Yuli was still chatting and joking with Zisu, when she looked up, she saw the enlarged word "extreme" on the big screen.

Her smile stopped abruptly, she was stunned, and she couldn't even make a sound.

Yuli has always been proud of her soul.

Her soul is extremely strong, and she can survive in the state of a soul even after death, and will not lose her self-awareness and reason and become a floating spirit or an earthbound spirit.

Now, she has a body repaired by Yun Jin, which is even stronger.

Si Fuqing raised the strength of this body to such a high level, it's just taking advantage of her now.

Yuli originally thought that the SS rank was already the upper limit that an evolutionary could reach, so how could anyone still reach the SSS rank? !

In an instant, Yuli felt a strong uneasiness in her heart, and her fear continued to grow.

How is this Si Fuqing stronger than the last one? !

Yuli's fingers pinched the clothes tightly, and layers of cold sweat were already breaking out on her back.

Zi Su was also very surprised, this time from the bottom of her heart: "As expected of the young lady of the Huo family, she is so good at body training, junior sister, this is your strong enemy."

Yuli's smile was a bit forced.

But in order not to be seen by Zisu, she still pulled the corners of her lips and smiled slightly: "Thank you for the reminder, Seventh Senior Sister, I will pay attention."

"She is the ultimate evolutionary." Zisu sighed, "Little Junior Sister, I didn't hit you, you definitely can't beat her."

If it is said that Huo Yanhang's super S-class before, it has already exploded in Shengguang Square like a bomb.

Then Si Fuqing's ultimate S-class is the explosion of nuclear weapons.

[Extreme? ! Physical strength SSS level? ! 】

[This... Isn't this really invulnerable? The young master from the Lu family in front can transform his own flesh and blood into hard steel, and his physical strength is only S+! 】

[The elder brother is already very strong, but the younger sister is even better. What kind of devil family is the Huo family. 】

[From today, I will transform from being a fan of the goddess' beauty to a fan of strength! 】

The instruments of the Holy Light Tribunal cannot be faked, not to mention that with the head of state in charge, there is nowhere to hide any falsehoods.

Adrian's fingers slowly closed, and he squeezed the scepter bit by bit, his expression finally became dignified.

Before today, he didn't think anyone could be beyond his control, so he allowed Yun Jin's disciples to run for governor.

But the siblings Si Fuqing and Huo Yanxing made him feel that things were out of his control.

It's a bad feeling.

Adrian raised his eyes, and there was already killing intent in his eyes.


The instrument is still beeping continuously.

Suddenly there was a "bang", a burst of white smoke came out, and the instrument stopped moving.

Si Fuqing put his hands in his pockets, and walked out unhurriedly: "Have you used it for a long time? It's time to fix it."

On Monday, the cavalry commander stared at the discarded equipment in a daze, and his hair stood on end in an instant, and cold sweat flowed down his face.

How great is the ability of an evolutionary to destroy the entire machine?

The cavalry commander opened his mouth on Monday, feeling at a loss for the first time, and could only look up at Adrian.

Adrian still kept smiling, waved his hand, and motioned him to clean up directly.

Then, he raised his head again, his smile unchanged: "It's really a great fortune for me in Liberty Continent to gather heroes from all walks of life today. In this governor's election, I believe that I will be able to elect an excellent governor to represent Liberty Continent."

"Candidates, please get ready. A few days later will be the test of strength. The person who wins to the end will be the winner."

He raised his hand, and let the cavalry chief Tuesday begin the first-round knockout draw.

Looking at the constantly scrolling names, Yuli's heart rose to her throat.


On Tuesday, the cavalry chief pressed the stop button, and the freshly baked list was on the big screen.

[Cloud Nine VS Lu Beifeng]

Seeing that it wasn't Si Fuqing, Yuli finally breathed a sigh of relief.

She didn't want to go home in the first round.

Ye Zelan stood up abruptly, staring at the screen, her palms began to sweat. .

[Si Fuqing VS Ye Zelan]

Si Fuqing glanced casually, but didn't take it seriously, and left Shengguang Square with Huo Yanxing.

