After Having Everything Taken Away, She Returns As A God

Chapter 905: Yuli Shocked To Collapse [Part 1]

Her body couldn't stop shaking, her hands and feet were cold.

Yuli recalled the relevant news she had learned at the Eternal Academy yesterday.

It is said that this Si Fuqing entered the inner court last year, but due to family reasons, he only started to participate in various assessments this year.

Then there was a blockbuster.

First, he defeated the collateral descendants of the Ye family in the assessment, and then completed the S-level mission to the Eternal Continent with Yu Lingzhao, and gained a lot of merit points and honor points.

He is an evolutionary, and he is also a researcher at the Intercontinental Research Institute, and his name is still exactly the same...

Definitely not just a coincidence!

But even Yun Jin confirmed that Si Fuqing was dead, so how could Si Fuqing be alive again?

The moment she collided with the girl's eyes, Yuli only felt the cold air rushing up into the sky, rushing straight to her celestial cap.

At this moment, she was like a thief whose identity had been seen through, and she felt ashamed.

"What's wrong with Ms. Yunjiu?" Si Fuqing held Yuli's hand, very concerned, "Why is your hand so cold? Is it because you are in poor health? The radiation intensity of the experiment is very high, and if you are in poor health, you can't persist."

Yuli seemed to have touched something terrifying, and couldn't help screaming: "Let me go!"

Naturally, she couldn't break free from Si Fuqing's hand with her strength, so Si Fuqing raised his eyebrows and let go.

With a sound of "bang", Yuli took a few steps back and sat on the ground directly because she confiscated the huge momentum brought by herself.

The dean was taken aback, and quickly stepped forward to help her up: "Miss Yun Jiu, is everything okay?"

Seeing S009 this time, he also had many doubts in his heart.

S009's work style in the research institute has always been rigorous. She learned from Dean Xu and is a research madman just like Dean Xu.

Except that I always like to buy a box of Coke and put it in the laboratory, I can't find any faults in my work.

But the current S009 gives him a very weak feeling, not like a mad scientist who can bomb a building with a laser cannon at every turn.

The dean didn't know that S009 was the nine disciples of the top of the cloud.

Therefore, no matter how much doubt he had, it was shattered by Yun Jin's affirmation.

There is no need for the master of the summit on the cloud to say such lies.

The dean thought that maybe S009 had many side effects after being revived by Yunjin.

He sighed.

It's a pity that Dean Xu has gone crazy, otherwise he could have seen this disciple with his own eyes.

Yuli was indeed terrified. After being helped up by the dean, her body was still shaking.

"Sister Qingqing, look, she said she is S009, I don't believe it at all." Lu Xingci whispered, "I don't think her mental state is like S009, although I have never seen S009, but it is definitely not like her .”

Si Fuqing raised his eyebrows, noticing the dean's expression changed, and said, "Little prodigy, don't talk nonsense."

Lu Xingci was sullen: "What I said is the truth, I don't want to do experiments with idiots, it's very difficult to communicate with idiots!"

"Dean, it's like this. There is no rule in the hospital that an experimental project can only be carried out by one team." Si Fuqing said flatly, "Since Miss Yunjiu was the person in charge of the previous experimental project, she must be very interested in the experimental project. I know better than we do, I'm afraid that my team and the little prodigy will delay Miss Yunjiu instead."

When the dean heard this, he was relieved, but at the same time he was a little surprised: "Are you really willing to give up half of the rights of the experiment leader?"

The Intercontinental Research Institute does not have such regulations.

But no researcher will give up the experiment that has been acquired with great difficulty.

This concession is honor and merit.

Especially for anti-gravity armor, the experimental filing is an SS-level project.

Since the "death" of S009, this experiment has been completely shelved, and no one dared to move it.

"Yeah." Si Fuqing said unhurriedly, "The test results will be accepted in 30 days. S009 is my idol. I believe she can complete the anti-gravity armor test. Then I will be able to see my shortcomings. Where."

"Okay, since you are willing, then this experiment will be carried out by your team and Ms. Yun Jiu." The dean nodded, "But the institute still treated you badly, do you have any requests?"

