In Liberty State, Adrian McNeil and Yun Jin have always been the two peak powerhouses with the same reputation.

No distinction is made.

The top of the cloud is the hermit sect, and the Holy Light Tribunal controls the power of Liberty Island.

Therefore, in terms of prestige in Free State, the Holy Light Tribunal is even better.

But Adrian has always wanted to defeat Yunjin.

It's just that Yun Jin's attainments in the soul are too high, which is very difficult.

In a fight with Yun Jin, Yun Jin accidentally knocked his soul out of his body.

Yun Jin frowned tightly, and her voice became cold: "I don't want to fight with you."

He had no pursuit of fame and power, and was not as fanatical as Adrian.

"Yun Jin, for the past five years you have been repairing the container that can hold the soul for your little lover, but this seat has gone to the Eternal Continent to practice diligently." Adrian smiled coldly, "Hundreds of years, This seat has already broken through itself!"

"If you don't advance, you will retreat. This seat wants to see today, how can you be as famous as this seat!"


"Bang bang bang!"

Sound and light and shadow exploded at the same time, thrilling.

The confrontation between the two caused the entire Holy Light Tribunal to be in turmoil, and it is not an exaggeration to say that the sky was turned upside down.


The sirens rang frantically.

The seven cavalry teams were all shocked.

"Enemy attack! Enemy attack! Turn on the defense system! Turn on the defense system immediately!"

The building materials of the Holy Light Tribunal are all rare ores, which are hard and firm.

Only aggressive S-rank evolutionaries can leave cracks on it.

But now, the main hall has collapsed directly.

Several cavalrymen had no time to retreat and were more or less injured.

"Brother, the commotion is so big, we have to report it to the head of state." The cavalry commander blurted out on Wednesday, "I suspect that the revenge organization couldn't hold back and rushed in!"

The cavalry commander was the calmest on Monday: "No, it's the one on the top of the cloud who has left the customs. The disciple who came to us to rescue him just now is fighting with the head of state."

"The top of the clouds?!"

As soon as these words came out, the expressions of the other six cavalry commanders changed.

"You don't need to panic." The cavalry commander put his hands behind his back on Monday, and smiled faintly, "The head of state has been in seclusion for five years, so Yunjin... Hmph, being trapped by love, it's not as good as the head of state."

After this World War I, the title of the strongest man in the Free State should also belong to the head of state.


At the same moment, the black room was silent.

Prisoners locked in a silent black room cannot perceive any movement from the outside world, where time and space seem to have stopped flowing.

But these are of no use to men.

The entire silent black room is under his control.

These days, his beard has grown back and he is surrounded by wine bottles.

The man's spiritual power is extremely strong, and he has already quietly penetrated into the Holy Light Tribunal.

He finished listening to the conversation between Yunjin and Adrian.

Yun Jin's actions surprised him too, shocked that there are still such pious people in this world.

After the shock, it was replaced by uncontrollable rage.

He is also Si Fuqing's teacher, his students can be scolded and taught a lesson, but what is Yunjin?

Yun Jin is also ashamed to bear the title of master!

The man frowned slightly: "Not yet..."

He can't go out right now, otherwise all previous efforts will be in vain.

If Si Fuqing can't even solve this trivial matter, don't call him his student after he leaves.

The man picked up the last wine bottle and shook it, only a drop of wine poured out.

He groaned, feeling a little regretful.

The wine was almost finished, and it was time for his apprentice to bring him wine.

The man slowly took out a plate of edamame, and while peeling, he used his mental strength to watch the battle.


On the other side, Eternal Academy.

The Holy Light Judgment is located in the very center of the main city, and the Eternal Academy is in the east.

The main city is huge, covering an area of ​​hundreds of thousands of square kilometers.

The two locations are far apart, and the Holy Light Tribunal immediately activated the protection system to isolate the internal voices. The news of the confrontation between Yunjin and Adrian has not yet spread.

But this cannot be hidden from Yu Xiheng's intelligence system.

He got the full message.

Yu Xiheng twitched her eyebrows slightly, clasped her fingers together, and tapped the table lightly: "This knife is sharper than I imagined."

