After Having Everything Taken Away, She Returns As A God

Chapter 912 The master's door is dispatched, hands-on [2 more]


Raphael's expression froze, his brain couldn't turn around for a while, and he stammered: "What, what?"

Everyone else looked calm, obviously this matter was within their expectations.

"Sure enough, it's Meng Xuanche." Yuan Mingchi sneered slightly, "The old seventh's suspicion has been ruled out, and he is the only one left in the entire division."

"Well, yes, it's him." Yunying raised his eyebrows slightly, "More than five years ago, when I left the top of the cloud to find Xiaojiu, I began to suspect that there must be someone from the revenge organization in the division, so who am I?" I don't believe it."

"But it was officially confirmed when the counterfeit was besieged by the revenge organization for the first time."

Si Fuqing blinked: "No wonder you told me not to go back to the teacher's gate after you saw me, senior brother."

"I told you not to go back to the division, the first is because there are people from the revenge organization in the division." Yunying said lightly, "The second is because I went back before meeting you and knew what Yun Jin did. That's why, I can't expose you at that time, and I'm also afraid that you will be sad."

Si Fuqing glanced at him: "I will be even more sad if you bully me."

"Oh?" Yun Ying raised her eyebrows, with a half-smile, "Didn't you already plan to ask someone for help?"

"That's right!" Si Fuqing said cheerfully, "If you bully me again, I'll sue you with a black case to the Hall Master, and I'll even add more fuel!"

The Master of the Palace of Longevity is Yunying's master, and as a disciple, he must listen to his master's words.

Yunying said indifferently: "Then I expect you to file a complaint."

"Wait, boss, how did you know for sure?" Rafael was puzzled and still couldn't understand, "If you didn't tell me, I wouldn't know that Lao Ba is the current leader of the revenge organization, and his acting skills are too good! "

Is he the only one who is upright and innocent among all the people? Only he can't act?

"Do you remember that I told you that I want to use the revenge organization's knife to kill people?" Yun Ying glanced at him, "But in fact I didn't pass the news to the revenge organization, but the revenge organization still knows the news."

"Yun Jin treasures his lover so much, so it's even more impossible to reveal it to the revenge organization. If it's not you and me, who else?"

"Tsk." Tan Jingmo nodded slightly, "He was too anxious to learn of the resurrection of 'Little Junior Sister', which further proves the importance of Little Junior Sister."

Yun Ying clasped her hands and nodded slightly: "It's a pity that he ran away, Yun Jin is such an idiot."

He knew Yun Jin well.

Yun Jin is not really that stupid, it's just that he believes that everything can be quelled with his force, and he has absolute confidence in his own strength.

It is true that no one in Liberty Island can defeat Yun Jin.

You can sail against the current, if you don't advance, you will retreat.

Times are completely different now.

Raphael hugged his head and let out a sad voice: "You are all hiding from me, are you still good brothers!"

"I'm hiding it from you because I'm afraid you'll reveal your secrets." Yue Jian comforted him rarely, "Lao Liu, you only need to have an IQ in earning money, and you don't need anything else."

Raphael was heartbroken.

"Eighth Senior Brother's acting skills are indeed very good." Si Fuqing said flatly, "Before he showed his flaws, I never thought that he was the head of the revenge organization."

In her impression, Meng Xuanche didn't have a high sense of existence.

He has always been mild-tempered, and in his spare time, he would play chess with her and teach her how to cultivate her character and settle herself down.

However, when he was the leader of the revenge organization, Meng Xuanche killed people like hemp, cold-blooded and ruthless.

Totally two people.

"He is the second leader of the Vengeance Organization." Yunying hummed, and then said, "After all, the Vengeance Organization has existed for forty or fifty years, and he should have succeeded the position after the death of the first leader."

Yue Jian narrowed his eyes slightly: "If he ran away this time, I'm afraid he won't come out again."

"Yeah." Yunying's gaze turned cold little by little, "Even Fusang can't find where their base camp is."

The master of the Hall of Eternal Life has the highest cultivation level, and the Eternal Continent allows her to go.

However, Fusang, the mastermind standing behind the Divine King of Vientiane, the Venerable Manghuang and others, did not find any information.

"It's useless to worry." Si Fuqing stood up and squeezed his fingers, "Since their leader has lost contact, let's catch those little fellows first."

