After Having Everything Taken Away, She Returns As A God

Chapter 953 Abusing Yun Jin! The world coincides [two chapters in one]

These fortunes are different, obviously originating from different people, but they are perfectly integrated together.

Luck quickly found his master, and the speed of stripping accelerated.

"Ah! Ah—!"

Yuli held her head and kept rolling on the ground.

She just felt like her soul was torn in half, and she couldn't bear the pain.

With the continuous loss of luck, Yuli's soul also faded with changes visible to the naked eye.

These lucks nourish Yuli's soul, which is something that does not belong to her.

After Qi Luck left, Yuli's soul naturally became weaker.

At the same time, after these luck returned to Yunying, Tan Jingmo, Yuejian, Langxuan, Yuanmingchi, Raphael, and Zisu, they all felt a lot lighter from top to bottom.

It can be seen that in the past thirty years, Yunjin has won the luck of many disciples for Yuli.

Yuejian moved his shoulders and sighed: "No wonder so many people want to grab luck. Luck is indeed a good thing."

Seeing this scene, Yun Jin was shocked and angry, completely unable to maintain her demeanor and superficial image of a gentleman: "You guys!"

He has spent decades of energy nurturing Yuli's soul.

And now, everything fell short!

Yun Jin closed her eyes and let out a slow breath.

He raised his head and looked directly into Si Fuqing's eyes, his eyes were full of disappointment: "Si Fuqing, you really let me down."

The next second, Yun Jin suddenly moved.

The goal is Si Fuqing.

He quickly grabbed a handful in the void, and then moved forward quickly, intending to draw out Si Fuqing's soul directly.

Si Fuqing's body is stronger, more lively, and far more perfect than the last one.

It doesn't matter if Yuli's luck is deprived.

As long as he can let her live in this body, everything will be back on track.

Yin Beichen's eyes sharpened, and he raised his hand suddenly: "You want to die!"


The water flow condensed into a big hand, and it attacked Yun Jin straightly.


This big hand strangled Yun Jin and fixed him in the air, making him unable to move for a moment.

The rules of magic!

Even though Yun Jin's power was interrupted by Yin Beichen, the breath of the power of law was very strong.

The pupils of the Lord of Ghost Valley trembled, and he blurted out: "How can this dog know the rules of magic?!"

Si Fuqing's heart sank.

not good.

The earth does not have aura, and the power of the laws of the Eternal Continent should have been ineffective here.

But now, although the power has indeed been weakened, the power of law can already be used.

This means that the orbits of the Eternal Continent and the Earth are almost identical.

The appearance of that giant door really hastened the arrival of the holy day.

"Disappointed?" Yin Beichen smiled coldly, "What are you? Do you think you can change anything by saying something like this?"

"My daughter doesn't need you to be disappointed in her. Don't take yourself too seriously. In front of me, you are vulnerable."

Yun Jin was only frightened and angry when Yuli's luck was pulled away, but she didn't burst.

At this moment, he couldn't hold back anymore, his expression cracked: "Who are you? Who are you?!"

Divine magic is his ultimate trump card.

Over the years, he has never used the magic rule against anyone.

Even in the Eternal Continent, he can stand proudly at the peak.

He is not conceited, but because his strength is truly invincible.

Even if he is wrong in his judgment, he can turn things around.

But now, his strength was easily interrupted by this man.

In the hands of this man, he has no power to resist!

How could someone even suppress the rules of divine magic? !

"Of course I know your so-called hole card." Ling Hanyi's eyes drooped, her gaze was icy cold, "Your hole card is nothing more than that you accepted the inheritance of the soul envoy, but unfortunately, you only inherited half of it."

Si Fuqing's eyes narrowed suddenly.

The soul envoy controls the law of the soul!

No wonder Yun Jin's attainment in soul is so high, the soul is so strong that it is at the same level as Yun Meng who has cultivated for thousands of years.

Si Fuqing touched his chin: "Mom, can the inheritance of the envoy be only half?"

"Of course not." Ling Hanyi patted her on the back, and smiled faintly, "If you are selected by the envoy, it will take a while to complete, and if it is not completed, the inheritance will dissipate. There is no half way of saying."

"He was not selected by the soul god envoy, but took a shortcut, which is equivalent to stealing." Yin Beichen's eyes swept away lightly, "He tried all means, but he only got half of the inheritance, so he needs someone to help him. "

Yun Jin's face was pale.

