After Having Everything Taken Away, She Returns As A God

Chapter 806 Sharpness, pour out your hand [1 more]

Gu Huiyan didn't expect his apprentice to give him such a big surprise.

He also froze for a while, before he said in a trance: "Old brother, you see that Wu and Wu have the same sound. Our Daxia classical dance evolved from martial arts."

"Look at the fighting scenes in "The Female Generals of Zhen Guo", she was in the battle herself, that's why my apprentice dances so well."

Old Qi: " didn't say that at first."

It is clearly said that Si Fuqin was born in martial arts, and his movements will not be as graceful and soft as dancers.

Gu Huiyan was justified: "What did I say at the beginning? Why can't I remember? Look at my apprentice's stage, it's awesome!"

In the end, Mr. Qi chose not to argue with Gu Huiyan.

"Boom, boom!"


Inside the auditorium

Dozens of backflips in succession,

In the audience, many people had already stood up and shouted excitedly.

[What are they shouting? I dont understand. 】

[The foreigner is asking Qingqing to teach them Daxia Kung Fu. 】

【Alas, the fact that we are a big country of cultivating immortals can be concealed, but now it has been exposed all of a sudden. 】

[This is the secret of Da Xia not to be passed on to the outside world. If you are not of my race, you can’t learn it, so let’s give it up! 】

Not surprisingly, Si Fuqing still won the first place in the preliminaries and went straight to the finals.

Sang Yanqing finally breathed a sigh of relief, and thoughtfully handed over water and a towel: "Qingqing, take a rest."

Si Fu poured tons of water into a glass of water, then squeezed his shoulders: "I still haven't danced well in the latter part."

Indeed, as Sang Yanqing said, her muscle memory is more about fighting and killing skills.

Martial arts and dance do have some similarities, but they are actually very different.

Earlier, she almost lost control and smashed the drum with the white silk.

Fortunately, it was recovered in time and stabilized.

"I'm confident now." Sang Yanqing smiled, "I really can't underestimate you."

Si Fuqing was silent for a moment: "I also practiced for a long time."

It was a difficult time for Guigu to apprentice for three hundred years.

But it also made her settle down completely.

Skills are always not overwhelming.

Sang Yanqing suddenly said, "Hey!"

Si Fuqing raised his head: "What's wrong?"

"Fortunately, there is no culinary competition." Sang Yanqing said, "otherwise we can go home directly."

Si Fuqing: "..."

It's fine for the black-hearted monster to bully her, but why does the manager do the same? !

What a cruel world.


There are many projects in this international art competition, and the number of people involved is also very large, and the competition time is as long as two months.

Si Fuqing was in the living room adjusting the piano given to her by the Lord of Ghost Valley.

"Your Majesty." At this moment, Mo Yanwen walked in with Xi Jiang and Feng San, "I don't know what is your Majesty's request to come here."

Yu Xiheng put down the document in his hand, nodded slightly: "Look at this piano."

"A very good violin." Mo Yanwen couldn't help admiring, "Compared with this violin, the Fengwei Qin is far from enough."

He is also obsessed with piano, chess, calligraphy and painting, and cherishes traditional musical instruments such as the guzheng.

"En." Yu Xiheng supported his head, "I want to ask Yan Wen to transform this piano into a hidden weapon."

Mo Yanwen was surprised for a few seconds, but soon laughed: "Your Majesty, you are welcome, the Mo family already has similar hidden weapons."

"I asked someone to bring all the tools today, and I will modify it for Miss Si."

The hidden weapon focuses on the word "dark".

The purpose is to catch people by surprise and kill people in the blink of an eye.

The folding fan in Yu Xiheng's hand was made by the Mohists.

There are eighteen kinds of hidden weapons hidden in a small folding fan.

Although entering the high-tech era of hot weapons, hidden weapons have gradually been eliminated.

But the Mohists did not rest on their laurels, absorbed the essence of modern technology, and developed a new formula based on the ancient blueprints of hidden weapons.

When it comes to hidden weapons, Mo Yanwen has an extremely high talent.

In just three hours, a new guzheng appeared.

"Miss Si." Mo Yanwen said, "The guzheng is larger than the fan, so I put a total of ninety-nine and eighty-one hidden weapons in it, and the strings are the switches."

"The tones are different, and the hidden weapons fired are also different."

Si Fuqing nodded, she took the guzheng and tried to pluck the strings.


The moment the piano sounded, a silver light flashed.

With a "pop", the bowl in Xijiang's hand shattered.

