After Having Everything Taken Away, She Returns As A God

Chapter 849 Complete torture! Creditors come to your door【1 update】

No one expected that Si Fuqing would make such a request. Not only Yi Huai himself, but also the director team could not help but be stunned.

However, the barrage in the live broadcast room became active. The viewers watching the live broadcast obviously like to watch this kind of conflicting and dramatic plot.

[What is the heirloom of the Yi family? Never heard of it. 】

[Since they are called family heirlooms, they must be very rare. It depends on whether Yi Huai dares to agree. 】

[It turns out that the Yi family also owes money to the mine owner. The real wealth depends on the mine owner himself. 】

[Hiss... Is there anyone in this Free Continent who doesn't owe the mine owner money? The four major families have to be respectful when they see the mine owner, right? 】

[Damn it, another year has passed, and no paparazzi has successfully dug out the mine owner’s personal information this year! 】

Yi Huai's smile disappeared and his expression became a little darker.

He stared at Si Fuqing and said in a cold voice: "Miss Si, do you know what my family's heirloom is?"

The Yi family does have heirlooms, but they have never been made public.

He had only met him once under the leadership of the Yi Family Master.

It's a stone.

Yi Huai didn't know what the purpose of this stone was.

It's very ordinary, with uneven surface and no luster.

But Patriarch Yi attaches great importance to it.

Heirlooms will be passed from the previous head of the family to the next head of the family when the family head is handed over.

"I don't know." Si Fuqing said lazily, "But it really doesn't make sense for a family as big as the Yi family to have no heirlooms."

The girl's smile is very confusing and she looks ignorant and well-behaved.

Yi Huai secretly breathed a sigh of relief.

He was overthinking it.

Thinking about it, Si Fuqing had just come to Free Continent not long ago. He didn't know any families in Free Continent, so how could he know the secrets of his Yi family?

"Okay, I will compete with Miss Si." Yi Huai smiled again, "If I lose, I will give you the heirloom of my Yi family."

"But the heirlooms of my Yi family are very valuable. If Miss Si loses, she will stay with me all night."

Hearing these words, Evelin's expression changed.

She stamped her feet: "Feifei, you can't promise him."

"Stop, don't call me Feifei." Si Fuqing pulled out his chair, sat down, and leaned back, "Let's get started."

The program was broadcast live in real time, and it was too late for the director to stop it.

【Who provoked whom? Who is the hunter and who is the prey? 】

[Yi Huai has a sinister heart! What does he want to do one night? 】

Yi Huai sat opposite Si Fuqing: "Miss Si, please."

The staff gave each of them a box of parts.

The director shook his head, but he could only continue to let the host take charge.

The host received the signal and immediately said: "The time limit is thirty minutes, whoever completes the assembly first wins. If no one completes the assembly, the party with the highest assembly completion wins."

The timer is in place.

The host gave the order: "Start!"

Yi Huai immediately took out the parts from the box and assembled them.

His movements were not fast, but steady.

[Isn’t the Yi family just an agent selling this kind of equipment? Yi Huai must understand. Isn't this just taking advantage? 】

【goddess? Goddess, just move, you can do whatever you want! 】

[This...If you don’t understand the principle, you won’t be able to do it at all, and it’s useless to urge you. 】

The audience was shocked to find that Si Fuqing was still leaning on the chair and did not take any parts.

She even stretched out and just watched Yi Huai assemble, feeling lazy.

Time passed by minute by second, and even the director couldn't help but urge: "Teacher Si!"

Si Fuqing remained motionless.

It wasn't until the time came to fifteen minutes and Yi Huai was still a few steps away from putting the equipment in her hands together that she finally moved.

The girl's fingers wandered through the various parts.

The speed is extremely fast, and the afterimage can already be seen.

As the parts disappeared, the equipment in her hands gradually took shape.


Si Fuqing placed the assembled equipment on the table and leaned back on the chair again.

A second later, Yi Huai finished assembling it.

He straightened his clothes and was about to let the host announce the results, but found that the entire program group was silent.

Everyone stared with big eyes, as if they had seen a ghost.

"What's wrong with you?" Yi Huai smiled and waved his hand, "Even if I assemble it quickly, you don't have to-"

His words stopped abruptly.

Because he finally discovered that there was a piece of equipment exactly like the one in his hand opposite him.

Yi Huai was stunned.

