After Having Everything Taken Away, She Returns As A God

Chapter 861 Instinct Killing, The Place of Burial [1 More]

Once tied for first place in the Eternal Ranking, came to take the ordinary monthly exam in the inner court, is this really not coming to reduce dimensionality? Bullying juniors?

Dean Dongfang's mood was complicated, and he stopped for a while.

The deputy dean looked at him with some doubts: "Dean?"

"Oh, it's nothing." Dean Dongfang squeezed the space between his brows, "I thought of something bad."

The deputy dean didn't know why, and was very concerned: "What did the dean think of?"

Dean Dongfang didn't answer, but just walked towards the judging panel: "Let's go."

The monthly exam is still conducted in the mode of random number drawing, and the referee will call the number.

After several games, it was finally Si Fuqing's turn.

"No. 9, Si Fuqing." The referee held up the sign, "Fight against No. 26, Ye Mingtong."

As soon as this sentence fell, the whispering voice increased.

"Ye Mingtong is from the Ye family, she will be in trouble now."

"Although it is said that Ye Mingtong is not a direct descendant, because of his high bloodline, he has also been listed by the Ye family as a core disciple to be cultivated. He is not comparable to evolutionists outside the continent."

"I hope Ye Mingtong will be merciful and don't hurt a big star."

Ye Mingtong thought so too.

He jumped onto the ring and raised his chin towards Si Fuqing: "You haven't participated in the previous assessment, and you don't know the rules, it doesn't matter, I can let you do a few tricks first."

Si Fuqing unhurriedly took off the dragon sparrow feather stuck in his hair, and restored it to its normal size: "No, if you have to, I can give you a few tricks."

Ye Mingtong's complexion suddenly darkened: "The tone is not small!"

He snorted coldly, his body had already changed.

His palms and feet began to turn into beasts, and his claws were extremely sharp.

At the same time, his stature has also become bigger and his strength is majestic.

variant line.

This is also a large category of evolutionaries.

The shapeshifters are the strongest of this faction.

Therefore, the evolutionary DNA of the mutant line will always have derivative fragments of the shapeshifter gene.

Si Fuqing looked at the mutated Ye Mingtong with interest, without showing any sign of fear.


With a bounce, Ye Mingtong jumped up and threw himself towards Sifu.

With the sound of the wind, the sharp blade glowed coldly, and he attacked swiftly.

Many students had already covered their eyes, not daring to watch the bloody scene that followed.

The vice president frowned.

Ye Mingtong has been in the Eternal Academy for a year, he is an old student, how can he fight Si Fuqing?

Who drew this number?

But the assessment has already been carried out, and the vice president can't step forward to stop it, so he can only watch helplessly.


At this moment, there was a scream, and a huge monster flew out backwards.

There was blood spattered.


Si Fuqing raised his hand, and held the dragon sparrow feather that was spinning back.

From the beginning to the end, her position did not move half a point.

But Ye Mingtong fell to the ground with blood on his right arm.

He struggled and couldn't get up.

The audience was in an uproar.

"Did you see her use the evolutionary? How did she beat Ye Mingtong out?"

"Ye Mingtong's mutated strength is beyond the charts. He can lift a hundred tons. Is that a failure?"

"Damn it, awesome, this big star... made a mistake and made a mistake."

Applause quickly erupted from the audience, many students stood up and applauded Si Fuqing.

Eternal Academy Mu Qiang, whoever is strong will be respected.

The referee announced the result of the game in a daze.

Dean Dongfang pressed his head, looking shamelessly.

He knew that his naughty apprentice was here to bully others.


The monthly exam lasts for three days.

After the end of the first half day, at noon, the headquarters of the revenge organization.

"My lord." Ye Mingtong knelt on the ground, very ashamed, "I didn't test her evolutionary ability."

"Trash!" The young man raised his hand and slapped it out, "The organization has cultivated you for so long, and your bloodline has been raised to super A level, and you haven't even let the other party use the evolutionary ability!"

Ye Mingtong dared not speak at all.

The young man said coldly, "Get out!"

Ye Mingtong clutched his arm and ran away scrambling.

"My lord, she didn't show the ability of an evolutionary, but she still defeated Ye Mingtong." A middle-aged man thought for a moment, "I'm afraid she is an evolutionary of the power system."