"Oh?" Dean Dongfang was taken aback, "How do you say?"

"Yun Jin and Adrian are fighting." Yu Xiheng said lightly, "Even if they won't both lose, they won't be intact."

"Good thing!" Dean Dongfang's expression lifted, "You two gentle scum, well fought! It's best to die together!"

Having said that,

"The first knife has already appeared, and the second one will come soon." Yu Xiheng slightly nodded, "At that time, I will trouble the dean."

Dean Dongfang waved his hand: "You don't need to tell me, I know what to do."

Yu Xiheng went out and found that Si Fuqing was not in the office building.

After he circled around, he found her squatting in the small pavilion behind the office building, looking at the lake in a trance.

The setting sun fell on her body, covering her with a layer of tulle, and dyed her eyebrows and eyes golden yellow, making her so beautiful that it was not like anything in the world.

At this time, she lost all her fierceness, and shrunk into a small ball, quiet and beautiful.

Yu Xiheng also squatted down and touched her head: "Why are you squatting here?"

Si Fuqing hugged the jar of candy and melon seeds, and glanced at him: "Because I'm a child."

Now coaxing children do not use melon seeds and candies.

"It's indeed a child." Yu Xiheng laughed, "Then, do you want to eat dessert? I've booked the restaurant on East Street that you like to eat."

"Okay." Si Fuqing's fox eyes lit up all of a sudden, "But I have one more request."

He looked at her sideways, with indulgence and tenderness in his eyes: "Huh?"

"After dessert, I'm going to fight in the ring." Si Fuqing squeezed his wrist, "Earn some honor points."

"En." Yu Xiheng patted her head again, "Okay."

He casually glanced at the direction of the group arena.

When I come back after eating, I can just watch a good show.


At this time, the woman was at the edge of the ring, watching the students fight in the ring.

The group arena is the most common event in the Eternal Academy. Every student in the inner courtyard needs to play ten group arenas every month to get enough points.

The woman watched with envy.

Although she was also an evolutionary in the past, and her bloodline was also S rank, it is a pity that the evolutionary ability is not offensive.

She also knew about Si Fuqing's evolutionary ability.


It's a pity that after she came back to life with the help of this container, she didn't gain the ability to copy.

It's a pity.

But the honor and connections that Si Fuqing has accumulated are indeed enough for her to live her whole life.

A group arena is over.

During the intermission, the referee began to call the students who will participate in the next group arena.

The mutation happened at this time.

With a "boom", the ring suddenly exploded.

There were several exclamations from the crowd.

Immediately afterwards, the deputy dean's roar sounded on the radio.

"Enemy attack! Enemy attack!"

"All avoid danger! All avoid danger!"

The students of Eternal Academy were well-trained and immediately retreated.

It was the first time for the woman to face such a scene, and she panicked: "Wait, you..."

Enemy attack?

What enemy even invaded the Eternal Academy?

The vice president is also thinking about this question.

He got the answer in the first time, and reported to Dean Dongfang: "Dean, something happened, it's a revenge organization! I have dispatched the law enforcement team to fully protect the safety of the students!"

After hearing this, Dean Dongfang slapped the table excitedly: "What? You mean the revenge organization has entered the academy? Well, how dare they!"

The second knife Yu Xiheng mentioned is here.

He will definitely protect the safety of other students.

But not only would he not be able to take action on that lonely ghost, but he also wanted to add another fire, the hotter the fire, the better!

"Yes, Dean, something really happened!" The deputy dean's tone suddenly changed, "No, Dean, the God-slaying machine! It's the latest version of the God-slaying machine developed by the Vengeance Organization."

Amidst the smoke, several two-meter-high robots were encircling the location of the group arena.

The goal, the top of the cloud, cloud nine.

Teachers: xxx can't do it, don't say you are my apprentice when you go out

Tilt: QAQ

Ask Qingqing and Your Majesty for a New Year's pass!

I found that it has been more than five years since I started writing, and I have been coding every New Year (wiping away tears)

See you tomorrow~

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