He stared blankly at the fragments in his hand, and immediately offered his knee: "Miss Si, please forgive me, I didn't do anything."

"Ah, I'm sorry." Si Fuqing said promptly, "I didn't mean to kill you, but you happened to have a bowl in your hand."

Only then did Canyoning heave a sigh of relief.

He only has Miss Si's thigh to hug, so he must hug him tightly.

Yu Xiheng glanced lightly at Xijiang who had everything written on his face.

He stood up: "Qingqing, go to the basement and try."

Si Fuqing followed him with his guzheng in his arms, and said cheerfully, "Okay."


The next day, another game ended.

Just as Si Fuqing came out of the auditorium, he was stopped by someone.

"Miss Si, you're so beautiful." Raphael applauded, "I didn't expect you to have such skills. It really is the most correct decision for me to invest in you."

"Ah." Si Fuqing turned around and raised his eyebrows, "It's Your Royal Highness, the Duke."

"Your Highness the Duke, we have known each other for more than a year, so you don't need to be so polite." Raphael waved his hand, "Just call me by my name."

Si Fuqing was silent.

In fact, they have known each other for more than a year.

Where is the IQ of the sixth senior brother used?

Si Fuqing sighed.

In fact, the sixth senior brother is the most normal person, but there are too many perverts in the sect.

As a result, Sixth Senior Brother only has the two advantages of being rich and handsome.

Si Fuqing paused, pressed down the sixth child who had already reached his lips, and lazily called out: "Raphael."

Raphael nodded: "There will be a banquet in the palace tomorrow, and you haven't played in the past few days. How about it? Do you want to be a guest?"

Si Fuqing blinked: "No problem."

Take a meal, right?

She's the best at it.

"Okay." Raphael said, "I will also invite some of my brothers and sisters, they are rather strange, don't take it to heart, I will definitely protect you."

Si Fuqing raised his eyebrows even higher: "Brothers and sisters? Don't you only have one younger brother?"

"It's a long story." Raphael sighed, and suddenly gritted his teeth, "Why did I have such a group of people!"

Tiantian only knows how to squeeze him.

He earned money and was disliked.

Sooner or later, he will quit the job, and let the second child, who eats and drinks with public funds, die of poverty!

Raphael glanced at the time: "It's still early, let me treat you to a meal."

Si Fuqing nodded.

"Aren't you tired of carrying the zither all the time?" Raphael glanced at the zither on the girl's back, "I'll help you carry it."

"No, it's quite light." Si Fu weighed it heavily, "It's better for me to carry it on my own and feel more at ease."

She was afraid that her sixth senior brother would inadvertently trigger a hidden weapon switch, and with a "whoosh", the person would disappear.

Raphael saw that she was very persistent, so he didn't insist.

After walking a certain distance, suddenly, his footsteps stopped.

Si Fuqing also raised his head and squinted his eyes.

Someone is approaching.

Raphael restrained his cynical expression.

His whole temperament also changed instantly, becoming cold and gloomy.

For those who can reach the top of the clouds, there is no one who is truly innocent, innocent, and sweet.

It's just that Raphael has shown his face in public too many times, and he needs a certain disguise.

"Roselan." Raphael tapped the headset, his voice was cold, "Escorted Miss Si to leave, same as before."

In three seconds, a man in black appeared silently: "Yes!"

The man in black raised his head, and fell in love with Si Fu again: "Miss Si, please leave this place of right and wrong with your subordinates, His Royal Highness has to deal with the next matter."

The head of the dead in the Duchy of Roseland Muston.

Si Fuqing had seen him many times before.

Her ears moved, and she heard countless footsteps converging in this direction.

It can be heard from the sound of footsteps that the visitor is well-trained and majestic.

Although Raphael is the sixth disciple of the top of the cloud, only the inside of the division knows.

But no matter what, the title of Duke of Muston is also the most honorable person in the whole world.

Those who could come to kill him, of course, would not be ordinary killers.

Si Fuqing did not leave, but took off the qin he was carrying.

She lazily called again: "His Royal Highness, Duke Muston."

Raphael turned his head back, his brows still frowning: "Huh? Go away! There will be blood in a while, this is not something you, a little girl, should see!"

No matter how powerful she is in the TV series, she is still a twenty-year-old girl.

As a man, of course he has to protect him.

Si Fuqing leaned the guzheng on the ground, put both hands on the strings: "Do you want to see the real Daxia Kung Fu?"

Qingqing: Today, I will be a six-fingered piano demon.

Will the sixth child recognize Qingqing this time? 2333

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