After Having Everything Taken Away, She Returns As A God

Chapter 893 Slap in the face! His Majesty vs. Yun Jin【1 update】

Netizens who entered the live broadcast room were stunned after hearing this sentence, and they could only type a few punctuation marks with shaking hands.

[Wait, I went to the wrong place? 】

[Heavenly doctor with ghost hands? Is it the ghost-hand heavenly doctor I know? 】

[It’s fake. In my mind, the Heavenly Doctor with Ghost Hands is just a vicious old man. How come he’s a woman? 】

Returning to the top of the clouds this time, Si Fuqing did not deliberately disguise herself from beginning to end.

Although the black cloak covered her face, it did not conceal her figure.

It was a woman unintentionally.

And judging from his voice, he is also extremely young.

[No need to ask, it must be fake. The reason why there is a ghost in the name of the Heavenly Doctor with Ghost Hands is because he appears and disappears. Which big shot will sign up live? 】

[Isn’t that Miss Qiu Sang, the guest elder of the Ye family? What is this place? 】

At this time, Meng Xuanche's voice sounded, suppressing his anger: "Your Excellency, what are you doing? Do you want to go against me, the top of the clouds?"

Top of the clouds!

【Fuck! The ghost-hand heavenly doctor has reached the top of the clouds! 】

[Wait a minute, isn’t the Ghost Hand Heavenly Doctor just a doctor? 】

"I haven't come out for a long time, and more and more people are using my name to cheat." Si Fuqing still looked at the camera and said calmly, "I'm in a bad mood. When I'm in a bad mood, I want to kill someone."


There was dead silence.

Qiu Sang was forced to kneel on the ground, her brain buzzing.

Such a series of operations by Si Fuqing was completely unexpected by her, but she still refused to admit it and said angrily: "You are not my master, you are slandering me!"

"My good disciple, why don't you even recognize me?" Si Fu lowered his head and said, "I taught you the Seven Needles of Ghost Hands. How are you doing? Show it to me?"

The Seven Needles of Ghost Hands is the exclusive secret skill of the Heavenly Doctor of Ghost Hands. It was developed by the Lord of Ghost Valley and passed on to her.

This is also the only way for the outside world to identify the ghost-hand heavenly doctor.

The reason why Qiu Sang was able to hide it from the Ye family was because she had used the so-called Seven Needles of the Ghost Hand once.

Qiu Sang's expression changed drastically, and she said with a serious expression: "The Seven Needles of the Ghost Hand are the secret of our sect, how can we expose it to the public at will?!"

"Really?" Si Fuqing leaned down slightly, patted her face, and said in a gentle voice, "Then my teacher must not have taught you that these seven needles can save people, but they can also kill people."

"And your master and I are better at killing people."

Qiu Sang was stunned. Before he could react, several key points on his body suddenly hurt.

Seven silver needles sank into her body at the same time at a speed that was difficult for the naked eye to detect.

She let out a heart-rending scream.

Meng Xuanche's footsteps were frozen in place, and his pupils suddenly shrank.

It turned out to be really fake!

The live broadcast continued, and the people in front of the screen naturally saw Si Fuqing's move.

[…Did anyone see how the silver needle flew out? 】

【I'm blind! 】

"When you are my apprentice, you have to steal people from the King of Hell." Si Fuqing said in a cold tone, "How many patients have died under your command?"

Qiu Sang curled up in pain and gasped, unable to say a word at all.

But the physical pain was nothing compared to the panic in her heart.

She has been using this fake identity to stay in Free Continent for nearly five years, and during this period, the ghost-hand heavenly doctor has never appeared.

Why did the Heavenly Doctor with Ghost Hands appear just when she was taking the road to the top of the clouds?

"From now on, the Free Continent includes several continents outside the continent. Who dares to say that it is me and my disciples?" Si Fuqing raised a finger and smiled, "Oh, of course, you can continue to speak, but I heard you , don’t blame me for coming to find you.”

Through the camera screen, everyone can feel this strong sense of oppression.

At this moment, no one would doubt her identity anymore.

"By the way, I'm a woman." Si Fuqing snapped her fingers, "If anyone calls me a bad old man, I will come to see you, that's it."

The live broadcast ends.

At the same moment, the Holy Light Judgment Office.

Adrian watched the live broadcast clips repeatedly with a solemn expression, and felt a bit incredible: "The ghost-hand heavenly doctor took the initiative to expose himself, just to clear his name?"

You are so down-to-earth, but you also know how to live broadcast on the Internet?

The commander of the cavalry on Monday considered it for a moment: "Seeing as her temper is not very good, this behavior is understandable."

"I thought that there was a heavenly doctor with ghostly hands... I didn't expect it to be a little girl, no... no no." Adrian suddenly objected, "With her heaven-defying medical skills, not only her appearance will last forever, but also her appearance will last forever." It is possible to regain youth, but age is still unknown.”

