After Having Everything Taken Away, She Returns As A God

Chapter 964 The Daughter of Luck and Emperor Yin [Two Chapters in One]


The morning light is faint, and the sky and the earth are bright.

The thick ink clouds in the sky dispersed, and the sun rose behind the clouds, shining in all directions, and the ground was a sacred golden yellow.

But under the sun, it was in ruins.

The evolutionists and onmyojis who remained in the Eternal Continent disappeared, almost in the blink of an eye.

With a flick of the commander's hand, thousands of living beings are wiped out.

This is the power of God.

Si Fuqing looked at his palm, there was nothing but sand and dust.

Just now, she watched Nian Yi'an, Kuimu Mingyue, Ojilia, Yin Yaonian...and countless people disappear in front of her.

In this vast space, only the Holy Spirit Realm survived.

Even the pinnacle of the Soul Realm, who is just a hair away from breaking through to the Holy Spirit Realm, cannot resist the power of consciousness being swallowed up.

Silence, still silence.

Yuanmingchi squatted down next to Si Fuqing, and slowly picked up the Tiancongyun sword that fell on the ground.

Artifacts have spirits.

As if knowing that the rotten wood and bright moon had disappeared, the Tiancongyun sword turned into a piece of scrap iron in just a short moment. The sword that was originally gleaming with cold light was covered with rust and lost its aura.

Yamata no Orochi also floated over, turning its eight heads around, chattering a lot, very sad.

Yuanmingchi stood up holding the Tiancongyun sword, only a hint of cruelty remained between the originally beautiful eyebrows.

He turned his head, and there was another madness in his calm eyes, and he said lightly: "Baqi."

The body of Yamata no Orochi swelled more than ten times in an instant, and the snake's body was tens of meters long.


Yamata no Orochi attacked Yun Xu at an extremely fast speed.

Each head of Yamata no Orochi has different powers, which is very majestic.

Yun Xu didn't even look at it, but just waved his hand lightly.


With a loud bang, Yamata no Orochi exploded in an instant.

Just disappeared.

"Pfft—" Yuanmingchi spat out a mouthful of blood, his knees also softened, and he knelt directly on the ground.

The destruction of the natal shikigami is a destructive blow to the Onmyoji, which is equivalent to abolishing half of the body's cultivation.

"Old Five!" Yuejian Hetan Jingmo stepped forward and helped Yuanmingchi up.

The Lord of Ghost Valley immediately stepped forward and stuffed a medicine into Yuanmingchi's mouth.

At the same time, Yunmeng also pressed Yuanmingchi's shoulder.

A few seconds later, she lowered her hand with a dejected expression, and shook her head silently.

She is the head of Onmyoji, but she can't recover Yuanmingchi's injury.

The opponent is too strong, and they have already beaten them to the point of being powerless without exerting their full strength.

Yun Xu did not take another step, nor did he kill more people at this time.

He just stood there quietly looking at Si Fuqing and the others, appreciating all the emotions on their faces.

He wants everyone to know-

God, unstoppable.


At the same moment, inside the Eternal Academy.

The evolutionists and onmyojis who successfully went offline came out of the game cabin one after another, and their spirits were still very unstable.

The medical personnel also quickly entered the field and began to treat the wounded.

Everyone is silent.

They cannot forget what they saw.

No wonder that day is called the Holy Day, it turns out that God has always been in control of all this.

Everyone has lost a lot.

There are relatives, friends, and lovers.

"Yan Xing!" After seeing Huo Yan Xing, Mrs. Huo breathed a sigh of relief, "You are out, where are your sister and brother?"

Huo Yanxing pursed his lips tightly and did not answer.

He clenched his hands into fists and hammered them on both sides of his body, and the veins on his arms were throbbing violently.

He was only one step away from breaking through to the Holy Spirit Realm, as long as he was given a few more days.

But time is not enough, and his cultivation is not enough.

Yuejian pressed the logout button for him, but before he recovered, his consciousness had been taken back by the game cabin.

When he opened his eyes again, he returned to the familiar Liberty Island.

And Yue Jian still stayed in the Eternal Continent.

"Mom, big brother, I'm here with the brat." Xie Yanqiu ran over from the other side, she pressed her temples, and took a deep breath, "The others... didn't see it."

Mrs. Huo staggered, and she couldn't stand still: "The cold clothes are pouring on them...they still haven't come out of the Eternal Continent."

