After Having Everything Taken Away, She Returns As A God

Chapter 846 Serious injury with one palm! 【2 more】


The gust of wind suddenly surged, and he volleyed in the air!

The speed of the attack was extremely fast, and it perfectly avoided other pedestrians, almost instantaneously.

Edmund's eyes widened, filled with disbelief.

He wanted to avoid it immediately, but at this moment, he couldn't even move.

The surrounding wind imprisoned him, and Yunying's palm landed firmly on Edmund's chest.


Edmond opened his mouth and spit out a big mouthful of blood.

His expression was horrified, and he had no time to think about anything, let alone to fight back.

He gritted his teeth, immediately activated his teleportation ability, and left the Onmyoji Association.

After Edmond left, his evolutionary ability naturally didn't work anymore.

A large pool of blood suddenly appeared on the ground, which shocked the pedestrians.

"It's not good! It's murder!"

"Where is so much blood coming out? What's the situation?"

"Hey, that person, what is that person doing?"

Under the watchful eyes of everyone, Yunying didn't feel unnatural at all, just stepped forward so leisurely, and squatted down in front of the pool of blood on the ground.

He put on gloves, took out a test tube, and collected all the blood.

Yunying lowered her eyelashes, snorted softly, and said flatly: "Run faster."

However, his goals were also achieved.

Yunying casually patted the ashes on his body, and in the next second, his figure disappeared from the spot.

Pedestrians looked at each other for a while, trying to recall Yunying's appearance, but found that the memory was blurred.

In the end, they concluded that it was a confrontation between two onmyojis.

After all, the Onmyoji cultivates the power of Yin-Yang and Five Elements, so he is very elusive, and it is reasonable for a pool of blood to appear suddenly.

The passers-by discussed it for a while, then lost interest and left.


With the short-distance teleportation in the ability of the evolutionary, Emond successfully escaped.

But he was not a fighting evolutionary, and his physique was naturally not strong.

Yunying's palm severely injured him, and several ribs were broken.


Edmund fell to the ground, vomited another mouthful of blood, his face was as pale as paper.

Kanta ran over, saw his appearance, and couldn't help but change his expression: "Brother!"

He immediately took out a medicine from his pocket and fed it to Edmund.

"Cough, cough..." Emond's breath was still weak, and blood continued to flow down the corner of his mouth, "I was attacked at the gate of the Onmyoji Association just now, and the opponent is very strong, definitely an ultimate S-level evolution."

Kanta's eyes changed again: "Could it be the man who called your lord in Glenn?"

The revenge organization has been established for many years, and has never been so openly provoked.

Not even the Holy Light Tribunal could stop their actions.

"Probably so." The medicine took effect, and Edmond's face turned bloody, "He was able to find my location, could it be that he is a space system evolutionist?"

But he has also fought against many space evolutionists of the Eternal Academy, and even the Monday Cavalry Captain of the Holy Light Tribunal.

This cavalry commander is recognized as the strongest existence among the seven cavalry commanders, and he is also very high in space control.

Who is the other party?

"Brother, I'll take you back to the General Administration to rest first." Kangta pursed his lower lip, "During this period, you should take good care of your injuries, and leave the rest to me and Valencia."

"Well, I'm sorry to trouble you." Emond took a deep breath, "This person's identity is unknown, but he has been against us all the time. He is the number one enemy, and adults must pay attention to it."

Kanta nodded: "Understood, I will bring this up with my lord."

He helped Edmond to leave, and the two returned to the headquarters of the revenge organization.

After sending Emond into the bedroom and calling the exclusive doctor, Emond immediately went to the study and reported what happened today to the young man.

"What? Can you spot Emond's existence?" The young man's eyes also changed, "Emond didn't see the other party's appearance?"

Kangta was a little ashamed: "No, the other party just launched an attack, and my brother was seriously injured."

"I do know that someone has this ability." The young man frowned: "It's strange, it shouldn't be, he probably didn't come out on the top of the cloud, and he won't fight us now..."

Kangta was taken aback: "Your Excellency is talking about the Lord of the Clouds?"

"That's right." The young man said lightly, "It's just that he has more important matters, and he will definitely not show up right now. As for the Holy Light Tribunal?"

