After Having Everything Taken Away, She Returns As A God

Chapter 863 Terrifying Replication Ability, Ghost-Handed Heavenly Healer [1 More]

When drawing numbers for the monthly exam, Si Fuqing realized something was wrong in an instant.

Eternal Academy's assessment method is very rigorous.

As the first time she participated in the monthly exam as the head of the Yin family, she would not directly encounter a Transcendent A Grade evolutionary like Ye Mingtong who had been cultivating in the inner courtyard for a year.

Sure enough, Eternal Academy also has people from the Vengeance Organization, who fiddled with the lottery.

The only thing that was beyond Si Fuqing's expectation was that the person sent by the revenge organization would be a collateral child of the Ye family.

It now appears that the four major families have also been infiltrated heavily.

The Huo family has been cleared up and down, but Si Fuqing also asked Mrs. Huo to keep a few eyeliners of revenge organizations on the bright side.

These eyeliners will only get some fake news and some real news, so that they can in turn confuse the revenge organization.

"What nonsense are you talking about!" Ye Mingtong woke up completely, only feeling cold all over his body, he was stern, "So you are a member of the revenge organization, I will report it to the Patriarch and send you to the Holy Light Tribunal Die!"

As he said so, the hand hidden in his pocket moved quietly.

But he hadn't executed it yet, the next second, his wrist hurt.

A sharp blade sank into the skin and penetrated into the bone, and blood gushed out instantly.

The severe pain caused Ye Mingtong to let out a scream.

Before he could react, his whole body was under control.

"Report?" Si Fuqing pinched his throat and smiled, "Do you think I will give you this chance?"

The pain became more and more severe, Ye Mingtong was horrified and lost his voice: "What the hell are you..."

This is the first time he has received a mission from the revenge organization - to force out Si Fuqing's evolutionary ability.

It was also the first time he met the leader of the revenge organization.

An unexpectedly young man.

On weekdays, he has been conscientious and dedicated to his duties, and even the elders of the Ye family have never doubted him!

"You, I..." Ye Mingtong suddenly found himself speechless.

He lowered his head stiffly, only to see a sharp claw piercing his chest.

This sharp claw is very familiar, it is his mutation ability.

It's just tougher than his claws.

Ye Mingtong's brain "hummed", and the pain in his body couldn't suppress his shock at the moment.

"Don't you want to know my evolutionary ability?" Si Fu tilted his head, his voice was very gentle, "Do you know now?"

Ye Mingtong opened his mouth, and blood kept gushing from his throat.

His body was trembling, his voice was intermittent, very difficult: ", actually..."

It turned out to be a copy!

No wonder the revenge organization has never found out about Si Fuqing's evolutionary ability.

This is copying!

This proves that as long as she is an evolutionary who has been in contact with Si Fuqing, she can copy the other party's ability, and even make better use of it.

And with the ability that Si Fuqing has displayed now, her evolutionary lineage is above her!

"Smart." Si Fuqing said flatly, "Being smart once before you die, it's a worthwhile trip."

Ye Mingtong stared: "You..."

His body fell, and everything fell silent.

The night wind blew away, blowing away the alcohol smell around him.

Si Fuqing wiped the blood off his hands indifferently, and left without burying Ye Mingtong's body.


The Ye family's ancestral grave is still quiet.

At this time, no one will come to worship.

Not to mention that in more than ten years, Ye Wanlan, a rare genius in the world, has long been forgotten.

But with Si Fuqing's ear strength, she could hear a few whispers.

She froze for a moment and looked up.

The man sat by the tomb with his head slightly lowered, his expression very gentle.

This reminded her of how gentle he was in his previous life before he died.

The world can only see his decisiveness in killing.

But she could see the tenderness buried in his bones.

"Well, she's fine, don't worry." Yu Xiheng's voice was cold, with a slight smile, "I took her to the night market for supper yesterday, and I watched her sleep, so I won't let her stay up late."

Finally, he paused and added: "I won't let her into the kitchen."


Si Fuqing began to think about whether she should be moved or angry.

She also quietly waited for Yu Xiheng to finish speaking before walking over and sitting down beside him: "What did you talk about?"

"Talked a lot." Yu Xiheng rubbed her head, "My sister heard everything too."

Si Fuqing's heart shrank: "Did she hear that?"

"Well, really."

"Then I believe you."

Yu Xiheng nodded, with a faint smile: "Killed?"

"Well, kill it." Si Fuqing slowly clenched his fingers, "But it's not enough, I have to kill again."