The car was waiting on the side of the road.

The young man was half leaning against the side of the car, with his head slightly lowered.

After hearing footsteps, he looked towards her.

"Ninth Brother!" Si Fuqing immediately left Huo Yanxing behind, ran forward and hugged Yu Xiheng, "Am I very powerful?"

"It's amazing." Yu Xiheng patted her head and smiled, "You are the most amazing person I've ever seen."

"Really?" Si Fuqing blinked, and suddenly accused, "But you always said I was too weak."

"Before?" Yu Xiheng was startled, and soon realized that she was referring to the period of the Great Xia Dynasty.

He raised his brows slightly, and his smile deepened: "It's rare to see you like that, it's still a little novel and nostalgic when I think about it now."

At that time, her body was indeed weak, but she liked to rush at the first moment.

He didn't put her on horseback because he was being rude to her, but sometimes it was necessary because of an emergency.

Si Fuqing raised his head, and said softly: "At that time, I was thinking, the game system is really annoying, it limits my ability, otherwise when I come back, I can show off and say that I have conquered the world with Yinhuang."

"Conquering the world does not necessarily only require force." Yu Xiheng slightly bent down and pressed her forehead, "Young lady is smart and helped me a lot. I thank you before it's too late."

Si Fuqing's fox eyes lit up: "Then I can still show off."

Yu Xiheng smiled faintly: "Yes"

Forced to listen to Huo Yanxing clearly: "..."

He seems to know why he has been unsuccessful.

It turned out that he was not as good at talking as Yu Xiheng.

Obviously when they first met, it was difficult for Yu Xiheng to say one more word, he often had to look at his eyes to act.

How did it become like this?

Huo Yanxing decided to go back and study. He ordered the book "How to Talk to Women" online.


There are a total of 140 candidates for the governor's election and the newly added candidates.

The strength test is a knockout match, which lasts for ten days, and points are scored according to the ranking at the end.

On the first day of the knockout round, there was a big breakout point. The heirs of the Yehuo family officially faced off.

Both sides are S-level evolutionists, and there is an ultimate evolutionist. The Holy Light Judgment sent all seven cavalry commanders to maintain the arena to prevent the explosion of too much force during the battle from destroying the buildings.

"Brother, what should I do?" Ye Zelan panicked, "Why did I draw Si Fuqing in the first round? She is the ultimate S-level evolutionary, how should I fight?"

Although only the word "extreme" is added, if they are evolutionaries of the same faction, none of the ten S-ranks is an opponent of the ultimate S-rank.

The few extreme evolutionists in Liberty Island are all senior figures.

How old is Si Fuqing this year?

Just in my early twenties!

Ye Zelan didn't want to admit that Liberty Island had a genius far surpassing her.

"Judging from her physical strength, she should be a strength or speed evolution." Ye Baiqing frowned, "And Zelan, you are a spiritual evolution, just restrain her and find a way to be on the field. A direct attack on her spirit."

Ye Zelan took a deep breath: "Okay, brother, I'll listen to you."

"Go." Ye Baiqing said, "No matter what you say, you are the second lady of the Ye family, and she will not attack you openly, otherwise she will be an enemy of my Ye family."

Ye Zelan nodded and stepped onto the ring.

[Ye Zelan is a spiritual evolutionary, although she doesn't make many moves, her strength is not inferior to Ye Baiqing. 】

[Hiss... I read Ye Zelan's information in the Eternal Academy. She can teleport objects and create spiritual illusions, and she is immune to the spiritual attacks of other evolutionaries. 】

[What is Si Fuqing's evolutionary ability? It seems that I have never heard of it, and I am a little worried. 】

On Monday, the cavalry commander took a cautious look at Si Fuqing: "The two sides confirmed that there is no problem with the preparations, and the battle will begin immediately."

"Okay." Si Fuqing said flatly, "Then let's start."

Who said that you can only use the power of an evolutionary to fight an evolutionary?

She is an onmyoji.

good morning

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