After Having Everything Taken Away, She Returns As A God

Chapter 962 Two Angels! Show up [two chapters in one]

Yuejian, Dean Dongfang and many others know that Pixiu is by Si Fuqing's side, but this is the first time they have seen Xiaobai's real body.

Director Dongfang took a deep breath: "Qingqing, you are so strong!"

"The tomb of the gods has been opened, and the guardian beasts have taken over part of the power of the tombs." Fusang held a long spear, shot it down, and the puppet collapsed. Ancient blood."

No matter how strong other spirit beasts in the Eternal Continent are, they cannot break through to the Holy Spirit Realm without ancient blood.

"That's right." Chang Ying nodded slightly, and said, "These puppets are actually 'dead people', soaked by the power of the law of death and the law of darkness. Paixiu is carrying the law of light and the law of life, just to restrain them."

Sure enough, the puppet army that had been rushing forward without thinking stopped their charge after Xiaobai revealed his true body.

"It is the breath of light and life..."

"Go, it will burn us!"

They made a hoarse and ugly sound, and backed away in fear.

This retreat gave the vanguard a lot of energy.

Taking advantage of his illness to kill him, the vanguard rushed even harder.

"Yuyu!" Xiaobai slapped all the puppets around Xie Yu to death, "Am I super powerful?"

Xie Yu silently looked at the huge Pixiu in front of him, and began to think about whether he would not be able to carry Xiaobai directly in his pocket, which is a very serious matter.

"Jiujiu has already sold you to me." Xiaobai raised a big fluffy paw proudly, "You must listen to me and feed me gold."

Before Xie Yu could speak, Xie Yanqiu also made a final statement: "No problem, let this brat serve you in the future. He has nothing to do all day long, so he should do something meaningful."

Xie Yu: "..."


He has never had much status, he is used to it.

Xie Yu raised his eyebrows: "But you have become so big, how can I feed you?"

Hearing this sentence, Xiaobai's eyes widened and he was very unhappy: "I'm not old, I'm a little girl! If you don't believe me, look!"

In the next second, there was just a "swish", and the smoke shrouded and dispersed again.

Pixiu disappeared and was replaced by an eighteen-year-old girl.

With picturesque eyebrows and eyes, light cherry-colored lips, icy muscles and fine bones, like flowers and trees piled up with snow, and a crescent moon giving off a halo, she is an orthodox oriental beauty.

But her long hair is platinum-blonde, the same as Pixiu's hair.

Xie Yanqiu was taken aback: "It turns out that divine beasts can really transform people."

If there is a second beast that can be given to her, wouldn't she have more daughters?

Xie Yu was calm, he looked up and down thoughtfully at Xiao Bai: "How did you get the clothes on your body?"

Bai Jinyu was very proud: "This is the little skirt Jiujiu made for me, isn't it beautiful?"

Xie Yanqiu is a loyal fan of Lan, and there is a whole cloakroom full of clothes, which can be recognized at a glance as the design of the right hand of God.

She praised: "It's very beautiful, it suits you very well."

After being appreciated, Bai Jinyu happily transformed back into the true body of Pixiu.

It swung its claws happily, and each claw could kill dozens of puppets.

Xie Yu pinched his eyebrows.

Big Pixiu.

little girl.

What a wonderful contrast.

The vanguard was greatly encouraged, and their fighting spirit became more and more high-spirited.

"Guardian beast! The keeper of the tomb and the guardian beast are on our side. Why don't we have a reason not to win?"

"Go! Kill them all, and never defeat the pride of the ancestors!"

"Get them out of our homes!"

With a few palms, Xiaobai killed hundreds of puppet legions, which caused a huge damage to the mind of the Vientiane God King who was already sure of winning.

In a daze, he received Yin Beichen's palm firmly, and spat out a mouthful of blood with a "wow".

The Vientiane God King wanted to retreat quickly to heal his injuries, but the road behind was blocked.

"Father, mother, leave him to me." Si Fuqing smiled coldly, "The God King of Vientiane is the weakest, so kill him first."

"Okay." Yin Beichen and Ling Hanyi also had the same intention, "Qingqing, be careful of his Vientiane world!"

Si Fuqing squeezed his wrist, and smiled lightly: "It just so happens that I also want to see if the so-called Vientiane World is interesting."

She flew forward and plundered towards the Vientiane God King.

No fancy moves were used, just violent attacks.

But every attack contains the power of various laws.

The God King of Vientiane was so defeated that he didn't even have a chance to breathe, let alone display the supernatural power of Vientiane Heaven and Earth.

"Ghost Emperor, something is wrong!" The Divine King of Wanxiang dodged Si Fuqing's attack in embarrassment, "She has a beast, but we have nothing to suppress it. If this continues, we will definitely lose!"

