After Having Everything Taken Away, She Returns As A God

Chapter 890 Si Fuqing’s soul is furious [2 updates]

Yun Jin also hesitated for a long time about putting Yu Li's soul into Si Fuqing's body.

He also found several pure yin bodies for Yuli to use as bodies, but among these pure yin bodies, the longest one was only used for four years.

More than five years ago, Yuli learned that Si Fuqing was killed in a bombing and that her soul was completely dispersed, so she came to him like a baby and begged him to let him repair Si Fuqing's body so that she could live again.

Yun Jin refused.

Such an approach is undoubtedly breaking through his moral limits.

But until a year ago, he found that it was completely impossible to gather Si Fuqing's soul.

In the end, he couldn't resist the temptation and chose this path.

Yuli woke up with the help of Si Fuqing's body. In this way, it was as if both of them were alive.

He could lie to himself that Si Fuqing was still alive.

He is also a compassionate teacher.

But during this period, his heart felt as if it was being burned back and forth on a raging fire, with a hint of panic amidst the heat.

When he came out of seclusion, Yun Ying's words were still lingering in his ears.

——If Xiaojiu knows, she will hate you and stay away from you. If other people know, they will part ways with you.

Yun Jin just told herself quietly.

No, no one would know.

But he couldn't deny Yun Ying's words.

In this world, pride is the hardest to break, and will is the hardest to grind.

If Si Fuqing really found out, with her strong temper and pride, she would destroy everything.

But he couldn't recall her soul despite all his efforts, and there was nothing he could do.

Xiaojiu won't blame him.

"Master? Master!" Meng Xuanche's voice brought Yun Jin back from his thoughts, "Master, what are you thinking about? Are there any other difficult things that need to be done by the disciple?"

"No, no." Yun Jin shook his head and said in a calm voice, "Go to Ye's house first and borrow Qiu Sang."

"Yes." Meng Xuanche nodded and hurriedly left the top of the clouds.


Huo family.

Through the narrations of brothers and sisters such as Si Fuqing, Yu Xiheng and Yun Ying, the Huo family finally knew all the past events.

Huo Tianwen's jaw dropped in shock: "Qingqing, you, you are too, too..."

For a moment, his brain's CPU was on fire and was about to be scrapped.

He became dazed.

No wonder Yu Xiheng said that the top of the clouds belongs to Si Fuqing.

There are a total of ten people on the top of the clouds, and there are seven standing in front of him now!

Huo Tianwen began to think seriously about a question. In fact, his niece was the real owner of the top of the clouds, right?

The matter of Si Fuqing's body being taken over in the past was explained by Yuan Mingchi, an onmyoji master.

"The soul of the little junior sister is very interesting." After the explanation, Yuan Mingchi slowly spoke again, "The soul of the little junior sister has become more solid after she borrowed a corpse to resurrect her soul."

"From the perspective of yin and yang and the five elements, if it is not your own body, it is impossible for the soul and the body to match 100%. Even if they are suitable, there will be a certain degree of rejection, but little junior sister does not."

Si Fuqing was suddenly startled: "Fifth Senior Brother means...this is my original body? Didn't I take over someone else's body?"

She has also been thinking about how she can come back to life three years later.

She also asked Yunmeng about this matter, but Yunmeng also said that it was the first time she had seen such a thing, and she wanted to go back and read the books to study it.

"That's right." Yuan Mingchi nodded, "After I met you, I began to study your so-called borrowing the corpse to restore the soul. It is not about borrowing the corpse to restore the soul, but the soul returns to the hometown and the intact jade returns to Zhao."

"Presumably the reason why neither Yun Jin nor I could detect the soul aura of the little junior sister during the explosion is because after the death of the little junior sister's body, all the soul aura returned to her real body."

"In this real body, part of the original soul and the returned soul are merged, so the soul will be more solid."

Human beings have three souls and seven souls, one of which is indispensable.

If it is missing, there will be various disadvantages.

There is also such a technique in the world of Yin Yang and Five Elements, which can forcibly divide a person's soul into two halves and put them into different containers.

But this method was too vicious and was permanently banned.

Not all Onmyoji are capable of doing it.

Si Fuqing looked serious: "Because most of my soul was severely damaged, so I rested for three years?"

Yuan Mingchi smiled: "Not bad."

"How is this possible?" Lang Xuan frowned, "If this is my junior sister's body, what about the occupied one?"

Yuan Mingchi smiled slightly: "I have to ask my junior sister, I don't know."

