Away, She Returns As A God

Chapter 794 The peak combat power of Liberty Continent, old friends meet [1 more]

The head of the Holy Light Tribunal is also very mysterious.

But more than 20 years ago, the head of state would also preside over large adjudication and trial meetings, and occasionally appeared in public.

Tan Jingmo vaguely recalled that the head of state was a very imposing man, and ordinary people could not look at him.

Even he has never seen the real face of the head of state, let alone his real name.

It is also recognized in the entire Free State that the only person who can confront the Prime Minister of the Holy Light Tribunal is the Lord of the Clouds.

Free State does not have a specific list of strong players.

But there is no doubt that the first two are Yun Jin and the head of the Holy Light Tribunal.

Only now...

Tan Jingmo turned his head, his eyes moved slightly: "Eldest brother has practiced in the Eternal Continent for five hundred years, if compared with the master and the head of the Holy Light Tribunal..."

"Not sure." Yunying opened a bottle of red wine, and he smiled, "How do you know that they are really retreating?"

As soon as this sentence came out, the expressions of the senior brothers and sisters were all terrified.


It is possible that Yun Jin and Yuan Capital of the Holy Light Tribunal went to the Eternal Continent unintentionally like Yun Ying.

No, probably not accidentally.

Both of them represent the peak combat power of the Freedom Continent, and they might have discovered the real different world of the Eternal Continent earlier than they did.

Yuejian frowned: "If master knows, why not tell us?"

"Okay, don't tell Xiaojiu about this." Yunying said lightly, "Let her finish filming the variety show with peace of mind."

"Daxia's luck is strong, and her luck will increase accordingly. This is a good thing for us."

"They have taken away the luck of Junior Sister, it seems that luck is very important to their plan." Yuan Mingchi frowned, "Junior Sister's luck is already very strong now, but because of the original luck, the luck is empty. One piece, and it has a big impact."

Yunying's eyes sank, and killing intent surged up: "Well, I know, you have stepped up your cultivation during this time, and all entered in the abyss mode."

Abyss mode is equivalent to entering the Eternal Continent as a whole.

Although the time ratio with the earth is as high as 100:1, it is also extremely dangerous.

Yunying pondered for a moment, and then said: "Go to the Palace of Longevity, it's safe here."

"The Palace of Eternal Life?" Tan Jingmo raised his eyebrows, "Eldest brother has been here for five hundred years?"

As one of the ten evil places, the Hall of Eternal Life is naturally self-evident.

The most important thing is that there is almost no information about the Master of the Palace of Eternal Life in the Eternal Academy's database.

Yunying paused.

He pressed his head for the first time, showing an extremely complicated expression: "No, I know the owner there, and there will be no danger for you to go."

Tan Jingmo nodded: "Thank you, senior brother."

"That's right." Yunying said again, "The four major families need to take a good rest. The general election is coming soon. They'd better not kill each other."

"There is no problem with the Huo family." Yue Jian nodded and said, "The other three Lu family and Yu family are relatively low-key, and the Ye family's competition is indeed fierce."

"Ye family?" Yunying showed a meaningful smile, "Ye family don't have to worry, Xiao Jiu will take care of it."

Both Tan Jingmo and Yue Jian were taken aback.

"Okay, kids, let's start working." Yunying waved his hand, "Don't bother me watching variety shows."

Tan Jingmo: "..."

Seeing the moon: "..."

At least the younger junior sister can fight back with the senior brother, they are completely suppressed to death.

As expected of a man standing at the top of the food chain.


In the villa.

Si Fuqing received a call from Yue Jian: "Third Senior Sister?"

"Hey, Junior Sister, I have some unfortunate news for you." Yue Jian sighed, "Brother watched all your variety shows overnight, and became a member of your super talk."

"He also learned the technique of making emoji packs, and made a lot of your emoji packs and sent them to Chaohua."

Si Fuqing: "..."

Three seconds later, she gritted her teeth: "Wait, I don't believe that I really can't compare to him, I will definitely beat him into a pig's head!"

But five hundred years of cultivation time is indeed difficult to cross.

Yuejian cheered her up: "Junior Junior Sister, the hope of all of us is on you."

After the call ended, Si Fuqing's eyes dimmed.

Yu Xiheng walked in with a glass of milk, seeing her like this, raised her brows: "Why this expression? Are you going to see Jiang Zhaoyue today?"

"Yeah." Si Fu came back to his senses, and she put the things she had prepared into the backup compartment of the game cabin, and said in a low voice, "If possible, I still want you to see her."

