After Having Everything Taken Away, She Returns As A God

Chapter 903 The Law of God and Magic, Si Fuqing [1 more]


As soon as this sentence came out, everyone's expressions changed.

"Don't be in such a hurry." Fusang supported his head and smiled at Si Fuqing, "The fifty-four days refers to the time in your place."

"Looking at the time of the Eternal Continent, there are still hundreds of years left."

Si Fuqing breathed out slowly: "Even in our place, the time is really fast."

"According to the information I have collected, on the holy day, the 'people' who command those guys in Vientiane will definitely appear." Fusang continued, "This 'person' promised Vientiane that they could get the godhead and become gods." .”

Collectively become gods, this is the source of the holy day.

"Becoming a god is not so easy. It is said that there is a godhead in the tomb of the gods, but I went in and turned around a few times but couldn't find it." Changying threw the wine gourd in his hand and smiled slightly, "Wanxiang is not an idiot, so Say, that 'person' came up with something that would convince them."

"Or, the identity of that 'person' makes them willing to follow and obey."

"That's right." Fusang nodded, "And they obviously have abnormal means to improve their cultivation. I'm afraid that in the end, Changying and I will be no match for them."

Yunmeng sighed: "I didn't expect them to even master the puppet technique. If we refine a few more puppets in the Holy Spirit Realm, we are no match at all."

As a magical world where spiritual practitioners exist, the Eternal Continent is divided into major factions according to various laws, and there are many spells under each major faction.

The yin and yang art change comes from the law of yin and yang.

And Balrog's fire control technique is the law of fire.

But puppetry is the law of divine magic.

The power of the divine magic rule is above all laws, and after the gods and demons are all killed, and the gods and servants are all killed, the divine magic rule will disappear.

"So, we will lose if we fight or not?" Lord Moyuan stroked his beard and sighed repeatedly, "Why don't we take advantage of this time to fight again and again?"

As soon as he finished speaking, he was kicked mercilessly by Yunmeng.

Fusang looked in the direction of the tomb of the gods with a gloomy gaze, and said softly, "Maybe things are not as bad as we imagined."

Yunmeng was taken aback for a moment: "Hall Master?"

Si Fuqing also followed Fusang's gaze: "The palace master means that someone is helping us?"

"En." Fusang nodded, "The God King of Vientiane and the Ghost Emperor of Huangquan trapped me in the tomb of the gods, trying to seal me, and they did succeed."

"It's just that the road in the God's Tomb suddenly changed, and I was able to leave successfully."

Yunying frowned: "Gravekeeper?"

Fusang shook his head: "I don't know, I haven't been able to see them."

"I have 30,000 onmyojis under my command, all of which can be used." Yunmeng lowered her voice, "How many people do you have?"

Lord Moyuan pointed at Yu Xiheng and spread his hands: "A single seedling."

The Lord of Ghost Valley said he was the same.

Fusang rubbed his chin, then patted Yunying's shoulder: "I'm just such a rebellious son."

Changying shrugged: "Okay, I lost, I don't have any apprentices."

"Master, seniors, there are many people on my side." Si Fuqing pondered for a moment, then said, "It's just that they can only come to the Eternal Continent through the game cabin, and their cultivation level is not as high as that of the local residents."

"Cultivation is not a problem." Fusang waved his hand, and several baskets of longevity fruits appeared, "You take it and share it with them, and I will discuss tactics with Changying and the others."

Si Fuqing himself passed through his real body, so he asked Yu Xiheng to put the longevity fruit into the system warehouse.

Yu Xiheng held a pill and handed it to her lips: "Qingqing, take the medicine."

Before taking it in, Si Fuqing already smelled a strong bitter taste: "I won't eat it."

"Be obedient." Yu Xiheng frowned, "One medicine, it will pass soon."

He wanted to force-feed her medicine.

"Wow!" As an actor who has become a god in the international film and television industry, Si Fuqing also began to cry, crying as soon as he said, "How dare you bully me! You black-hearted monster!"

Yu Xiheng: "..."

His hands trembled, and he looked at Yunying calmly.

Yun Ying frowned, turned his head away, pretending he didn't see anything.

What does this have to do with him?

"Don't cry." Yu Xiheng sighed, "Eat a candied fruit after taking the medicine, it won't be bitter."

Si Fuqing looked at him and insisted: "Don't eat."

On the other side, the Lord of Ghost Valley and a few others said: "I am a rebel, and I have to try the sweet ones when I try medicines myself. She can't take a bite of the bitter ones."

"Oh? That's strange." Changying was surprised, "Trying Guigu's medicine, you have to toss and turn to die eight hundred times, right?"

Medicine is bitter, how can it be compared with physical pain?

The Lord of Ghost Valley sighed: "This girl said that she can die, but she must not destroy her appetite."

