After Having Everything Taken Away, She Returns As A God

Chapter 822 Gentlemen, please listen to this dragon’s roar! 【1 update】

[Is it the Dragon Bird Sword in the Great Xia Treasure? 】

[Daxia Treasures did not take a close-up shot of this sword. At that time, I thought it was a prop sword. Now it seems that it is true! 】

[I heard that the Thousand Army Alliance has always enshrined the Dragon Bird Sword. Si Fuqing was so awesome that he actually borrowed it. 】

[Borrowing it is not the most awesome thing. What is awesome is that she can use it. The Dragon Bird Sword has a spirit and cannot be used except by Emperor Yin. 】

When she saw the sword, Melanie's expression changed instantly.

There was a kind of earth-shattering expression on her face.

But she quickly controlled it and smiled again.

Melanie calmed down and concentrated on the game.

But instead of using pen and ink, she used a long stick.

Tap the long stick lightly on the paper to naturally form smooth calligraphy and painting.

She looked towards Si Fuqing intentionally or unintentionally, but found that the girl calmly took out a chopstick, dipped it in ink and wrote on the paper.

Si Fuqing thought to himself that chopsticks were more convenient for writing than the rugged branch that the Lord of Ghost Valley picked up at random.

The audience was already dumbfounded.

[Is this a duel between masters? 】

[Every day I see the old man in the park writing beautiful regular script with tree branches, and he can’t be offended. 】

[I feel like Melanie didn’t write so well. Why does her expression seem to have won? 】

Melanie gritted her teeth and wrote the last word, restraining her expression from breaking.

The final score of the judges was 7:4.

Si Fuqing is 7 and Melanie is 4.

There was no doubt that Si Fuqing won the calligraphy and painting competition, and the audience cheered.

Melanie could still barely control her expression, but she was already forcing a smile.

After getting off the stage, she didn't hold her head until she got into the car and screamed: "What's going on with the Dragon Bird Sword?!"

How can the Dragon Bird Sword still be passed down to this day?

It stands to reason that it should be destroyed!

The absolute attraction in her body was actually suppressed by the bloody and murderous aura of Dragon Bird Sword.

The judges were also completely unfazed by her.

She had practiced calligraphy hard for many years, so she could naturally tell that Si Fuqing's calligraphy and painting were better than hers.

And the style also made her feel vaguely familiar.

In the passenger seat, the young man heard her cry and frowned: "What?"

"Dragon Bird Sword! Don't you know?" Melanie raised her head and read in a gritted voice, "It's Emperor Yin's sword. It should have been gone long ago!"

"It's just a sword, why are you making such a fuss?" The young man didn't understand very well, and his expression was very cold, "It's not Emperor Yin himself."

"Because I lost! And the Dragon Bird Sword also represents Great Xia's luck." Melanie was very crazy. "No, I must report the news that the Dragon Bird Sword is still alive."

"There are still a few games left, don't lose them all." The young man said noncommittally, "Go back and have a good rest and prepare for tomorrow's final."


Here, Si Fuqing returned to the hotel.

She handed the Dragon Bird Sword back to Yu Xiheng and went to find Director Qin herself.

After Director Qin's team produced "The Treasure of Daxia", which shocked China and foreign countries, Daxia TV gave him a long vacation.

During this time he had been staying at Glen.

While watching Si Fuqing's game, he will also collect some materials in Green for future shooting needs.

"Director Qin, I need your help." Si Fuqing looked serious, "I need you to condense the five thousand years of Daxia into a seven-minute clip, with music and text. Can you do it? "

"Ah? Oh, you can do it." Director Qin adjusted his glasses, still a little confused, "What are you doing?"

"You'll know when the time comes." Si Fuqing blinked, "I use it on the stage."

"Okay." Director Qin agreed, "If you asked me to do this before, I really wouldn't be able to do it, but it's different now. We also have video materials during Emperor Yin's time."

He immediately called his team and worked overtime to produce the videos Si Fuqing needed.

Yu Xiheng squeezed her palm and asked in a low voice, "Do you feel it?"