When she went to the Eternal Continent, she never expected to come back alive.

She is old and has lived enough, so she has to do something for the young.

Could it be that the young man was sent to die for her instead.

However, at the critical moment, Ling Hanyi sent her back.

Mrs. Huo also saw the data on the big screen.


The siren sounded continuously, and every time it sounded, it represented the disappearance of a consciousness.

More and more names turned red, and the three words "dead" were added after the names.

It is hard to imagine that in just a few minutes, hundreds of thousands of advanced evolutionists and onmyojis were reduced to nothingness.

Xie Yu let out a sigh of relief and frowned.

With his hands on the control keyboard, he was trying to re-establish the connection with the Eternal Continent, and wanted to see what the current Eternal Continent was like.

He didn't expect that he would be tricked by a little girl, who made Xiao Bai press his logout button.

very good.

"190,000 people..." Dean Dongfang was still slumped on the chair, his voice was inaudible, "It's all gone... It's all gone—!"

He held his head, completely unable to restrain his collapsed emotions, and cried bitterly.

Among the 190,000 people, except for a small number of Onmyojis, all of them have studied in the Eternal Academy, and they are all his students.

"Dean!" The vice-principal pressed Dean Dongfang's shoulder, his voice hurried, "There is still a chance, there is a chance!"

The eyes of Dean Dongfang have lost all light. He stared blankly at the deputy dean: "What chance is there? You haven't seen him, you don't know..."

When facing the god Yunxu, he did not lose his fighting spirit.

But after learning that so many people had died, the tall building in his heart collapsed in an instant.

"Dean, the game system has been modified. Our people's consciousness has entered, but the body has not." The vice president was also very uncomfortable, but he still restrained his emotions, "If their consciousness can be recovered, let the consciousness Return to the body, then they can come back to life!"

Hearing these words, Dean Dongfang's eyes lit up for a moment, then quickly dimmed.

He smiled wryly: "How to get it back? Consciousness is in the hands of God, unless you kill God, but..."

But who can do this?

Dean Dongfang quickly wiped away his tears and regained his composure: "Continue to evacuate all residents in the world, send everyone to the aircraft, and minimize casualties as much as possible!"

He couldn't let the pioneers waste their lives in vain.

The vice-principal responded, "Yes, principal!"


In the Eternal Continent, everything is silent.

The two sides are still in a confrontation.

More than a dozen people faced Yun Xu alone, but they did not gain the upper hand.

"Have you thought about it yet?" Yun Xu was very interested, with a relaxed expression, "I can share the power of the demon servant with you, so that after the fusion of the two worlds, you will directly break through the spiritual realm."

Yunying smiled coldly: "Stop talking nonsense and do it directly."

Yun Xu frowned.

"He can't kill you, and he doesn't want to kill you." Si Fuqing raised his head and finally spoke, "Am I right?"

"It's not wrong." Yun Xu raised his eyebrows and smiled, "Actually, I didn't intend to kill those mortals, but I find it very interesting to see you looking at me with such hatred and deep-seated eyes."

He likes to see these ants struggling and helpless the most.

"Let the others leave." Si Fuqing's voice was calm and indifferent, "You just want to keep me, I'll stay, how about that?"

As soon as these words came out, everyone's expressions changed.


"Xiao Jiu!"

"Little Junior Sister!"

Yun Ying suddenly turned her head, her expression cold: "Yun Jiu, you'd better be obedient."

Si Fuqing pushed his hand away and smiled: "I'm obedient."

Yunying's arm trembled.

"Okay, I will give you this chance." Yun Xu seemed to think carefully for a while before agreeing to the condition, "Let them go, as long as you stay."

Without waiting for Yunying and Yin Beichen to say anything, he waved his hand and knocked all of them out of the door closest to here.

Si Fuqing turned his head again: "Where is my master?"

"Oh, Ghost Valley." Yun Xu snorted slightly, "He is from the Eternal Continent, where else can he go? But don't worry, I won't fight them before you die."

Si Fuqing's expression remained calm: "Okay, then come."

"You can't beat me." Yun Xu tilted his head, with a pitiful and playful expression, "I admire you very much, as long as you are with me, you will go to a higher world, so why fight against me?"

"I don't need to win you." Si Fuqing didn't show any fear, she even smiled, "I just need to die with you, that's all."

As long as Yun Xu is killed, the power belonging to the gods will be broken, and in this way, the consciousness swallowed by the magic of the gods will reappear.