Yunying raised her eyebrows: "That's right, get rid of the memorizer and the invisible man first. These two people have no fighting power, but their abilities are too weird. Let's get rid of them first."

"Go." Si Fuqing waved his hand, "Beat me."


At this moment, the Eternal Continent.

Meng Xuanche exhausted all his strength to reach the extremely dark place.

Yunying used all his strength in that palm, he was injured too badly.

Even if he took the pill Yun Jin gave him, it only slowed down his injury.

Meng Xuanche fell to the ground, with blood continuously flowing from the corner of his mouth.

Deep in the darkness, a deep sigh fell: "Xuan Che, your injury is very serious."

"My lord." Meng Xuanche lowered his head, coughed up a few mouthfuls of blood, and smiled wryly, "I'm sorry, I've been paying attention to Yun Jin, and I didn't watch out for Yun Ying, so I was seriously injured by him."

"It seems that during the five years when he disappeared, he may have been secretly cultivating in the Eternal Continent, otherwise his strength would not be so strong."

"It doesn't matter." The voice said lightly, "You have done a good job. Without you, this seat cannot completely integrate the Eternal Continent with the world you are in."

In the vast universe, although there are many worlds, they are all parallel to each other and do not interfere with each other.

Merging the two worlds is going against the sky.

Even if the gods and demons of the Eternal Continent still exist, they only stand at the peak in this continent after all, and cannot interfere with the operation of other worlds.

"Xuan Che, my good boy." His voice softened a bit, "What your father didn't finish, you will finish it, first heal your wounds."

As soon as Meng Xuanche lowered his head, he saw two black fruits appearing on the ground.

He quickly ate the fruit.

The effect of this fruit is extremely fast, and within a minute, all the injuries on his body have recovered.

"Thank you, my lord." Meng Xuanche whispered, "It's just the revenge organization..."

"Your mission has been completed, and the revenge organization is no longer needed." The voice said coldly, "When the holy day arrives, no one can stop me."

"Yes, my lord." Meng Xuanche stood up, "Thank you for saving me, my lord."

This time there was no response.

After a long time, the voice suddenly spoke again: "Xuan Che, do you still remember the legend I told you?"

Meng Xuanche was stunned: "My lord is saying that after the death of the gods and demons, the Eternal Continent will be automatically closed, and the Holy Spirit Realm will never be able to break through to the Spirit God Realm?"

"This is not a legend." The voice sighed deeply, "This really happened."

Meng Xuanche's heart skipped a beat: "My lord, you..."

"But soon, you will be able to see the real God." After saying this, the voice disappeared completely.

The holy day is coming.

Meng Xuanche tightened his fingers, and said respectfully, "Waiting for the good news from your lord."


On the other side, the revenge organization headquarters.

After receiving the order from Meng Xuanche, all senior members of the Vengeance Organization stood ready.

But at this critical moment, they couldn't find Meng Xuanche himself.

"My lord can't get in touch." Edmond frowned, "What's going on? My lord told us to kill Si Fuqing, and we have to report to him every step of the way."

"I can't get in touch here either." Kangta shook his head, "Is something wrong, my lord?"

"There may be something urgent." Emond frowned even more tightly, "Let's hold off on the action for a while, and wait for the adults to speak. Now that there is one more Huo family, we will kill Si Fuqing again. It is not easy to do it."

Kangta nodded: "Okay, let's inform the predators first, your lord has said that Si Fuqing must be killed no matter what."

The two walked out of the conference room side by side.


Suddenly, there was a roar, the wind blew wildly, and the roof of the hall was lifted at this moment.

Kanta and Edmond's expressions changed, and they suddenly looked up.

"Hello." A female voice sounded from behind them, lazily, "You two, I'm here."

The next novel may not be available this year, because inspiration is too scarce, and writing a full-length novel is tiring. I don’t have a good idea of ​​the structure and setting of the world view. Let’s read it first~

The good news is that Yinghuang Publishing will have several illustrations. I have already received five from the editor, and two more are being drawn. I will continue to follow up. If I am lucky, it will definitely be published in the first half of the year!

Qingqing was signed by the publishing house, and the process is different from that of the publishing company, so the contract is still going on, and if it is soon, it will be released by the end of this year.

At present, there is no appointment for the cover of Yinghuang. If you have recommended painters or good-looking scene paintings, you can recommend them to me, and I will convey your opinions to the editor.

See you tomorrow~~

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