At this moment, she seemed to finally be able to understand the feeling of Emperor Yin embarking on the road of killing and stopping killing 1,500 years ago.

Must be killed, otherwise there will be no peace.

Si Fuqing took out another bunch of purple irises and put them down: "Sister, wait for me."

She also often recalls what happened in the Endless Sea.

She was supposed to be swallowed by the vortex, and she was probably the first person the revenge organization wanted to kill at that time.

But because Ye Wanlan and her limit exchanged one by one, it was Ye Wanlan herself who died in the endless seabed in the end.

"Well, I was thinking that if I encountered that situation, I would choose the same as her." After hearing this, Yu Xiheng said softly, "You don't need to blame yourself, you just need to take big steps forward."

Si Fuqing was startled again, and turned his head.

He looked directly into her eyes and said, "Qingqing, you are her closest and most cherished person, you must take care of yourself."

After a moment of silence, Si Fuqing said in a low voice: "I finally know how you made my grandma and others stunned for a while, you really know how to talk."

Hearing this, Yu Xiheng raised his eyebrows slightly, and he chuckled softly: "Why do you miss me so much?"

"Because you are a black-hearted monster, a big black-hearted monster." Si Fuqing blinked, "By the way, the Ye family sent me an invitation card, I will go and have a look tomorrow."

"Yeah." Yu Xiheng responded lightly, "I'm just outside, always here."


The next day, at noon.

Both Ye Baiqing and Ye Zelan were already waiting in the living room.

After waiting for ten minutes, Ye Zelan was a little impatient: "Brother, is she not coming? I gave her an invitation, but she is still planning to be late?"

Who didn't wait outside the mansion early in the morning after receiving the invitation from the Ye family?

Ye Baiqing was still very patient: "Wait a little longer."

This wait is half an hour.

Before Ye Baiqing's patience was exhausted, Si Fuqing walked in unhurriedly under the leadership of Steward Ye.

Ye Baiqing suppressed her impatience and anger, and smiled: "Miss Si, is something delayed?"

Si Fuqing said flatly: "It's not convenient to disclose private matters."

"A few days ago, the sons of my Ye family caused trouble for Miss Si." Ye Baiqing was not annoyed, "But Miss Si's extraordinary strength really impressed me."

Si Fuqing sat down on the guest seat naturally: "What does Mr. Ye want to say?"

When Ye Wanlan was still alive, Ye Baiqing and Ye Zelan had no sense of existence at all.

"It's Miss Si like this. I invite you here because I want the genius doctor Qiusang to show you." Ye Baiqing smiled and introduced, "I just came to my Ye family a while ago, and my medical skills are very high. He also healed an old wound for me."

"The genius doctor Qiu Sang can detect any hidden diseases. This evolutionary has too many hidden injuries in his body. If it develops into a serious disease in the future, it will be bad."

When Si Fuqing heard this, she didn't show too much emotion, she said flatly, "Thank you, Mr. Ye, I don't really need it."

There are indeed many hidden wounds in the evolutionary body.

But she had already learned the way of self-cultivation from the Lord of Ghost Valley.

She also went to Ghost Valley yesterday, collected some new medicinal materials, refined them into tonics, and distributed them to the people around her.

The medicinal materials in the Eternal Continent are more useful than any energy supplement in the Free Continent.

This made Si Fuqing even more sure that the origin of the evolutionary was related to the Eternal Continent.

Ye Zelan and Ye Baiqing looked at each other calmly, smiled, and said intentionally or unintentionally: "Perhaps Miss Si will feel more secure after hearing the name of ghost doctor?"

Si Fu dumped and finally took a look at her: "No."

Who will feel safe after hearing her title of Secondary School Two?

And she had such a bad temper when she was a ghost doctor, isn't she really afraid of her being poisoned?

Ye Zelan frowned, endured it, and said, "Miss Mo Feisi, hasn't heard of the ghost-handed doctor? Yes, the reputation of the ghost-handed doctor outside the continent is not as loud as it is in the continent."

"The genius doctor Qiusang is the only big disciple of the ghost doctor. He is not an ordinary doctor, even the Lu family's genius doctor Lu is incomparable."

Si Fuqing paused holding the teacup, and slowly raised his head: "Tell me, whose apprentice is she?"

good morning~

I said a long time ago that the friendship of the eternal foursome is absolute, and no one is a villain, or stands on the opposite side. Why do so many babies think that Yu Huixue is the villain? Did you guys read some kind of abusive article about the betrayal of brothers and sisters? QAQ, remember that I am a sweet article.

I thought of a very interesting brain hole, maybe I will write a short story with hundreds of thousands of words

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