He snorted and said, "As long as they don't violate their interests, they won't send out masters in a big way."

Kanta couldn't figure out who this powerful man who repeatedly stopped them was.

"Let your brother take a good rest and go to the research institute to apply for more supplements." The young man's voice was a little more amiable, "The holy day is coming, you are the most important combat power, and you must not be injured before the end of the battle. .

Kanta was very grateful: "Thank you, sir."


Here, Yunying quietly entered the exclusive laboratory building that Huo's family built for Si Fuqing.

Both Langxuan and Dean Xu are doing experiments.

The sudden appearance of Yun Ying almost caused Lang Xuan to blow up a potion bottle.

He helped his forehead helplessly: "Brother, can you say hello when you come?"

Yunying glanced at him: "Sorry, I'm used to it."

Lang Xuan was speechless.

What could he do?

He couldn't beat Yunying at all.

"Fourth, take it." Yunying threw the test tube over, "The invisible man's blood, find a way to analyze his DNA, and see if we can make a special medicine without side effects."

Langxuan caught it firmly and was very surprised: "Brother, you are amazing."

Because of the genetic mutation, the blood of the evolutionary is very important.

The Vengeance organization once took a large amount of blood from the evolutionary, and started a series of experiments, and finally invented a lot of drugs.

The higher the level of evolution, the more precious the blood.

If one loses one's own blood, then the DNA may be copied to create weapons against oneself.

Therefore, every evolutionary is very cautious.

Even if it is injured, the blood will be cleaned up immediately.

"It's a pity that I ran too fast and couldn't catch anyone alive." Yunying said in a calm voice, "This time is too urgent, I still have to go out with Xiaojiu's boyfriend."

After all, the invisible man is a space evolutionary, and only Yu Xiheng, who is also a space evolutionary, can perfectly suppress him.

Langxuan looked serious: "Leave me the two aspects of drugs and weapons, and I will definitely build a team that can deal with revenge organizations."

"Thank you." Yunying nodded slightly, her voice lazily said, "Let's go, go grab the next one."


program group.

Si Fuqing received a message from Yunying.

The invisible man was seriously injured, this is the best news so far.

The memoryrs were also forced to retreat by her, leaving only the shapeshifter, the ticking time bomb.

Si Fuqing's eyes continued to look at all the guests, and their eyes sank slightly.

"Si Si." Jiang Changning called her, "Evelyn invited us to play over there."

Si Fu returned to his senses, and replied, "Here we are."

"Come on, play whatever you want, I'm treating you today." Evelyn was generous, "You can also hire a few onmyojis and let them perform a few formations."

"I'm familiar with this place, I'll take you there to have a look."

Si Fuqing raised his eyebrows: "Being respectful is worse than obeying orders."

Including Evelyn's female companion, there are six people in total.

"By the way, I still recommend Master Kanbara, he—" Evelyn said suddenly, "Hey, what are you doing? We are recording a show, please don't come over?"

But her words did not stop the onmyojis approaching slowly.

There are eight onmyojis in total.

Only then did Jiang Changning realize that the photography team had disappeared at some point, and she held Si Fuqing's clothes tightly: "Si Si..."

Jiang Changfeng was calm, because he had seen Ji Xingzhi cast a similar yin-yang barrier.

They stepped into the enchantment jointly arranged by these onmyojis.

Completely cut off from the outside world.

Evelyn also noticed something was wrong.

She was taken aback, but still pretended to be a young lady: "What do you want to do? Do you want to die? I, I tell you! I am the eldest lady of the Brant family!"

As she spoke, she told Si Fuqing and Jiang Changning to back off.

Si Fuqing noticed that her legs were shaking.

She was thoughtful.

The eldest lady is worthy of being an eldest lady, she is shaking like this, and her high heels are still standing so firmly.

"The Brant family?" An old man laughed, "If you die today, who will know who you are?"

Evelyn turned pale: "You... what do you mean?"

The old man smiled faintly: "Literally, I can only say that you are out of luck."

At this time, Evelyn's shoulder was held down.

A strong force came, and she was just mentioned behind.

Evelyn: "???"

where is she who is she

What kind of strange woman is this?

Si Fuqing raised a finger and smiled slightly: "Actually, I'm also an onmyoji."

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