Huangquan Ghost Emperor's expression was also very ugly.

Si Fuqing's ability to copy the laws of magic has far exceeded his expectations.

Now there is another Pixiu who has recovered all his strength!

"Yu Nie!" The Ghost Emperor of Huangquan yelled angrily, and challenged the goddess of death, "Why didn't you mention the Pixiu matter to your lord? If you tell your lord, your lord will definitely come up with a countermeasure!"

Yu Nie's eyes were cold and cruel enough to kill people: "Ghost Emperor, you have no right to speak to me like this, why didn't you report it yourself?"

For the first time, Huangquan Ghost Emperor lost his temper: "You!"

Although he was the first to submit to that lord, his status was not as high as Yu Nie's.

Because Yu Nie was the only Spiritual Sacred Realm that the lord took the initiative to recruit.

Yu Nie's character is indifferent, unreasonable, and will not bow to anyone.

But her strength is extremely strong, if she hadn't been pressing down on Ling Hanyi, the pressure on Huangquan Ghost Emperor would have been enormous.

"Ghost Emperor!" Just as Huangquan Ghost Emperor was thinking about countermeasures, the Vientiane God King let out a scream, "Ghost Emperor, save me, Ghost Emperor!"

The Ghost Emperor of Huangquan turned his head suddenly, and saw in the air, the God King of Vientiane was pinched by Si Fuqing's throat.

The two were falling rapidly.


The God King of Wanxiang was directly pressed to the ground by Si Fuqing.

The ground was also cracked by the huge shock wave and sunk in.

Huangquan Ghost Emperor's eyelids twitched, and his scalp felt numb for an instant.

He recognized it, the move that Si Fuqing used just now is exactly the supernatural power of the King of Vientiane, Vientiane World!

She forced the God King of Vientiane like that before, but she didn't kill her. It turned out that she was waiting for the God King of Vientiane to take the initiative.

As long as Si Fuqing sees it, she can copy it.

What kind of weird ability is this!

"Vientiane Heaven and Earth?" Si Fuqing raised his foot unhurriedly, stepped on the chest of the Vientiane God King, and stomped heavily.

"Pfft!" The God King of Vientiane spurted out a mouthful of blood, his face suddenly turned pale.

He was actually defeated by his magical powers!

The pressure on the ribs increased, piercing the lungs.

Blood continued to flow down the mouth, ears, and nostrils of the Vientiane God King, and suddenly he laughed miserably: "Hahahahaha! This king actually chose the wrong road and stood by the wrong person!"

He laughed and laughed, his heart burst open due to excessive emotions and injuries.

The breath is completely empty.

Ten vicious NPCs, the Vientiane God King, died.


There was silence.

Everyone stared blankly at the scene in front of them.

The ten vicious NPCs are famous and resound throughout Freedom.

And now, a Spiritual Sacred Realm who inherited the inheritance of the Demon Servant died in front of them.

"Goddess Si is fierce! The Demon Attendant kills as soon as he says so."

"Nonsense, that's number one on the eternal list, a myth of our academy."

"Fart, my lord belongs to our Onmyoji Association!"

"Father." Si Fuqing crushed the soul of the Vientiane God King, and flew forward again, looking at the ghost emperor of Huangquan, "Let's kill him together."

Yin Beichen smiled slightly, his eyes were cold: "Okay."

It is true that the ghost emperor of Huangquan has accepted the inheritance of the demon attendant, and his power is extremely strong.

But facing the joint efforts of Si Fuqing and Yin Beichen, they could only fall into the situation of being suppressed and beaten.

The blue veins on the Huangquan Ghost Emperor's forehead twitched violently, and he roared angrily: "Yu Nie, this emperor has withdrawn, you will continue to fight as you please!"

Hearing this, Yu Nie frowned.

She quickly withdrew her hand, and moved a thousand meters away in the next second.

Ling Hanyi's eyebrows and eyes were cold, she rushed out and caught up in an instant.

The ghost emperor of Huangquan no longer wanted to fight, and immediately retreated towards the way he came.

"Qingqing, if he runs away, we won't be able to catch up." Yin Beichen said in a low voice, breathing rapidly, "The magic servant he inherited is very powerful, and his illusion of the underworld will cover up his true location."

Si Fuqing shook his fingers and said flatly, "Try."


The space trembled violently.

Si Fuqing's figure also changed rapidly at a speed that was difficult to catch with the naked eye, and unexpectedly accurately captured the escape route of the ghost emperor of Huangquan.

Huangquan Ghost Emperor was taken aback.

After living for ten thousand years, he had never seen Si Fuqing's perverted ability.

He didn't dare to turn his head back, and began to flee frantically.


The space vibrated even more violently at this moment.

Immediately afterwards, a violent storm surged, and the earth cracked.