He completely lost his grace and yelled like a lunatic: "Who are you? Who are you?!"

This is his biggest secret, and it was discovered by this couple at a glance.

Yin Beichen didn't answer him, he waved.


Yun Jin slammed into the wall hard.

"Pfft——" He opened his mouth, and a mouthful of blood spewed out, and his breath suddenly became exhausted.

Yuli was already petrified.

In her eyes, Yun Jin has always been graceful, divine and omnipotent.

How could he be slaughtered like an ant?

"If she dies, the earth will be destroyed?" Ling Hanyi stood up slowly, her smile still cold, "As a preparatory envoy, who gave you the confidence to make you make such a ridiculous mistake?" judge?"

Yun Jin frowned, and his heart skipped a beat. His expression became cold: "What do you mean? Is it not enough to humiliate me so far?"

"It means that your judgment is wrong." Ling Hanyi's tone was cold, "She is an ordinary person, and she can't affect the Eternal Continent and the earth."

"I don't care if you want to use her to let you get the complete inheritance of the soul envoy, you shouldn't do anything to my daughter."

"Your daughter?" Yun Jin coughed up a few more mouthfuls of blood, and he laughed angrily, "She was just resurrected from a dead body, how did she become your daughter? The timing is completely wrong, so don't put gold on your face."

"Preparing for an envoy is preparing for an envoy." Yunmeng sneered, "You are so far from a real envoy of soul that you can't even see a soul!"

Si Fuqing put his head back and smiled: "I'm sorry, but my soul is relatively strong and must be kept in two bodies."

Yun Jin's expression cracked again: "Impossible, you..."

He accepted half of the inheritance of the soul messenger, and he could only fuse Yuli's soul with Si Fuqing's body.

Si Fuqing's soul is very strong, this is something he has always known.

Her luck is also the strongest among the nine disciples.

And she is the same gender as Yuli, so it is most appropriate to nourish Yuli's soul with her luck.

"I know you're in a hurry, but don't be in a hurry." Si Fuqing raised his eyebrows, "You'll be in a hurry later."

"The reason why he took away your luck is because he discovered... no, he thought Yuli was the reincarnation of the envoy of God." Ling Hanyi stepped forward, lifted Yun Jin up, and pinched his throat.

Ling Hanyi's hand didn't hold back at all, Yun Jin let out a muffled groan in pain, and blood oozed from the corner of his mouth again.

"He also believes that as long as he can help Yuli awaken her power, he can also become a soul envoy." Ling Hanyi's voice was light, "As the envoy of fire, let me tell you that apart from the strength of her soul surpassing ordinary people , nothing out of the ordinary."

"God of Fire, you..." Yun Jin's lips twitched, and his face turned paler.

No wonder the one who was able to suppress him turned out to be a new envoy who had completely accepted the inheritance of the envoy!

God envoys are connected to each other, naturally there can be no fake.

"But you still have a chance to become a god envoy." Ling Hanyi said coldly, "If you really become a good master and teach your apprentices carefully, Beichen and I will help you."

This sentence is very cruel.

The light in Yun Jin's eyes completely dimmed, and even her smile was extremely bleak: "Is that so..."

As Ling Hanyi said, everything he did was to obtain the entire inheritance of the soul envoy and become a new soul envoy.

But in the end, the facts told him that all his efforts were useless.

The facts also told him that he could have succeeded in the first place, as long as he treated Si Fuqing with sincerity.

There is nothing more painful than having it and losing it.

Yuli was stunned: "I don't believe it! I don't believe it! Ah Jin, speak up, you really love me, just say you do!"

She is Yun Jin who met when she was fifteen years old.

At that time he was already famous in Free State.

A mistake at first sight for life.

Yun Jin treats her very well, and Yun Jin will give her whatever she wants.

At that time she thought she was the happiest person in all the Free State.

Even after her death, Yun Jin has been patiently by her side.

She was even happier when she knew that he was recruiting apprentices only for her.

Yuli is completely unwilling to believe that she is just a pawn in Yunjin's plan.

Ling Hanyi asked lightly: "Have you ever wondered why you died so early?"

Yuli stared blankly at her: "What, what?"

