After Having Everything Taken Away, She Returns As A God

Chapter 888 Qingqing’s true strength, learn the truth [2 updates]

This is information coming from the top of the cloud, there is no way it is false.

This is a question that Joseph has never thought through from beginning to end.

Before he could ask anything, his jaw was removed again.

At this time, he could no longer make a sound. He could only stare silently and struggle wildly.

But it's all in vain.

"Shh, be quiet." Si Fuqing raised her other hand, pressed it on his head, and smiled slightly, "Let me try my third senior sister's ability. It's my first time to use it, and I'm not familiar with it yet. You try it first." try."


At this moment, Joseph felt like a sledgehammer was hitting his brain, and his mind went blank.

Then he seemed to have fallen into an endless dark universe, falling constantly, his spirit jumping back and forth at the critical point of collapse.

In one second, Si Fuqing obtained Joseph's memories from many years ago.

She withdrew her hand.

But this second, to Joseph, seemed like thousands of years had passed.

He was covered in cold sweat and looked at the girl in front of him in horror.

Si Fuqing stood quietly without speaking as she quickly ran through Joseph's memories in her mind.

Ye Banglan, Lu Qingning and Yu Huixue appeared in the memory.

They are so alive, as if they have always been there.

She also saw the Revenge organization holding a celebration banquet to celebrate finally eradicating the Eternal Four.

At this point in time, it was only one day apart from the time when the amulet in the old woman's mouth broke into pieces.

But just like Yue Jian, she couldn't see clearly who the leader of the revenge organization was.

The face was very blurry, but she felt a bit familiar.

Si Fuqing slowly opened his eyes and finally said, "Why?"

Joseph finally recovered from the severe pain and heard these three words.

He was stunned, completely unable to understand why Si Fuqing would ask him that.

"Why should such outstanding people die because of trash like you?" Si Fuqing asked softly, "They all have bright futures and lofty ambitions, why should they be ruined by scum like you?"

She closed Joseph's chin again with a click, and her voice was still very soft: "Say it."

Joseph couldn't tell.

His expression became more frightened: "You..."


Si Fuqing punched him in the ribs and said calmly: "I asked you to speak, but you became mute?"


Joseph spit out a mouthful of blood and opened his mouth: "You, indeed you are..."

This is the sense of oppression that cloud nine can bring.

What they were besieging turned out to be a real impostor!


There was another punch, and Joseph's right rib was broken.

Dean Dongfang also wanted to let Si Fuqing vent his anger, but he felt a little distressed.

At first, he stood quietly and did not move, but suddenly he felt a feeling of heart palpitations.

What a powerful mental storm!

The spiritual storm is a magnetic field generated by the power of spiritual evolvers going berserk.

This magnetic field is so powerful that it affects the brain waves of other people.

If it is more powerful, it can even directly destroy the spiritual world of the evolver, which is more complete than brain death.

Seventy years ago, a Transcendent A Grade spiritual evolver collapsed and went berserk.

His loss of control caused fifty-six evolved people around him to die one after another.

Dean Dongfang’s expression changed: “Disciple, calm down, calm down, you——”


Joseph screamed and fell to the ground, bleeding from all his orifices.

He is also a Transcendent A Grade Evolver, but he has no resistance to Si Fuqing's mental storm.

The other three people also fell heavily to the ground.

But the mental storm did not stop. Instead, it became more and more intense. Even Dean Dongfang felt uncomfortable.

He wanted to step forward and give Si Fuqing a calming medicine, but due to the effect of the magnetic field, he was completely unable to get close.

Dean Dongfang's face changed wildly.

This is bad.


The space twisted.

A slender figure appeared.

Dean Dongfang was stunned when he saw the man hugging the girl tightly.

The mental storm was attacking him crazily, and fire even shot out of the air. Even his coat was completely burned, but he still didn't let go.

"Qingqing, it's okay, it's okay." Yu Xiheng hugged her and said over and over again, "It's okay, I'm here."

What shocked Dean Dongfang was that the mental storm gradually subsided until it finally dissipated.

This has never happened in the history of evolution.

Si Fuqing's hand trembled, and when she met Yu Xiheng's eyes, she was a little at a loss: "I'm sorry, does it hurt?"

"It's not your fault. Only saints can control their emotions." He held her face and shook his head slowly, "Qingqing, none of us are saints."

He asked himself that his emotional control had reached the point of perfection.

But the Jiang family was destroyed, soldiers died in battle, and his sweetheart was dying and comatose, and he couldn't control it.

I can’t control it because it’s too important.

Live your life again.

Si Fuqing lowered his head and muttered: "You didn't scold me. I'm really not used to it."