Two strong auras shot up into the sky, blocking the way of Huangquan Ghost Emperor and Death Goddess.

The rules of magic!

It's the law of magic again!

Huangquan Ghost Emperor was forced to stop, his expression suddenly changed.

Yin Beichen and Ling Hanyi are both here, but where did the magical rules come from? !

Not to mention, the two of them have already accepted the inheritance of the Demon Servant from that adult.

After being tempered by that adult, the power of the demon servants they inherited will be even greater.

Before, they could only be beaten by Yin Beichen and Ling Hanyi, but now they can be suppressed in reverse.

"Shua Shua!"

Two figures appeared in the storm.

Yuan Mingchi raised his head abruptly, and blurted out: "Eldest senior brother? Second senior brother?"

It was Yunying and Tan Jingmo who came.

The aura of the two of them has undergone earth-shaking changes, and there is a kind of sacred power lingering around them.

The ghost emperor of Huangquan was so shocked that he lost his voice: "The envoy of the earth and the envoy of the wind?!"

The others also opened their eyes wide.

Si Fuqing was very calm, she glanced at Yunying and Tan Jingmo: "You are too slow."

"No way." Yunying crossed her arms, "My second child and I rushed here as fast as we could, at least not too late."

"It was almost too late." Si Fuqing moved his wrists, "It's just right, they are disabled."

Earth, water, wind and fire, as the most basic elements that make up a world, are common in every world.

The evolutionary abilities of Yunying and Tan Jingmo are Feng and Land respectively, and they have each become the ultimate S-level evolutionary, stronger than Yin Beichen and Ling Hanyi before accepting the inheritance of the envoy.

And the four envoys of earth, water, wind and fire are all envoys of elements, and they come from the same line.

After Ling Hanyi and Yin Beichen received the power of the two divine envoys of water and fire, they also learned of the inheritance places of the two divine envoys of earth and wind.

Before the war started, Yunying and Tan Jingmo rushed over to accept the inheritance.

The four divine envoys, together with Si Fuqing, who can copy the laws of divine magic, and Dugu Changfeng, who has received half of the divine envoy's inheritance, have unprecedented power.

Huangquan Ghost Emperor's expression completely shattered at this moment.

He yelled out of composure: "Do you think you can really defeat the adults? Impossible! You don't even know who the adults are!"

"I don't need to know." Si Fuqing held his throat, "I just know that I will kill him."

Both Huangquan Ghost Emperor and Death Goddess are under control.

At the same time, under Xiaobai's charge, the million puppet army was completely wiped out.

[We won! We won! The enemy has already subdued the law on the spot, and victory is ahead! The paparazzi of the News Department continue to report to you in real time. 】

Among the eternal students, the instructors walked in a hurry, still staring at the data in the game cabin.

"Principal!" The vice-principal kept wiping his sweat, "The children have been sent to the aircraft, are you okay?"

"Don't worry." Dean Dongfang's breath was unsteady, but his voice was brisk, "Under Qingqing's leadership, we have killed all the puppet legions, and the ghost emperor of Huangquan has also been captured. We will be able to go back in a while." .”

"That's good!" The vice president breathed a sigh of relief, but was still very sad, "But the president, the Eternal Continent and the earth are still merging, and there is no way to stop it!"

What method can be used to terminate the fusion of the two worlds and get back on track?


Eternal Continent.

Both the ghost emperor of Huangquan and the goddess of death are locked with special chains.

"No way, I can't kill them." Ling Hanyi shook his head slightly, "Yu Nie controls the law of death, Huangquan Ghost Emperor is the law of destruction, and now they are the gods of demon servants."

"If you want to kill them, unless they are gods and demons or envoys of life."

But whether it was the gods and demons or the envoys of life, they had completely disappeared.

"I can't kill them, let's drain their strength first." Si Fuqing said flatly, "Having harmed so many people, we must not stay."

Yu Nie's expression was indifferent from beginning to end, making one wonder if she has no such thing as emotion at all.

"Si Fuqing, you lunatic!" Ghost Emperor Huangquan nearly collapsed, "You don't even know how powerful your lord is, and it won't do you any good if you go against him!"

Si Fuqing remained silent, but pressed Huangquan Ghost Emperor's head to extract all his strength.

The Ghost Emperor of Huangquan let out a scream: "My lord! My lord, save me!"


In the sky, the thunder was startled, and the black clouds rolled up violently.

A long sigh fell, filled with pity and regret.

Everyone can hear it.

"After all, let me do it myself..."

——Go to Xiaoxiang Academy to see the update——

good morning~~

Because of the anti-theft mechanism, the update of the red sleeve will be delayed by 48 hours. I can’t wait for the baby to come to Xiao. Let’s watch it

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