"I don't have any requirements." Si Fuqing said calmly, "I just hope that the live broadcast will be broadcast across the continent when the inspection takes place in 30 days. I have a strong sense of vanity and I want more people to watch it."

The dean was even more surprised, but still responded: "Okay, there is no problem, you continue to do the experiment, and I will leave with Miss Yunjiu first."

After finishing speaking, he turned his head: "Miss Yunjiu, your previous laboratory building was bombed, and I will temporarily open a Grade A laboratory for you, what do you think?"

Yuli's complexion was still faintly pale, and she forced a smile: "Okay, A-level is also fine."

"It seems that Ms. Yunjiu's health is really bad." Si Fuqing said suddenly, "I have medicine here. Ms. Yunjiu can try it when I go back to recuperate my body."

She took out a box of medicine, and the clear fragrance of the medicine hit her face, which lifted people's spirits.

Yuli has been paying attention to Si Fuqing's actions, seeing the girl so calm and calm, she is a little confused again.

If it was really the Si Fuqing she knew, the first time he saw her, he would immediately kill her and give her medicine?

Maybe it's just a coincidence?

Yuli pursed her lower lip and took it: "Thank you."

Yun Jin is also proficient in the properties of medicine, so she went back and let him take a look.

After Yuli and the dean left, Lu Xingci couldn't hold back and asked, "Sister Qingqing, isn't the medicine bag you gave poisonous?"

Si Fuqing picked up the book and knocked him on the head: "Would I do such a stupid thing?"

"Ah!" Lu Xingci covered his head aggrievedly, "I'm just asking."

"It's really a tonic." Si Fuqing laughed lazily, "Great tonic, strengthens the body, prolongs life, and is very good for the body."

Although Yunmeng said that her previous body was just a container, it was no worse than a normal body.

The stronger the container, the stronger the soul must be to be able to adapt, otherwise there will be serious rejection.

Time is running out, she must get Yuli's soul out as soon as possible.

Thirty days later, the anti-gravity armor experiment site is the best opportunity.

If you pretend to be her, you will have to pay the price in front of everyone.

Lu Xingci's eyes lit up: "Me too."

Si Fuqing glanced at him: "What do you want this medicine for?"

"Of course it's to strengthen your body and beat my big brother, that bastard." Lu Xingci showed off his muscles, "Then let sister Tangtang not be bullied by big brother."

Si Fuqing: "..."

What a pair of brothers and sisters.


At this moment, the Eternal Continent.

Everything is silent, and the darkness never fades.

The faces of the Balrog, the Venerable Manghuang and the King of Vientiane were all very ugly.

They went to capture the Lord of Guigu, the Lord of Moyuan, and Yunmeng respectively, and each restrained the other, but in the end they all failed.

"Jie Jie Jie..." A gloomy and hoarse terrifying laugh sounded, "You guys have improved so much in strength, yet you still come back in defeat. It's really useless."

"Ghost Emperor, you don't need to make sarcastic remarks here." Hearing this, the King of Vientiane snorted coldly, "You didn't trap that Changying, so there is nothing to mock us."

"My mission failed because that apprentice from Guigu suddenly broke through to the Holy Spirit Realm." Balrog clenched his fists, the veins on his forehead twitched violently, "She broke through after being disabled by me, what the hell!"

Venerable Manghuang's expression changed: "Is that the yellow-haired girl who broke through to the Soul Realm under my hands last time?"

"That's right." Balrog's face was gloomy, "She's already in the Holy Spirit Realm now."

The God King of Wanxiang also changed his face: "How can there be such a spiritual practitioner! This king has never heard of it before!"

"Of course you haven't heard of it." Huangquan Ghost Emperor mocked, "Because she is not an eternal person, but a visitor from another world in the new world."

As soon as these words came out, the pupils of several people shrank even more.

Ordinary people in the new world can have such a high level of cultivation in the Eternal Continent? !

"Don't worry, the link of the four points has been successful." Huangquan Ghost Emperor smiled lightly, "After fifty-four days, the new world will no longer exist."

Whoever it is will die.

good morning~~

It can be seen that it really started to enter the final ending qaq

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