After Having Everything Taken Away, She Returns As A God

Chapter 914: The Power of Emperor Yin! 【2 more】


Feng San tried hard to open his eyes wide to see, but found that he couldn't see anything.

The night wind is blowing, cool to the bone.

The main city of Liberty Island is like spring all the year round, but at this moment it seems to have fallen into an ice cellar.

Time seemed to stand still at this moment.

The figure finally appeared at this moment.

Feng San, Xijiang, and Shen Ying could only watch this black shadow rush towards Yu Xiheng at a speed that was difficult for the naked eye to catch.

In the next second, the figure disappeared into Yu Xiheng's body.

Feng San was so anxious that he wanted to shout, but he couldn't move at all, and he couldn't make a sound.

At this time, the three of them also realized who this figure was.


A super evolutionary who can plunder the ability, vitality, and memory of an evolutionary!

what to do?

They didn't even know how the predators got here, and because their bodies were immobilized, they couldn't contact other people for rescue.

Just when Feng San, Xi Jiang, and Shen Ying were extremely anxious, there was no fluctuation in Yu Xiheng's spiritual world.

The predator was inevitably a little curious and raised his eyebrows.

After other evolutionaries were invaded by him, they would be devoured by him before they had time to react.

This man is calm, and his strength is strong enough, so he was not annihilated immediately.

He is going to use this man's body for the next action.

The master of the eight major mines also has contact with the ghost hand doctor, which is very convenient for his follow-up actions.

The predator decided to slowly devour Yu Xiheng's memory and consciousness.

He likes to torture genius evolutionists like this the most.

And the fear of the evolutionaries before death will also become enough nourishment for him.

"You are very calm." The Predator said slowly, with his hands behind his back, "I have eaten so many evolutionaries, and you are the only one whose consciousness has not been wiped out in an instant."

"As a reward, I can give you a chance to say your last words. If you have any wishes you want to fulfill in the future, I can also fulfill them for you."

Even an S-level evolutionary, when invaded by him, his consciousness can resist for a second at most.

But this man has no tendency to collapse until now, and the predator is extremely happy instead.

As long as he devours this man, his ability will be further improved, and he will be completely divine, and no one will be his opponent anymore.

"Want to occupy Gu's body?" Yu Xiheng raised her head, looking calmly at the predator.

He stood still, and even smiled slightly: "You can try."


In the next second, the predator only felt a buzzing sound in his head, and a pain like a needle prick, which made him unable to help but let out a scream.


With an explosion, a black shadow was ejected from Yu Xiheng's body, and fell heavily to the ground.

"Ninth Brother!" Feng San was pleasantly surprised to find that his body could move, and he hurried forward, "Are you alright?"

Yu Xiheng opened her eyes, moved her wrist, and said lightly: "It's nothing."

In the next second, with a "shua", his figure moved instantly.

With lightning speed, his hands immediately controlled the black shadow.

The black shadow was still screaming, like a ghost crying.

Feng San stepped forward, only to realize that the shadow had no specific appearance, like flowing black water.

"He should have devoured the ability of an evolutionary who can perform mimicry." Yu Xiheng specifically explained, "So there is no specific real shape, and it can be transformed at will."

Xi Jiang had lingering fears in his heart: "He is too scary, Brother Nine, how did you subdue him? Once he appeared just now, we couldn't move."

"People are too greedy, and they always hope too much for things that they can't reach." Yu Xiheng lowered his head, his tone was cold, "After robbing so many people, he feels that even Gu can be robbed."

Shen Ying's heart skipped a beat, and at that moment he felt his scalp go numb.

Yu Xiheng has always been reticent and never angry.

Shen Ying almost forgot that this is Emperor Yin.

The emperor who once killed the world and the five states.

Thousands of years have passed, and there are only a few legends about him.

Yinhuang has always been a man who strategizes and wins thousands of miles.

The Marauder never thought he would fail, and he failed so quickly.

He was pinched by Yu Xiheng, and his eyes widened in disbelief.

Lagerstroemia in luck, emperor's fate!

How could there be such a double luck bonus in this era?

"Ninth Brother, what should we do?" Feng San's eyes showed a fierce look, "From the memories of those who remember, many evolutionaries have died in his hands, and they must not be kept."

"I can't run away." Yu Xiheng hummed lightly, "Take it back for you girls to play with."

Feng San: "..."

Canyoning: "..."

Shen Ying: "..."

They were like dogs lying on the side of the road that had been kicked suddenly.

Xijiang secretly kicked Feng San: "It's all your fault, why don't you ask?"

Feng San glared at him: "Shut up."

When the matter is over, he must continue to attend the fourth love psychology class held by the Mo family, find a girlfriend as soon as possible, and leave these dogs behind.


At the same time, the Huo family.

Kanta and Yuejian are still fighting in the spiritual world.

Si Fuqing, Yunying and Tan Jingmo were all ready to stand aside.

Just as the soul is very important to an onmyoji, the spiritual world is also the most critical line of defense for an evolutionary.

Once the spiritual world collapses, the evolutionary will also die.


"Ah——!!!" Kangta let out a scream, and Yue Jian's body suddenly stepped back.

"Be careful!" Huo Yanxing supported her with quick eyes and quick hands.

"It's okay." Yue Jian calmly wiped the cold sweat off his head, "I won, I'll get his memory right now, and I will avenge you by killing her, Junior Sister."

Si Fuqing took out a pill and handed it to Yuejian.

Yue Jian swallowed, regained some strength, and looked at Kangta coldly: "I couldn't beat you before, but now you lost. Your leader fled to the Eternal Continent. Do you think anyone can come to rescue you?"

Kanta was panting, covered in cold sweat.

The fight in the spiritual world exhausted his strength, and he had no chance to escape.

Seeing that the situation was not right, Kangta finally became anxious: "I tell you one thing, don't kill me!"

This sentence didn't stop Yuejian, she just raised her eyebrows: "Do you think you are qualified to negotiate terms with me now?"

"You are the third disciple of the top of the cloud, right?" Kangta blurted out, "Then do you know that it was your master, the master of the top of the cloud, who deleted a part of your memory?"

Yue Jian's hands stopped, and his eyes instantly became terrified: "What did you say?"

"I'm not lying!" Kanta gritted his teeth, "At that time you were in the transnational criminal organization Black Spider, yes, and you, it was the two of you."

"Your memory has been erased, but he certainly hasn't!"

He was referring to Huo Yanxing.

Xiaoxiang's role operation is now online. There is His Majesty among the male gods. You can click on it from the introduction page and comment area of ​​the book. It contains your Majesty's golden sentences. Babes can give His Majesty some gifts within their ability to increase their popularity. ! !

If the popularity value is high, some activities and follow-up role arrangements will be unlocked. Babies on the popular guardian list will also have corresponding peripherals, such as His Majesty's standing card, pillows and so on.

At present, only the voice of the golden sentence is open. It is the sentence that His Majesty confessed to Qingqin. Thank you for your support to Your Majesty~

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