After Having Everything Taken Away, She Returns As A God

Chapter 833 Mysterious boss, exposed [2 more]

There was a moment of silence in the air.


"Huh?" Si Fuqing scratched his dumbfounded hair, and was also surprised, "The teachers know each other."

As soon as this sentence came out, she subconsciously jumped between the two: "Wait, no fighting is allowed."

Hearing this, the man sneered: "Who is so naive to fight over such a thing?"

Dean Xu: "..."

He was embarrassed to say that he had already fought the old guy Dongfang Shao once.

"Teacher, please do something." Si Fuqing put his palms together and told what happened earlier, "Please take care of Teacher Xu, I'll go out and continue to investigate."

The man's expression paused, and he said in a calm tone: "Break in directly to arrest people? It's really too arrogant, um, let me go, you have to be careful."

"Understood." Si Fuqing put down the wine and dishes, "Then I'll go first, the two teachers get along well."

She said another word of worry, and then left.

Dean Xu was still a little cautious: "Here, may I ask you... have I met you anywhere?"

The man took out a razor from nowhere, shaved off his beard, trimmed his hair, and then raised his head again.

This time, Dean Xu saw his face clearly.

I almost knelt down in fright for a moment, and blurted out: " did you come here?!"

"What's wrong here?" The man looked up and looked around, and said casually, "I think it's pretty good here, carefree and very comfortable."

He said, snapping his fingers.


The dark and silent black room changed in an instant, turning into a paradise of peach blossoms.

Dean Xu's brain is a little bit overwhelmed.

He opened his mouth wide, and he didn't know whether he should have shocked the silent black room before it could become like this.

It's better to be surprised why the man appeared here first, and his performance is still very leisurely.

He then stammered and asked: "You, you are locked here, do you know what happened outside? Holy Light Tribunal, Intercontinental Research Institute, and Eternal Academy!"

"Some know, some don't." The man touched his chin, "Most of them can be guessed."

Dean Xu wanted to ask something, but was interrupted by the man: "Okay, you stay here well, and you can go out when that girl finds out."

"Don't ask the rest, curiosity will kill the cat."

Dean Xu shut up immediately.

The man thought for a while, and gave him a plate of food: "Although it is said that you will not be hungry in the silent black room, but I am afraid that you will drool while watching me eat, so you can take this plate of edamame as a cushion."

Dean Xu: "..."

He finally recalled why certain traits of Si Fuqing were so familiar.

It turned out that there was a teacher who was the source of the evil.

Dean Xu hugged Maodou and moved away silently.


Si Fuqing came out from the silent dark room.

At the door, the cavalry captain was still communicating with the staff guarding the silent black room.

The cavalry commander was very lenient at this time: "President Xu Ce is old after all, so the intensity should be adjusted to the lowest level."

The staff nodded: "Please rest assured on Saturday, but even if the intensity is adjusted to the lowest level, I'm afraid Dean Xu Ce still can't bear it."

The cavalry commander was indifferent: "According to the regulations, he was just going to be locked up in an ordinary cell, but he chose the silent black room. I'm afraid he also knew that he betrayed the Intercontinental Research Institute and was going to apologize with death."

There are a total of seven cavalry teams under the command of the Holy Light Tribunal.

Named after the seven days from Monday to Sunday.

And the Supreme Judgment of the Holy Light Tribunal is also called the Seven-Day Creation Judgment.

Within seven days, the judged will experience various punishments, life is worse than death.

Anyone who is confirmed as a member of the revenge organization will be sentenced to a seven-day creation trial.

Without exception.

The cavalry commander issued an order: "Continue to investigate all Xu Ce's documents and personnel exchanges, and must arrest all the minions of the revenge organization!"

The cavalry responded: "Yes, my lord!"

Si Fuqing stood aside and listened to the whole process.

Under the double barrier of the copied space ability and the power of Yin-Yang and Five Elements, even the cavalry commander with extremely high force value could not find her.

Her eyes narrowed.

I am afraid that the whistleblower's purpose is also to make Dean Xu suffer a seven-day trial.

She must find out this mole.

The Intercontinental Research Institute is so big, there must be more than one traitor.

Just at this moment, Si Fuqing received a summons from Director Dongfang.

She put on the hood of the sweater to cover her face, and hurried to the Eternal Academy.