The commander of the cavalry on Monday said respectfully: "The head of state means..."

"Yunjin hired a fake to treat the fake, which obviously angered the ghost-hand doctor." Adrian snorted slightly, "The enemy of my enemy is my friend. Maybe I can make a profit from it."

"The head of state is wise." Monday Cavalry Chief clasped his fists, "I will send an invitation to the Ghost Hand Heavenly Doctor and ask her to come to the Holy Light Judgment Center to meet the head of state."

Adrian nodded: "Go ahead."


This way, on top of the clouds.

Si Fuqing clapped her hands: "The one with blond hair, put your things away."

Raphael worked hard and packed up all the camera equipment.

"I'm sorry, Your Majesty the Ghost Hand Heavenly Doctor..." Meng Xuanche stepped forward and apologized very much, "I didn't know that the person was an imposter and I offended you. I'm really sorry."

Si Fuqing said casually: "There are too many impostors. You can't tell. It's normal."

Meng Xuanche was stunned for a moment, and out of the corner of his eye he saw Yun Jin frowning, and quickly said: "I wonder if you can give it to our junior sister..."

"Okay." To his surprise, Si Fuqing agreed, "Lead the way."

Meng Xuanche nodded: "This way, master."

Yun Jin seemed to have just come to his senses and nodded lightly.

In the Peach Blossom Spring, Yuli lies in an ice coffin, unconscious.

Si Fuqing waved his hand and made a few "swish, swish, swish" sounds, and several silver needles sank into "her" body.

At the same time, she held her body's wrists down.

After trying it, Si Fuqing's eyes darkened.

She had just used silver needles to fix her body and tried to pull out Yuli's soul, but found that she couldn't pull it out.

Yuli's soul power is very strong, and after Yun Jin's careful conditioning over the years, it has almost become one with this body.

She had to go to the Eternal Continent to find Yunmeng and continue to practice the art of soul.

No matter what, I have to drag Yuli out of this body.

Si Fuqing's silence made Meng Xuanche couldn't help but ask: "May I ask your Excellency, my little junior sister..."

Hearing this, Si Fuqing took back his hand.

She slowly turned her head and looked at Meng Xuanche calmly: "The soul has not been damaged at all. This soul has been well nourished."

Meng Xuanche breathed a sigh of relief and smiled: "The little junior sister is the master's treasure. The master specializes in soul cultivation, so naturally she must take good care of her."

"That's it. Don't worry about your physical injuries. Just take the medicine." Si Fuqing raised his eyebrows and smiled slightly, "It's just that I found that this soul and body-"

Before he finished speaking, Yun Jin interrupted the sentence: "Thank you very much, Miss Ghost Hand Heavenly Doctor. This child, Xiaojiu, has died once before. It is thanks to your help that he can escape death this time."

Si Fuqing didn't look at him, just turned his back and said slowly: "It turns out he died once, no wonder."

Her heart was very calm at the moment, without any disturbance.

Yun Jin didn't hold much weight in her heart.

But she always respected her teachers and regarded Yun Jin as her elder.

She originally wanted to give Yun Jin a way out, but Yun Jin stopped her.

very good.

This last chance is gone.

Yun Jin's eyes suddenly trembled.

In addition to spiritual training, Yun Jin also has extremely strong mental power and has extraordinary telepathy.

At this moment, he felt some kind of panic burst out of his heart, and his heart dropped suddenly, as if something unpredictable and uncontrollable had happened.

I had this feeling a few days ago, but it wasn't as strong as it is now.

Si Fuqing took back the silver needle and said calmly: "I don't like you here, so I'm leaving."

"Wait, you-" As soon as Meng Xuanche started to speak, the girl had disappeared. He looked at Yun Jin, "Master, this..."

Yun Jin frowned: "You guys are watching from here."

The next second, with a "swish", he disappeared from the place.

Tan Jingmo's eyes changed slightly, and he looked at Yun Ying.

The two of them quickly followed Yun Jin.

At the same time, Si Fuqing felt the fluctuations in space.

She turned her head and saw Yun Jin's figure rushing towards her.

He extended his palm, aiming for her cloak.

There is a cold murderous intention in the palm wind.

Want to kill people and silence them?

Si Fuqing turned around, his eyebrows extremely cold.

Palms facing each other.


Yu Xiheng took back her hand and said in a cool tone: "Looking for death."

It’s been a long time since Your Majesty’s highlight, so I’d like to give Your Majesty a vote today! Xiaoxiang double monthly pass, one vote is worth two votes!

In the next two days, we will send out express delivery for everyone’s surroundings. Babies with a lot of surroundings will receive two express delivery~

Thank you for your comfort. Well, I have always understood the principle of life and death as usual, but people really cannot control their emotions. I hope everyone is healthy and happy.

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