After Having Everything Taken Away, She Returns As A God

Chapter 951 The world view is broken, and the envoy inherits it!

"That's right, it's enough to have video games." Fusang nodded, deeply convinced, "Yun Ying said that Qingqing is a master of video games, so I'm just waiting for Qingqing to take me to play."

Since the establishment of the Eternal Academy, few people have seen the Master of the Palace of Eternal Life.

Therefore, in the database of "Eternity", all the information about the Lord of the Hall of Eternal Life is blank

Seeing that it was a little girl who was speaking, Dean Dongfang didn't take it too seriously.

Little girls love to play video games, understandably.

Dean Dongfang cleared his throat, and when he was about to say something, he heard the Lord of Ghost Valley say: "Master, don't learn from that bastard Moyuan."

"I've lived for too long, this life is meaningless." Fusang looked at the sky, "Only video games can save me."

Dean Dongfang: "..."

Lord of the Palace of Longevity? !

His eyes turned dark, and he felt that his outlook on life and the world had been completely destroyed.

"Teacher." Si Fuqing walked over quickly, quickly supported him, worried, "Are you alright?"

"No, nothing..." Dean Dongfang raised his head tremblingly, "Qingqing, you, you..."

He really wanted to ask his precious student - what did you do to the top ten vicious NPCs?

"This is the teacher you mentioned here?" The Lord of Guigu glanced at Dean Dongfang a few times, and muttered, "It's not very good."

After learning that this is the world where Si Fuqing really lives, and the Eternal Continent where he lives was only regarded as a game at first.

He was still a little upset.

Dean Dongfang felt a killing intent, he paused and searched for the source of the killing intent.

"Dean Dongfang."

At this time, someone called him.

The owner of the voice came out from the darkness and smiled slightly: "Long time no see."

Dean Dongfang's pupils shrank suddenly, and he lost his voice: " are Yin Beichen?! You are not, haven't you already..."

"Unfortunately, one life was spared." Yin Beichen said, "This is not a place to talk, so go back to Huo's house first."

Dean Dongfang's expression was solemn: "Come this way."

Everyone walked out of the silent black room, the cavalry were still cleaning up the mess, and the Holy Light Tribunal had collapsed into ruins.

Si Fuqing waved his hand forward. "Teacher, brother nine."

"Qingqing." Yu Xiheng walked over quickly.

He held her wrist, examined her carefully, and let go only after confirming that there was no injury.

"Ninth Brother." Si Fuqing hugged him and rubbed his neck, "Where's Yun Jin?"

"At Huo's house." Yu Xiheng frowned again, "I shouldn't have listened to you and looked at him."

It took only a few minutes for such a big thing to happen.

If something happened, there was nothing he could do to make it up.

Si Fuqing blinked: "Then who are you going to listen to?"

Yu Xiheng said lightly: "On the premise of listening to you, I will not let me leave your side for half a step."

"Ahem!" Si Fuqing was choked, she quickly lowered her head, "Ninth Brother, someone is watching."

"Huh?" Yu Xiheng raised her eyebrows, then raised her head, and soon realized the reason for her unnaturalness.

He nodded and smiled at Ling Hanyi and Yin Beichen, and said calmly, "Dad, Mom."

Ling Hanyi was shocked by his very natural sound.

She still couldn't get back to her senses, and nodded hesitantly: "Huh?"

Yin Beichen laughed loudly: "It's good, it's good! It's great!"

Si Fuqing: "..."

No, why does this black-hearted monster bark more naturally than her? !

"Let's go." Yu Xiheng rubbed her head and took her hand.

Here, Dugu Changfeng finally couldn't stand Dean Dongfang's gaze.

He looked surprised: "Little Dongfang, what kind of eyes do you have?"

"What kind of eyes do I have? I have normal eyes." Dean Dongfang leisurely said, "Dugu Changfeng, didn't you want to be the number one teacher because you were the oldest?"

"Senior Guigu has lived for tens of thousands of years, you can't be number one."

Seeing Dugu Changfeng deflated, he felt very relieved.

Dugu Changfeng: "..."

He looked at the owner of Ghost Valley, and the owner of Ghost Valley just happened to look over.

The eyes of the two met, and there was a fierce spark in the collision.

Dean Xu sighed sadly.

His seniority is really getting lower and lower, so he must save more dowry to blind these old guys.


The Huo family.