The news of Dean Xu's arrest has not been officially announced to the public, but Dean Dongfang already knows about it.

"Qingqing, what's going on with Xiao Xu?" Dean Dongfang was very anxious, "Why did you get arrested by the Holy Light Judgment? No, I'll talk about it!"

"Teacher, stop!" Si Fuqing stopped him in time, "Are you sure you went, didn't you send the second head? They are just waiting to catch you."

Dean Dongfang was very angry: "They don't have the ability to arrest me! Unless the head of state really rips his face and does something to me."

"But if he makes a move, the Lord of the Top of the Clouds will definitely not sit idly by."

"Teacher, do you really know the strength of the Vengeance Organization?" Si Fu looked at him steadfastly, "You are indeed very strong as an evolutionary. What if they dispatched spiritual practitioners from the Eternal Continent?"

"Yes, I forgot that there are people from the Eternal Continent." Dean Dongfang was silent for a moment, "Then what should we do?"

"Leave it to me." Si Fuqing raised his head, "Teacher Xu took the initiative to enter the silent dark room. Someone must be impatient. I will let him show up."

"Oh, I'm afraid that you will..." Dean Dongfang clenched his fists and slammed the table down, "What are they going to do? They have lost enough talents over the years!"

Plane crashes, explosions for no reason, ship sinking, weird suicides...

As long as it is a genius, the revenge organization will do everything possible to kill.

"No matter what they want to do, we have to stop them." Si Fuqing, "Teacher, my senior brother and I have already researched half of the medicines used by the Vengeance Organization that can enhance the blood of evolutionists, and I believe they will be produced soon." Drugs without side effects."

Dean Dongfang patted her on the shoulder with a serious expression: "No matter what, you come first, you must protect yourself."

Five years ago, the revenge organization spent so much money just to kill Si Fuqing alone.

Her importance cannot be overstated.

"I know." Si Fuqing blinked, "Teacher, please accompany me to the Intercontinental Research Institute tonight."

"No problem." Dean Dongfang moved his wrist and snorted coldly, "I haven't moved for a long time, and my hands are still itchy."


On the other side, the Intercontinental Research Institute.

Under the order of the Supreme Dean, the entire line of experiments was suspended, and they were subject to interrogation by the Holy Light Tribunal.

In the middle of the night, the Intercontinental Research Institute is still brightly lit.

In a laboratory building.

The cavalry have just left from here.

The young assistant breathed a sigh of relief: "Sir, there should be nothing wrong now."

"Yes, we have escaped the investigation, but Xu Ce is doomed this time." The middle-aged man sneered, "He also has a problem with his own brain, and he even offered to go to the Silent Black Room, and he didn't even look at the Silent Black Room Is it somewhere he can go!"

Almost everyone believed that Dean Xu would never come out safe and sound.

Of course, it is also possible to be so lucky that Dean Xu came out successfully.

So he had to put Dean Xu to death.

"Put this document into Xu Ce's computer." The middle-aged man told his assistant, "The firewall is closed now, and no one will find out."

He has had enough at the Intercontinental Institute.

He couldn't be promoted for ten years, and seeing that he could be transferred soon, Dean Xu suddenly took over several experimental projects, which caused him to lose another opportunity.

It just so happened that Dean Xu was also someone the revenge organization had to get rid of.

The middle-aged man took the olive branch thrown by the revenge organization without hesitation.

The Vengeance Organization will give him more rights and reputation, which the Intercontinental Research Institute cannot compare with.

What's more, there will be no Intercontinental Research Institute soon.

The assistant still hesitated: "Xu Ce probably has no chance. If we are discovered, then..."

"Don't worry." The middle-aged man didn't care, "There are people above us who will cover us, otherwise how do you think we would report Xu Ce so smoothly?"

He glanced at his assistant and warned: "You and I are grasshoppers on the same rope now. If you repent, you will be the first to die."

Faced with coercion and temptation, the assistant had to follow his orders.

After finishing everything, the middle-aged man got up: "Okay, we should also..."

With a bang, the light came on.

Si Fuqing folded his arms and looked at him: "You said just now, who can cover you?"

The last day is too long, and the babies who still have monthly tickets take out their pockets and give Qingqing a wave

See you tomorrow~~

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