This time, she can save everyone.

There is no need to be powerless in the face of the entire battlefield like traveling back to the Great Xia Dynasty.

Hearing this, Yun Xu raised his eyebrows and sighed amusedly: "To die together? It's a pity that you don't even have the chance to die with me."

At this time, Si Fuqing had already moved.


There was a series of explosions in the air.

Yun Xu raised his hand and clasped Si Fuqing's wrist directly, seemingly with ease.

"This seat has your nine-cost source of luck, which is of the same origin as you." Yun Xu shook his head repeatedly, "Unless you die, the nine-cost source of luck will dissipate."

That's why he asked Zhong Shanwen not to kill Si Fuqing directly after taking away her luck.

Only when Si Fuqing dies, will her original destiny completely belong to him.

But after all, man's calculation is not as good as heaven's calculation.

Even a god like him didn't expect Si Fuqing to be resurrected after his death.



Si Fuqing didn't answer, just attacked violently.


Yun Xu's body suddenly took a step back!

The Lord of Ghost Valley's eyes widened: "Qingqing!"

Si Fuqing was also shocked and retreated, both arms were broken by the shock.

But she did not fall, still standing straight.

"Interesting, interesting." Yun Xuzai looked Si Fuqing up and down carefully, "I also want to know who split your soul into two halves, and made a body specially for you, to save you You die."

As he spoke, he raised his hand and slowly wiped away a little blood from the corner of his mouth.

He lowered his head, the dazzling red made his nerves burn.

Not pain, but anger.

After being angry for so many years, this was the first time he was injured.

Injured, he is still a mortal who is not even an envoy of God.

What a shame!

"I admit that you are indeed very strong, but it is a pity that you cannot stop the sacred day that I have planned for thousands of years." Yun Xu smiled coldly, "The power of the time and space angels has dissipated, but This seat is also proficient in the power of these two laws."

Si Fuqing didn't speak a word.

She put her arms back on with a blank expression.

Just hearing the sound of "click" hurt, but she didn't show any emotional fluctuations.

"Do you want to see your sister?" Yun Xu suddenly smiled jokingly, "I have a chance to let you see her, and if you choose to stay with her, I will also welcome you."


Si Fu leaned beside him, and the space suddenly vibrated violently.

In the next second, a black-gold vortex appeared.

There was mist in the vortex that entangled Si Fuqing and pulled her into the vortex with great force.

Space-time shackles.

In the shackles of time and space, everything is chaotic.

Time is confused and space is reversed.

It is a place that is more tormenting than the silent black room.

"Nine nine!"

At the critical moment, Xiaobai turned into a human again and grabbed Si Fuqing's hand.

"Xiaobai—" Si Fuqing said sharply, "Go back, don't touch me!"

"Nine nine!"

Bai Jinyu didn't let go, and still held her hand firmly.

In the next moment, one person and one Pixiu were all pulled into the shackles of time and space.

With a sound of "buzz", the space is closed, and there is nothing left.

"It's really difficult." Yun Xu sighed with a dignified expression.

Apparently even he didn't expect that Si Fuqing would be able to push him to the point of summoning the shackles of time and space.

But it wouldn't hurt to use it on Si Fuqing.

"Yun, Xu!" The owner of Ghost Valley's eyes were red, but he couldn't break through Yun Xu's confinement, "I'll kill you!"

"Hmph, the Lord of Ghost Valley, the Lord of Demon Abyss, the Sword Immortal at the End of the World, the Lord of Longevity Hall, the head of Yunmengze..." Yun Xu turned his head, "I think you are one of the few pinnacles of the Holy Spirit Realm in the Eternal Continent. , I didn’t want to fight with you, so don’t force me.”

"Yun, Xu!" The owner of Ghost Valley's eyes were about to burst, "You are not worthy of being a god, but you are also worthy? The old man sees you as a false god!"

The smile on Yun Xu's face finally subsided: "A false god?"

He sneered: "Guigu, you really are tired of working, okay, then you can go down and accompany them!"

He clenched his palms into claws and directly attacked the head of the Lord of Ghost Valley.


At this moment, the sword energy surged, tearing apart the space.

The wind died down and the smoke cleared.

Longque sword, silver armor.


good morning~~

Ask your Majesty for a ticket~

It will end well, don't worry everyone

As long as it is not over, the ending will definitely stop somewhere. Everyone will feel stuck... I also have difficulty finishing it myself, and my head is bald.

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