The young man's eyes narrowed: "This possibility is very high."

A power evolutionist with innate divine power.

The middle-aged man said again: "It's better to find another evolutionary of the speed system to try her."

"No." The young man said, "It can't be done, she already knows."

The plan failed, and the snake has already been alarmed.

This path doesn't work again.

The young man let out a breath slowly: "Go on, I'll go see that adult."

Hearing this sentence, the high-level people's expressions were all shaken.

The Eternal Continent is a real world of spiritual cultivation, and this is no secret to them.

The only one who can call a young man "Master" is the peak powerhouse from the Eternal Continent.

That is the master they ultimately serve.

It's just that except for the youth, they are not qualified to see it yet.

The members all got up and said respectfully, "Send off, my lord."


Eternal Continent.

The world is dark and there is no light.

The youth follows the path to the destination.

There are countless eyes staring at him around, and the eyes are glowing green, like will-o'-the-wisps.

There was a hoarse and unpleasant sound.

"It's a living person, I really want to eat it..."

"When can I go out to eat..."

"The delicacy of flesh and blood..."

Listening to these scalp-numbing words, the young man's back was also tense.

He didn't breathe a sigh of relief until he walked out of this section of the road.

He bowed to the depths of the darkness: "My lord."

"You're here again." A second later, the voice sounded, with no emotion, "You've come a lot lately."

The young man pursed his lips: "Recently, I have encountered a lot of difficult things and failed repeatedly, so I have no choice but to ask the adults for help."

The voice said: "Speak."

"It's about the daughter of luck that Zhong Shanwen caught at that time." The young man quickly told about Si Fuqing, "I really don't know how to deal with it."

"Oh?" There seemed to be some interest in the voice, "You mean, after being taken 90% of luck by this seat, she actually gathered new luck again? And also attracted luck for Daxia?"

"Yes, my lord." The young man was very respectful, "It's just that the luck gathered is not as good as the original luck, but she can rise again, which is very powerful."

"That's right, it's very powerful, it impresses me." The voice hummed lightly, and just asked, "How many times have you killed and failed?"

"My subordinates are incompetent." The young man whispered, "She is very cunning. I haven't even been able to judge her evolutionary ability so far. My preliminary estimate is that she is an S-level evolutionary."

Several fights made him realize that Si Fuqing was not as "ordinary" as he appeared on the surface, and was even more difficult than those who had been ordered to kill before.

Anyone who has been ordered to kill will be eradicated within a month.

Even the upper echelons of Eternal Academy.

But when it came to Si Fuqing's place, all their methods were useless.

The youth has adjusted Si Fuqing's threat level to the highest level, second only to Yun Jin, Dean Dongfang, and the head of the Holy Light Tribunal.

The voice was still faint, with no ups and downs, but he snorted lightly: "S-level evolutionary? SS-level is useless."

Evolutionary, superpower, extraordinary, or gifted, there are such people in every world.

They have abilities beyond ordinary people, but because of the difference between each world, the names are also different.

But no matter what, in his opinion, a so-called evolutionary like Si Fuqing is just a little better than ordinary people.

Those who are not spiritual practitioners and have not lived the same life as the heavens and the earth can be destroyed easily.

"From the adults' point of view, she is naturally not a threat, it's just a fly shaking a tree." The young man sighed, "It's just that if she doesn't get rid of her, I'm always a little uneasy."

He even believed that Si Fuqing's threat was greater than Yun Jin and the head of the Holy Light Tribunal, the two leaders of the Free State, recognized as the number one.

But this idea is ridiculous.

"Then get rid of it." The voice was noncommittal, "Do you have any good methods and where you need help?"

"My lord, I think that if you want to destroy her, you might as well use the previous method." The young man said respectfully, "The mission of the Eternal Academy must be to connect the brainwaves in the abyss mode, and then we only need to let her fall into a dangerous place. "

"At that time, she couldn't work every day, and the earth should not respond, so she could only die with infinite unwillingness."

They have used this method several times and it is very effective.

Even those strong men on the Eternal List couldn't resist.

Death Swamp, Endless Sea, Reckless Desolation...

He could choose a good burial place for Si Fuqing.

good morning~

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