The director struggled to regain his senses and hesitated before speaking: "Mr. Yi Huai, Teacher Si succeeded one second before you finished assembling it."

It was really just a second away.

The viewers in the live broadcast room gradually came to their senses.

[Is this humiliation? Start at the time when Yi Huai has finished assembling. 】

[Absolutely, it’s just one second off. I don’t believe she said she didn’t calculate the time correctly. 】

[So she can not only act, but also do experiments? ! 】

Yi Huai was simply in disbelief. He stood up suddenly: "This is impossible!"

"Everyone has seen it." Yu Lingzhao glanced at him, "You lost, Yi Huai."

Cold sweat broke out on Yi Huai's head, and he kept mumbling: "How is this possible? This shouldn't be..."

Although he was pursuing Si Fuqing, he really didn't take her seriously.

The film and television industry in the Free Continent is already more developed than outside the continent, and many movie stars and actresses in the continent also aim to enter wealthy families.

Yi Huai has always been proud.

But now, his pride has been shattered.

How could he lose? !

"I won this game. Remember the bet between you and me, and bring me the family heirloom tomorrow." Si Fuqing stood up and pushed the chair away, "But it doesn't matter if you can't remember, everyone will make one for me. Witness it?"

She waved toward the camera.

The photographer was also very discerning. He zoomed in and gave her a close-up of her face.

[Witnessed, witnessed! 】

[In fact, it seems that people outside the continent are not bad at all. Why do they still live in primitive and shabby villages in my impression? 】

[In front of you, none of your ancestors have ever left the Free Continent, and your impressions only exist in textbooks. 】

Evelin stammered: "Feifei, you are so awesome. You must be very strong in physics, right?"

Si Fuqing: "...don't call me Feifei."

Evelin looked innocent: "But you flew into the sky."

Si Fuqing: "..."

She turned her head and looked at Jiang Changfeng with an unchanged smile: "Let's learn from each other."

Jiang Changfeng: "..."

Is it too late for him to run now?


At the end of the day's shooting, after returning to Yi's house, Yi Huai was still a little distraught and looked pale.

But hundreds of millions of people in the continent witnessed the bet between him and Si Fuqing. If he went back on his word, he would lose his prestige at all.

It's just a stone, so there's no harm in giving it away.

Yi Huai quietly came to the Yi family's treasure house.

Before he could get close, he was discovered by the head of the Yi family.

Yi Huai was stunned for a moment: "Dad, why are you..."

The head of the Yi family became furious, picked up a teacup, and smashed it directly on his head.

With a "bang", the tea cup slipped, and a bloody mark appeared on Yi Huai's head.

"Yi Huai, you are playing outside, I never care about you, as long as you can take over the family business peacefully in the end." The head of the Yi family roared, "But what did you do? You are not guilty of asking for something. For the favor of the fourth woman, she even gave away all the family heirlooms!"

"Dad!" Yi Huai covered his head and was very unconvinced, "I didn't expect that she could assemble our continent's equipment. She..."

"You bastard!" The head of the Yi family became even more angry.

He raised his hand again and slapped Yi Huai on the face.

The "pop" sound was very loud.

Yi Huai's face immediately swelled up.

Mrs. Yi happened to be separated from the ladies from other houses and came back from outside.

When she saw this scene, she became anxious and immediately stepped forward to stop Master Yi's behavior: "What are you doing? If you have something to say, please say it. Don't hit the child."

"What can you say? Didn't you watch the live broadcast?" The head of the Yi family became even more angry, "He lost all the family heirlooms."

Mrs. Yi's expression changed: "Yi Huai, what's going on? Is that woman bewitching you again? Does she still dare to ask for the family heirloom? Does she want to die?"

She had obviously warned Si Fuqing, but Si Fuqing still dared to make such an unreasonable request?

Yi Huai opened his mouth, but before he could speak, the housekeeper came in a hurry.

"Master, madam, young master." The steward said respectfully, "The mine owner's people are here. They should check the funds and bills for this quarter."

"We will talk about your business later." The head of the Yi family was still angry and gave Yi Huai a cold look. "I will go out to meet the distinguished guests first, and you will come with me."

The person who owns the mine will naturally be treated as a guest of the Yi family.

Otherwise, if the Yi family's capital chain is broken, the entire family will collapse in an instant.

good morning~

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