For the Jiang family, Yinhuang is indeed a kind of belief.

In the farewell letter written by Jiang Haiping before his death, he still never forgot Daxia Wuzhou and Yinhuang.

"I am about to die, I have no soldiers. I guard the Yanmen Gate and fight the barbarians for the final fight. I swear to die to repay the country's grace. I wish your Majesty a great victory. Your Majesty Jiang Haiping!"

She couldn't really understand such a belief

"Don't be sad." Yu Xiheng patted her head and smiled slightly, "Maybe you can show me the screen?"

At least "Eternal" does have all the characteristics of a holographic game.

The picture in the game world can also be transmitted to the computer screen through the game cabin.

"I tried, but it didn't work." Si Fuqing shook his head, then suddenly said, "No, maybe Brother Ninth can do it for you?"

"Well, so let's try it." Yu Xiheng's smile deepened, "If it's possible, I'm equivalent to time-traveling, isn't it?"

Si Fuqing's eyes lit up all of a sudden: "Okay."

She quickly lay down in the game cabin.

The hatch closes.

Yu Xiheng stood in front of the computer screen and pressed the button to receive the screen.

At the same time, Si Fuqing's voice came out from the external amplifier: "Ninth brother, can you see it?"

Yu Xiheng looked at the familiar Beizhou and the familiar military tent.

At this moment, during the night rest period, the soldiers were wolfing down around the campfire.

It's the Jiang family army.

The Jiang family army led by Jiang Zhaoyue.

Yu Xiheng raised her hand, trembling.

He lowered his voice, afraid of disturbing anything: "Yes."

"That's great." Si Fuqing's voice became cheerful, "Brother Ninth, you can talk to Zhaoyue directly."

Yu Xiheng closed her eyes: "Well, it's very good."

The picture is from Si Fuqing's perspective, and he watched the picture move gradually.

At this time, Si Fuqing also came to the main account of the military camp.

I didn't go in for a while.

There is still fresh blood in front of the main account.

Si Fuqing clenched his hand tightly.

The last episode of "The Female General of Zhen Guo" she filmed is far from the real tragic history.

When she followed Ji Chunyuan to practice Yin-Yang and Five Elements, she would go to Jiang's house to see Jiang Zhaoyue from time to time.

She also watched the little Jiang Zhaoyue grow up.

Watching Jiang Zhaoyue become silent and silent after all nine Jiang Xuanjin brothers were killed in battle.

He also watched Jiang Zhaoyue take off her red clothes and put on her arms.

It's just that the river of history is rolling forward, and it won't stop for anyone, and she can't do anything.

Si Fu suppressed her inner emotions, stretched out her hand, and opened the curtain of the main account.

The girl had just changed out of her battle armor and put on a normal uniform.

There was still blood oozing from her abdomen.

The previous seven days and seven nights of consecutive battles finally ended in victory.

But correspondingly, Jiang Zhaoyue was also seriously injured.

Si Fuqing paused, and she smiled and shouted: "Xiao Zhaoyue."

Jiang Zhaoyue turned her head abruptly, and instantly clenched the spear in her hand.

When she saw the boy for the first time, she suddenly opened her eyes wide: "You, you..."

She was about to get up in a hurry, but was pushed down by Si Fuqing: "The injury is so serious, do you still have to get up to meet me?"

Jiang Zhaoyue's face was pale, but she still smiled.

She said softly, "Brother Wuyi, why...why don't you grow old?"

She remembered the year she met him when she was still very young.

Jiang Haiping had just died in battle. Mrs. Jiang and Jiang Xuanjin's brothers hid it from her and asked him to take her to the backyard to play.

The communication with him at that time shocked her a lot.

The country hates the family feud, dare not forget it, and will not rest until death.

After both her father and brother left, she also rushed to the battlefield with this obsession.

She didn't regret it, just a little regretful.

Si Fuqing was silent for a while, then laughed again: "Yes, you have grown up so much."

Jiang Zhaoyue wiped away her tears carelessly: "Well, this year is already twenty-one."

Twenty-one, the year she died.

Si Fuqing's heart tightened, and his throat seemed to be blocked by something sour.

And at this moment, a voice fell.

"Xiao Zhaoyue, long time no see."

The voice is strange, but the tone is extremely familiar

Jiang Zhaoyue's eyes widened: "Brother Wuyi, did you hear..."

Was it because she ran around for several nights and was seriously injured, so she had hallucinations?

"Zhaoyue, it's Your Majesty." Si Fuqing looked at her and said slowly, "I brought him to see you."

good morning~

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