Changying laughed: "Very optimistic, very good."

"My injuries are all healed." Si Fuqing was still struggling with Yu Xiheng, "I can eat another longevity fruit."

"Longevity fruit doesn't cure the root cause after all." Yu Xiheng didn't back down, "Take the medicine."

Si Fuqing covered his ears: "I refuse."


After a while of silence, she heard him call her: "Qingqing."


Si Fu tilted his head up.

At this time, he quickly stuffed the pill into her lips, lowered his head, and bit her lips.

The bitterness spread in his mouth instantly, and his body was imprisoned by him again, Si Fuqing's whole body went numb for a moment.

She was stunned, only feeling that her taste buds had been violated.

At this time, Yu Xiheng moved her lips, raised her hand again, and fed a piece of candied fruit into it.

The sweetness is tangy and overwhelms the bitterness.

She looked at his downcast light-colored eyes, deep and deep, and her mind was bewitched for a moment.

Finally, he kissed the corner of her lips: "Very good, it's over."

Si Fuqing came back to his senses, immediately jumped long and pushed him away: " don't talk about martial arts!"

"Yeah." Yu Xiheng smiled and patted her head, "I only talk to you and don't talk about martial arts."

Si Fuqing's fist was very hard: "I want to hit you!"

"Go back and fight." Yu Xiheng responded one by one, then turned to the others and said, "I'll take her out first."

The Lord of Ghost Valley felt a toothache when he saw it, and immediately waved: "Go, go."

Fusang smiled and said, "The door that Yunying found was on the Tianchi Lake. You are from the New World, so you won't be blocked."

Yu Xiheng nodded: "Thank you, senior."

He held Si Fuqing's wrist and led her away.

Yunying crossed her arms, thoughtfully, and then slowly looked at Fusang who was having a serious discussion with Changying.

For the first time in tens of thousands of years, Fusang felt a little cold all over his body.

She wrapped her clothes, turned her head following the source of the coolness, and met Yunying's gaze.

Fusang accuses loudly: "Nizi, what are you looking at? Do you understand respecting the teacher?"

"Understood, I understand very well." Yunying raised her eyebrows lazily, "Master, you old man continue."

"I always feel that you have something wrong in your heart." Fusang muttered, and continued to talk with Changying.


On the other side, the top of the clouds.

Yuli has woken up.

She looked at her intact body and breathed a sigh of relief.

Yun Jin's tired expression lifted: "Xiao Li, are you alright?"

"Ajin, I'm fine." Yuli shook her head and said softly, "I'm sorry to trouble you."

"How can you be troublesome, don't say such things." Yun Jin pinched the center of her brows, "You have a good rest."

Yuli said cautiously: "Ajin, I want to go to the Intercontinental Research Institute."

"No!" Yun Jin flatly refused, "You have forgotten how the revenge organization chased you down? You can't leave the top of the cloud!"

"Ajin, just let me go." Yuli acted coquettishly, "I can't stay on the top of the cloud all the time. Didn't you say that the revenge organization has retreated and won't come out soon, right?"

"But you..." Yun Jin frowned, and could only say, "If Yi Ronghao goes down again, don't tell anyone about going down the mountain."

He suspected that Yunying had colluded with the revenge organization, otherwise, how could the news have spread to the revenge organization so quickly?

He no longer trusts other people in the division.

"Definitely." Yuli was very happy, "I knew you were the best for me, Ajin."

Yun Jin pursed her lips: "Go, I have big goals, so I won't go, but I will protect you."

Yuli nodded, and after tidying up, she quietly left the top of the cloud.

This time it went smoothly, and no one followed her or targeted her.

This made Yuli also confirm that someone in the division must have told the revenge organization, and Yunying who knew the truth was most likely.

She sneered slightly.

At least she is still alive, Si Fuqing is already a dead person.

Yuli hasn't been shopping in the street for a long time, and she walked towards the Intercontinental Institute while shopping.

There are passers-by talking around.

"Where did Si Fuqing go? How come there is no follow-up after filming a variety show?"

"Yeah, I'm still waiting for her to continue appearing in variety shows. I've watched all the scenes she filmed outside the continent. I'm a few blocks ahead of those stars in the continent, and I'm officially announcing that she's been promoted to be my new goddess."

"I'll go to her studio account in a while to urge her. As a star, you must be dedicated."

The familiar name made Yuli's footsteps pause.

She confirmed again and again that it was indeed the pronunciation of the word "Si Fuqing".

Yuli's expression changed, she didn't care too much, she immediately stepped forward and grabbed the girl's arm, her tone was very urgent: "What three words are you talking about, Si Fuqing?"

good morning~~

There is a side story that will definitely write that Qingqing won the second Glenn Achievement Award qwq!

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