After Having Everything Taken Away, She Returns As A God

Chapter 799 Come out again! 【2 more】

Tan Jingmo hadn't been surprised a long time ago that such a thing as death came back to life.

The Intercontinental Research Institute once successfully revived a person who had been dead for a day.

Eternal Academy also has corresponding research.

Before knowing that Si Fuqing was still alive, Tan Jingmo did not fail to work hard to achieve the "resurrection".

It's just that when they rushed into the ruins after the explosion, Si Fuqing didn't even leave his body behind.

Yuanmingchi, who is an onmyoji, was also confirmed, and there was not even a soul breath at the scene.

Without a soul, naturally there can be no so-called resurrection.

Even Yun Ying couldn't find the reason why Si Fuqing was able to "resurrect his soul" after three years.

But for them, as long as the little junior sister is still there, that's enough.

There is no need to pursue other matters to the end.

And what did he hear now?

What does it mean to restore the body of the little junior sister and recall her soul?

If Tan Jingmo would have been ecstatic when he got the news before he and Si Fuqing met each other.

But the younger junior sister is obviously alive and well, and has been in the entertainment industry for more than two years.

Who is resurrected?

Zisu was frightened by Tan Jingmo's tone, and was stunned.

Tan Jingmo took a deep breath, and couldn't help becoming irritable: "What's going on!"

"The eighth junior brother said that the master successfully revived the little junior sister." Zisu said stammeringly, "The day the master leaves the customs, the junior junior sister will be able to come back again. Second, second senior brother, you must be happy."

After the younger junior sister died, the master retreated, and the senior brother left.

The top of the cloud is turned upside down.

"Sorry, I was too radical." Tan Jingmo pressed his head and spoke slowly, "Don't take it to heart, I just... just think it's a little too incredible."

"Yes." Zisu smiled, "Little Junior Sister is back, we can get together again, and I haven't seen you for a long time."

Tan Jingmo's eyes gradually became sharper, but he still responded with a smile: "Well, it's time to get together. What did you say you wanted to help last time?"

Zi Su shook her head: "Second Senior Brother, you can't help me either, I'll find you when I think of a solution."

"Okay." Tan Jingmo responded lightly, with no sense of joy or anger in his tone, "I will rush back immediately as soon as Master leaves the customs, and take care of yourself."

Zi Su was flattered: "Thank you, Second Senior Brother, for your concern."

Sure enough, only junior sisters can bring the relationship between brothers and sisters closer.

She is also looking forward to the day when the little junior sister comes back.


At this moment, T18 Daxia Branch.

Tan Jingmo took a few slow breaths before restraining the turbulent waves in his heart.

He quickly contacted Yunying and Yuejian.

After three hours, everyone arrived.

"Second, what's the matter?" Yuejian picked a seat and sat down, "What's the big deal?"

Yun Ying also looked at him, playing with a jade pendant in her hand.

"One thing." Tan Jingmo said lightly, "Lao Qi said that the master successfully resurrected the little junior sister, and he will bring it out for us to see when he leaves the customs."


As soon as this sentence came out, the expressions of several people changed.

Yuan Mingchi's pupils shrank suddenly, and his voice sank: "Master, what joke are you talking about?"

"I also think the master is joking, unfortunately, it's not." Tan Jingmo raised his eyebrows, "Believe me, I'm more shocked than you."

"That's why I came to you to ask, what do you think is going on here?"

Langxuan frowned: "Master doesn't know that Junior Sister is still alive, did he recruit some evil spirit? This evil spirit deceived Master?"

Hearing this, Yun Ying snorted softly: "Little San and Xiao Wu can recognize Junior Sister at a glance, have they been deceived? Are you questioning Yun Jin's strength?"

Langxuan stopped talking: "..."


Yun Jin's attainments in the soul are beyond compare.

Yuejian raised her hand and made a protest: "Eldest brother, let's discuss it. Your old man should call me Yun San."

"Oh, don't mind, the name is just a code name." Yun Ying clasped her hands and looked at Tan Jingmo with a smile, "I just want to tell you that Yun Jin must know that Xiao Jiu was not the one he resurrected, and now you still have What luck?"

Tan Jingmo squeezed the center of his brows, and he murmured: "No, but things got serious."

The fact that Si Fuqing was still alive was restricted to death by them.

And the top of the cloud has never announced the news of Yun Jiu's death.

Whether it is the Intercontinental Research Institute or the Eternal Academy, they don't know that she is the nine disciples of the top of the cloud.