Yun Ying, who had been silent for a long time, finally spoke: "You have no memory before you were five years old?"

"No." Si Fuqing paused and whispered, "As soon as I can remember it, I was rescued by my sister one day while I was hunting in the sunset forest in the east of Free Continent."

On the side, Yu Xiheng noticed her loneliness and touched her head: "It's okay, I'm the same as you, Qingqing."

Si Fuqing blinked.

Only then did she remember that Yu Xiheng was also adopted by the Yu family, and her origin was a complete mystery.

She raised her hand and patted his head: "I'm fine, you don't need to comfort me."

"Stop, it's forbidden to show affection in front of the elders." Yun Ying glanced at her, "Yun Jiu, please hold back."

After the confusion in her heart was relieved, Si Fuqing also felt relaxed. She made a face and said, "I know you are jealous of me."

"This Yun Jin! What a sanctimonious and superficial gentleman!" After hearing this, Mrs. Huo was trembling with anger. "How could you do such a dirty thing!"

Yun Jin's age is indeed a mystery, but she had already heard Yun Jin's name when she was a child.

It’s just that there was no top of the clouds at that time.

Yun Jin has always been the symbol of the pinnacle of Free Continent, and because of his quiet and indifferent temperament, he also has a group of admirers in Free Continent.

Xie Yanqiu had a bad temper: "Mom, let's find a way to kill him directly. The position of the Lord of the Clouds is also given to Qing Qing!"

"Grandma, aunt, I will take care of my own affairs." Si Fuqing raised his head, "None of you should do anything about this matter."

Mrs. Huo was stunned: "Qingqing, you..."

"Yunjin behaves filthy, and I won't pay any attention to the relationship between master and disciple." Si Fuqing said lightly, "Besides, when we were at the top of the clouds, I also saved his life with my medical skills, and I paid it back a long time ago. .”

She is best at killing people and killing people.

She will prepare a big gift for Yun Jin and the lonely ghost.


The next day, afternoon, night home.

Ye Baiqing glanced at the time and picked up the teacup casually: "I asked you to invite Miss Si, have you completed the task?"

The guard said respectfully: "There is a small assessment in the inner courtyard today. Miss Si is in the inner courtyard. The captain has already gone. I will bring Miss Si back according to the young master's wishes."

"Okay." Ye Baiqing put down the cup, "I want to see you invite her over before dinner, no matter what means you use, understand?"

The guard nodded and reported Ye Baiqing's order to the guard chief again.

At this time, another guard hurried in with a very surprised expression: "Master, Miss, someone is coming from the top of the clouds!"

"What?!" Ye Baiqing's hand shook and he almost knocked over the tea cup, "Top of the clouds? Who is here?"

"He is a young master I have never seen before." The guard said excitedly, "But the identity can be proved. With the token from the top of the cloud, it cannot be faked."

"Quick, quick." Ye Baiqing also became excited, "Zelan, let's go to the front hall now."

Ye Zelan stood up in a hurry: "Brother, I'm going to sort out my makeup first."

She couldn't help but feel happy.

This is the top of the clouds!

If they can gain connections, the Ye family's power will go even further.

We must entertain the distinguished guests at the top of the clouds well.


At this time, Eternal Academy, the inner courtyard.

"Sister Qingqing, my speed has almost caught up with Professor Lightning." Nian Yian followed Si Fuqing with his schoolbag on his back. "When I surpass him, he will not be able to catch up if he chases me."

Si Fuqing said lazily: "My brother is really awesome."

"Sister Qingqing, a moment..." Nian Yi'an was about to ask him if he could rest for a while, but the road ahead was blocked by a group of people.

The head guard took a step forward: "Hello, Miss Si, our young master has invited you."

Si Fuqing didn't even raise her eyes: "Get out of the way, I don't like to say things twice."

"Miss Si." Seeing her attitude, the head guard frowned deeply, "Our young master kindly invites you to be a guest at Ye's house. Please don't be ungrateful."

The Yin family, which cannot even enter the Free Continent, is just dust that can be brushed away in the eyes of the Ye family, the head of the four great families.

What's so arrogant?

"You won't let me, right?" Si Fuqing finally raised his head and nodded slowly, "Okay."

If you hit her muzzle, don't even think about leaving standing intact.

There are still dozens of votes left to break 4200. At the end of the month, everyone will vote for Qingqingwa~

The holes will definitely be filled!

See you tomorrow~

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