"When did I scold you again?" He raised his hand and tapped her on the forehead, "But I want to talk to you properly. If you are like this, you should have a good sleep tonight."

Si Fuqing blinked: "Are you awake?"

"After I wake up, I have something important to tell you." Yu Xiheng touched her head, "Go and rest first, and I'll talk about other things later."


On the other side, Yejia.

The order for the governor's election issued by the Holy Light Judgment also came into the hands of the Ye family.

Under the instruction of the elders, brothers and sisters Ye Baiqing and Ye Zelan participated in the election for governor.

Ye Baiqing looked uncertain and knocked on the table: "How is it?"

"Master, I went to Yu's house to inquire about the news. There is no movement in Yu Huixue, and she is still in seclusion." The head guard said respectfully, "But even if she comes out, given her temperament, she will not participate in the election of the governor."

The Yu family has always been used to keeping a low profile and doesn't fight for power much.

But no one will deny the power of the Yu family.

If you really don't have any strength, how can you stand firmly in the four major families?

Ye Baiqing was only afraid of Yu Huixue, but he did not take Yu Lingzhao into his eyes.

It is true that Yu Lingzhao is also an outstanding graduate of the inner academy and an S-level evolver, but he is more than eight years younger than him.

With the same talent, the huge gap in training time is irreparable.

"Brother, the Lu family will definitely not compete with us." Ye Zelan smiled and said, "Qingyu and I will get married this year. When the time comes for the governor's election, the Ye family and the Lu family will fully support you."

"Then the Huo family is left." Ye Baiqing squinted his eyes, "Originally, the Huo family only had one Huo Yanxing, but now there is another Xie Yu, and it is difficult to deal with it."

"Brother, don't belittle yourself." Ye Zelan didn't take it seriously, "Xie Yu is young, what about Huo Yanxing? My subordinate reported that he has been chasing women recently, and he probably doesn't have time to practice, so don't worry."

Only then did Ye Baiqing smile: "Okay, I am determined to win this election for the governor. By then, we will be the only big family like the Ye family."

The Huo family, Lu family, and Yu family all have to match their Ye family!


Si Fuqing slept for a long time, sleeping for a full day and night.

Within the past twenty-four hours, Madam Huo had joined forces with Dean Dongfang.

The Huo family and Eternal Academy are the main combatants.

The Lu family also joined in, responsible for logistics and medical care.

Ji Xingzhi has also been living in the Huo family. During the day, he went to the Onmyoji Association to take over Tachibana Kenji's work, and at night he was trained hard by Yunmeng.

"Brother Lu, I discovered something big!" Ji Xingzhi said mysteriously, "I finally know who the ninth disciple at the top of the cloud is. She is a girl, very young, in her twenties."

Lu Xingheng was a little surprised: "Girl?"

He grew up in Free Continent, so of course he knew the legendary stories of these disciples.

The disciples at the top of the clouds are all very mysterious, especially this ninth disciple.

This ninth disciple came out after being imprisoned in the dark room of silence for seven days. Not only was he unscathed, he was even in high spirits and directly eliminated a mercenary gang.

It can be said to have shattered the worldview of many people.

Later, even the Holy Light Judgment Office was unwilling to encounter this ninth disciple.

So arrogant and cruel, she is actually a girl?

Lu Xingheng nodded: "If this news is released, Free Continent will be shaken."

Everyone in Free Continent admires strength, and as a woman, she will be sought after by even more people.

Ji Xingzhi said: "Of course, I was lucky enough to see it by chance, but the top of the clouds has not been officially announced to the public."

Lu Xingheng thought for a moment: "I wonder if Yun Shang Ding will intervene in the governor's election this time."

"Hey, brother, you finally woke up!" Ji Xingzhi suddenly stood up, "It really makes me anxious."

Si Fuqing looked at him, his fox eyes narrowed: "What were you and Lu Xingheng talking about just now?"

"The ninth disciple at the top of Liaoyun." Ji Xingzhi said with great joy, "Brother, it turns out that this ninth disciple is a little girl. She is really powerful."

Si Fuqing frowned: "Impossible."

"Why is it impossible?" Ji Xingzhi was a little confused, "Look, this is a photo I secretly took of a woman."

"And this was brought back by the Lord of the Cloud Summit himself. It can't be a fake, right?"

Si Fuqing had no expression on his face and said coldly: "Because I, your eldest brother, am the one on Cloud Nine."

She exhaled slowly.

Great, something is going to happen to someone.

Xiaoxiang's double monthly ticket has started again. Those who have monthly tickets, please vote for Qingqing and Your Majesty to support them.

There are still hundreds of thousands words left in the main text, so you can leave a comment about what you want to see in the extras~

See you tomorrow~

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