Mrs. Huo, Xie Yanqiu, and Yin Yaonian are all waiting anxiously.

After the giant gate appeared, they were responsible for evacuating the general population.

It has been two hours now, and I don't know what is going on in Shengguang Square.

Mrs. Huo took a deep breath: "No, I still have to go and have a look!"

"Mom, I'll go with you." Xie Yanqiu also stood up and followed behind her.

Yin Yaonian couldn't sit still for a long time.

As soon as the three of them walked outside the door, they heard Si Fuqing's cheerful voice: "Grandma, aunt, uncle, let's see who I brought back."

"Qingqing!" Mrs. Huo breathed a sigh of relief, "As long as you're fine, if you're fine—"

Her words suddenly stopped, and her voice stopped abruptly.

Mrs. Huo stared blankly at Ling Hanyi and forgot to breathe for a while.

This is a face that is exactly the same as Xie Yanqiu's.

It's just that the temperament is completely different.

One is like fire and the other is like snow.

Mrs. Huo's whole body trembled, and tears rolled down her face in an instant: "You, you..."

"Mom, sister, it's me." Ling Hanyi's eyes turned red, she held Mrs. Huo's hand, "I'm back, I'm sorry, I'm really sorry."

Mrs. Huo's body trembled even more, and she couldn't cry: "Why are you sorry for me? It is clear that I am sorry for you..."

It was her inability to protect her two daughters, which caused them to suffer too much.

Yin Yaonian also stopped in his tracks, opened his eyes wide, and his face was full of disbelief: "Big brother... big brother!"

"Yao Nian." Yin Beichen took a step forward, hugged him, and said softly, "You have also suffered all these years."

He knew that Yin Yaonian had been looking for him, so he had to hide his name for this reason.

Yin Yaonian's body trembled, his arms stiffened: "Brother, it's really you..."

If Yin Beichen hadn't attracted all the firepower of the revenge organization back then, he would have died long ago.

This is his elder brother who has been protecting him.

"Don't stand here." Yin Beichen smiled, "Let's go in and talk."

Yin Yaonian wiped his tears quickly, but he couldn't finish it. His voice was hoarse: "I...I'll go and bring my mother here, brother, she's been waiting for you for a long time."

"No rush." ​​Yin Beichen shook his head, "Let's settle the current matter first, and I will go back to Yin's house with you and Qingqing."

Yin Yaonian nodded vigorously, and finally couldn't hold back his tears: "Brother, I'm not dreaming."

He had dreamed of Yin Beichen's death countless times, and the nightmare could not go away.

Yin Beichen felt sore, he comforted Yin Yaonian: "It's not a dream, it's all real."

"I'm sorry, brother, I lost my temper." Yin Yaonian took a few breaths, "Let's go in quickly."

Ling Hanyi also helped Mrs. Huo in.

Everyone sat down at the long table and looked at Ling Hanyi and Yin Beichen with burning eyes.

"Brother, you were chased and killed by the revenge organization back then, and the revenge organization said that they ordered you to be killed." Yin Yaonian finally calmed down, and his eyes turned red again when he said this, "What, what..."

"Well, we were indeed hunted down." Ling Hanyi raised her head and said in a deep voice, "At that time, the leader of the revenge organization was still the father of your eighth senior brother, Meng Xuanche."

Si Fuqing nodded slightly, his eyes were cold.

Meng Xuanche also told her about this matter.

But Meng Xuanche would accept the revenge organization, but it was not because of his father.

It could only be that the adult found him and offered him an offer he couldn't refuse.

"The revenge organization issued a kill order, and Beichen and I were forced to Dongling Sea." Ling Hanyi continued, "The evolutionaries they sent are very powerful, and you must have found out, Qingqing, that they used drugs to create evolution." of those."

"Such an evolutionary can burst out with great power in a short period of time. Even if Beichen and I are double S-level evolutionaries, we can't stop it at all."

"That's right." Si Fuqing nodded, "The medicine comes from the Eternal Continent, and there is a kind of blood in it, which has not been analyzed yet."

"At that time, we were indeed dead." Yin Beichen also said, "But our souls were sucked into the Eternal Continent and fell into the tomb of God."

Si Fuqing understood: "There is a gate to the Eternal Continent in Dongling Sea."

"That's right." Ling Hanyi smiled lightly, "In the tomb of the gods, we accepted the inheritance of the envoys of the gods."

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