Yuejian's eyes gradually turned cold, and her voice was also extremely cold: "Is there such a possibility? If we don't recognize the little junior sister, at this moment the master brought his revived 'little junior sister' to us, we I'm afraid there won't be any doubts."

Hearing these words, Yuanmingchi's heart stopped for a moment: "Not bad."

"Well, no matter whether others will admit their mistakes or not, we won't." Yun Ying raised her chin, "I don't know what Yun Jin is doing, let alone what his purpose is, but you have to be prepared. "

Several people raised their heads.

"Be prepared for a confrontation." Yun Ying glanced, "Should I be on the side of the little junior sister, or the side of the master?"


The hall fell silent.

Except for him, the other eight people on the top of the cloud are all orphans.

Including Raphael, who was the Duke of Muston, his parents died when he was very young.

It was Yun Jin who brought them back to the top of the cloud.

Even though they were kept in free range all the time, they all had some admiration for Yun Jin.

No matter what, Yunjin provided them with a cultivation environment and resources.

But it is Si Fuqing who really connects the whole division.

It is she who makes the top of the cloud full of vitality.

Otherwise, with Yunying's indifferent and cold temperament, he wouldn't even bother to remember the faces of the other members of the division, let alone support them.

Tan Jingmo turned his head and said in a low voice: "I promised her to take good care of Xiao Qing, of course it is impossible to miss the appointment."

"Huh?" Yun Ying raised her eyebrows, "That little girl from the Lu family."

Tan Jingmo's eyes suddenly tightened, and he squinted at him.

At this moment, unprecedented violence appeared on his body.

"Second brother, don't be nervous." Yun Ying was silent for a moment, her voice was a little softer, "I saw her carrying Xiao Jiu back once, and I talked to her a few times, but I didn't tell anyone. I didn't expect... "

The light in Tan Jingmo's pupils dimmed.

He smiled and interrupted: "I'm fine, really."

It's only been ten years, and he still can't let go.

Yue Jian was a little confused: "The Lu family?"

"Yeah." Yunying didn't hide anymore, "The second child is the first to leave the order, childhood sweetheart."

Yue Jian turned pale with shock: "Second brother, you scammer!"

Tan Jingmo turned around and raised his eyebrows: "How did I cheat?"

Yue Jian accused him: "You obviously have a partner, how can you join our single noble alliance? You actually lied to drink!"

Tan Jingmo: "..."

"I am very grateful to Master, but my junior sister saved my life." Yuan Mingchi was silent for a long time before saying, "Without my junior sister, I would not be able to live today."

Lang Xuan also responded softly: "Me too."

"Tsk, to be honest, I don't even remember what the master looks like." Yue Jian brushed his hair, "The last time I saw him was before he retreated? Well, let me do the math, I'm thirty-two years old, and Just met him five times?"

Tan Jingmo shrugged: "Then you are one more time than me."

Yue Jian frowned: "We'll deal with this matter, don't tell Junior Sister first."

"Three days later, Yun Jin will leave the customs." Yun Ying put her hands behind her back, "Go back together?"

Tan Jingmo nodded and said, "Naturally."

They all wanted to see what this resurrected "little junior sister" was.


Three days later.

The top of the cloud.

Zisu had been waiting at the side early in the morning, and she couldn't contain her excitement.

Meng Xuanche turned back, looked down the mountain, and said hesitantly, "Second Senior Brother, haven't they arrived yet? The resurrection of Junior Sister is such a big thing..."

"What's the rush?" A voice fell lightly, "Come up together only when everyone is here."

It was not Tan Jingmo who spoke.

Zisu turned her head, her eyes widened when she saw the leading man: "Brother?!"

Meng Xuanche was also taken aback: "Brother, are you back?"

"Naturally." Yun Ying seemed to be smiling, "You also mentioned such a big thing as Junior Sister's resurrection, how could it be possible for me not to show up?"

Zi Su echoed with a smile: "That's right, the big brother loves the little junior sister the most."

At this time, there was a "boom"!

There was thunder on the top of the mountain, and the wind blew up, breaking all the trees on the mountain.

Yunying stood in the wind, motionless.

His sight was not blocked by flying sand and rocks, and it was extremely clear.

A tall and slender figure walked out slowly.

The ending of this book is more difficult than the previous one ε=(ο`*)))

I didn't say exactly that the master is a good guy, but he is not a villain, nor can he be called a bad guy. There is a big foreshadowing in front of me, and everyone will know when I write it.

See you tomorrow~

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