"Your body is too weak to support your growing soul." Ling Hanyi said, "Only when you die and your soul leaves your body can you continue to grow stronger."

"But your soul should be broken at that time, because he wants that part of the power to exchange for the inheritance of the soul god envoy."

Ling Hanyi turned her head: "But he found that his strength was still insufficient, so he continued to support you."

"Yes... it was the Goddess of Death who saved me." Yuli suddenly recalled something and shuddered violently, "She, she said she saved me twice, once when I died, she kept took my soul."

"One time was the last time I was besieged by a revenge organization. I accidentally entered the Eternal Continent and fell into the death swamp. She pulled me out."

The goddess of death, Yu Nie.

Yu Nie is a very mysterious person, and has no intersection with other vicious NPCs.

The Death Swamp is her territory, and anyone who enters the Death Swamp will be swallowed as long as they step into it.

"So that's how it is." Ling Hanyi nodded slightly, "Without Yu Nie, you would have died a long time ago, your soul dissipated and died."

"He followed you when you were born, and he didn't meet you until you grew up. Are you also very happy?"


The whole hall was silent.

Even Changying was also shocked by Yunjin's plans over the years.

He is good to others, but in order to get something from them.

Coupled with the fact that he carries half of the inheritance of the soul envoy, he can perfectly pretend his true feelings.

"Yunjin!" Yuli was stunned for a while, then suddenly screamed, "You villain, you are in vain! Yunjin, I want to kill you, I want to kill you!"

She could have grown up safely.

It was Yun Jin who ruined her life, it was all Yun Jin!

Si Fuqing's eyes were fixed, then he turned his head and said in a low voice, "Sister Yunmeng, please send her to reincarnation, let her start again."

"Okay." Yunmeng sighed with a complex expression, "What a crime."

Yun Jin smiled miserably, but calmed down: "You guys kill me, I won't complain."

So far, he has completely failed, and he has lost completely.

"Kill you?" Yin Beichen smiled coldly, "It's too cheap for you, death is too easy, how many people have you harmed, I won't let you die."

He turned around: "Qingqing, how do you solve it?"

Si Fuqing glanced at Yunjin indifferently: "Separate his soul from his body, they will never be able to fuse together."

In this way, Yun Jin will never be able to obtain all the inheritance of the soul messenger.

Yin Beichen nodded: "Okay, let's do this."

Yun Jin collapsed on the ground in a daze, as if she had died.

But no one went to pity him.

"No wonder I lost the bet with him." Yunying clicked his tongue, "It turns out that he has the inheritance of the spirit envoy. I didn't lose to him, but to the spirit envoy."

Tan Jing raised his eyebrows: "Elder brother, what was the content of your bet with him back then?"

"Fight." Yunying looked lazy, "Whoever wins will be the master, that's it."

"NoNo, you are my apprentice who has been carefully taught." Fusang waved his finger, "How can you be someone else's villain?"

Yunying: "..."

Three seconds later, he said slowly, "When did you learn English?"

Fusang took out an advanced English word with 3,000 words: "I picked it up on the road just now, and learned a few words by the way, am I very good?"

Yunying pinched the center of her brows, and slowly let out a breath: "You really..."

The matter between Yunjin and Yuli was completely resolved.

Yin Beichen raised his head again, and smiled slightly at Dugu Changfeng: "Senior Dugu also accepted the inheritance of the envoy?"


Dean Dongfang was the first to react: "You still do this kind of thing behind my back?"

"Go aside." Dugu Changfeng waved his hand with a serious expression, "I did accept the inheritance of the envoy, but I don't know which one."

"Back then, I happened to open the inheritance in the Eternal Continent, so I had to choose to self-exile into the silent black room. It is only now that I can come out, and my inheritance is not complete."

"Yeah." Ling Hanyi sighed softly, "Because the divine envoy you inherited died completely, and did not leave a complete inheritance."

Dugu Changfeng was taken aback: "What's going on?!"

Just when Ling Hanyi opened his mouth to answer, there was a sudden tremor.


Si Fuqing's eyes changed slightly, and he walked out quickly.

When she saw the scene of the Eternal Continent appearing in the sky, her pupils trembled.

The eternal continent has completely coincided with the orbit of the earth.

Time ratio, 1:1!

At the beginning of the month, if you have votes, remember to vote for Qingqing

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