"Yeah." Si Fuqing nodded slightly, "She should be able to attract other people's attention. I have to find a way to completely destroy her."


The next day.

Today is the final of the musical instrument category.

There is still no limit to the type.

Melanie was the first to take the stage.

In front of her were eighteen kinds of musical instruments, from ancient to modern times, both at home and abroad.

The audience cheered continuously.

"Melanie! Melanie!"

“Melanie is so beautiful!”

"You can't help but look at Melanie. She has a wonderful attraction!"

Melanie played eighteen instruments by herself, which made the other contestants unable to even play a complete song.

The judges at the judges' table were talking a lot, and they were obviously ready to give the first place to Melanie.

It was Si Fuqing's turn to appear.

Melanie flipped her hair and smiled charmingly: "Little girl, you will know that everything you do is useless in front of me."

Si Fuqing tilted his head and said calmly: "Really, who gave you the confidence to talk to me like this?"

"After receiving a Grain nomination, you can no longer find Bei?" Melanie's smile deepened, "Do you know? What you are facing is a behemoth, and you can't even imagine it with your imagination."

She wanted to see fear in the girl's face, to see uneasiness.

But there was nothing.

Melanie's expression was a little gloomy.

Sometimes she really couldn't understand why these people who lived less than a hundred years were so superior to her.

Si Fuqing remained calm: "Thank you for reminding me, please don't stand here and get in the way."

She raised her hand, pushed Melanie aside, and walked to the center of the stage with Qin in her arms.

The assistant lowered his head and said in a low voice: "Miss, should we go back, or..."

Melanie sneered: "Of course I'm sitting in the audience, I want to see what outstanding performance she can do."

"Dong dong."

The music starts.

It is not the well-known Daxia classical Chinese music, nor is it modern rock and pop music.

It is the sound of multiple instruments intertwined, flowing slowly like a stream.

It's like the sky is bright, shining in all directions instantly.

But most of the audience was still immersed in Melanie's performance.

[Melanie’s performance is so wonderful. This piece of music should only be heard in heaven, and it is rare to hear it in this world! 】

[After watching her performance, I didn’t want to watch anyone else’s at all. 】

[Alas, Si Fuqing’s performance actually made me lose my desire to watch it. 】

Melanie's face was filled with contempt.

No matter how well Si Fuqing played, she could not break her absolute appeal.

It can't even get the audience's attention back.

That's why she was the first to play.

And at this moment, there was a "boom".

A picture suddenly appeared on the dark big screen.

It is a bird's-eye view of the five states of Daxia, from the mountains, rivers, lakes and seas to the people in the lanes.

Melanie glanced at it inadvertently, even more disdainfully.

If you can't beat her by playing alone, how about using a video?



Suddenly, the music sped up.

The picture also changes accordingly.

She is the Queen of Dazhao, who opens the national treasury and provides relief to the people.

It was Emperor Yin of Great Xia who brought peace to the world and deterred barbarians at home and abroad.

He is the marshal of the country, fighting on the battlefield and spilling his blood.

He is the military commander in white, fighting the enemy in battle and blazing a trail of blood.

It is Wen Changyi who is drunk under the moon and writes with pen and ink.

It was also Jiang Zhaoyue who took command and went out to guard Yanmen.

Each silhouette of a character unfolds the huge historical picture one by one.

Five thousand years of history are presented to all audiences.


A drum sounds and the music suddenly rises.

Ancient times have disappeared.

Instead, a giant submarine broke out of the water.

It is a long line of high-speed rail that travels thousands of miles every day.

It is a tall building reaching into the sky.

It is a high-speed missile that can "defeat a city with one arrow."

In front of the huge screen, the girl played faster and faster. The camera could no longer capture her hand movements and could only capture afterimages.

The audience was stunned.

Rumor has it that there is a giant dragon in the Eastern Continent that has been sleeping for several years, just waiting to wake up.

All the music and all the images converge into this sentence.

Gentlemen, please listen to this dragon's roar!

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