After Having Everything Taken Away, She Returns As A God

Chapter 966 Looking for the night to turn the tide, thousands of troops! 【Events, New Books】

"elder sister!"

In the shattered shackles of time and space, Si Fuqing watched Ye Wanlan shatter together with the surrounding space.

She stretched out her hand to grab it, but found that she was powerless and could only watch Ye Wanlan go away in front of her eyes.

Although the space is breaking down, Ye Wanlan is still smiling at her.

It was still the voice, appearance and appearance in her memory, which made her unable to give up at all.

The shackles of time and space sent her back to the past when Ye Wanlan was still alive, and she was indeed greedy for this past.

The past cannot be changed, and the torrent of time cannot be reversed. It will only continue to develop according to the established things.

No matter how many times you start over, the end result is the same.

She already knew this when Si Fuqing used "Eternity" to travel back to the Great Xia Dynasty.

She couldn't change Jiang Haiping's fate, she couldn't change the result that all the nine sons of the Jiang family died in battle, and she couldn't stop Jiang Zhaoyue from leaving forever.

But they say it's worth it.

For Ye Wanlan, being able to save her sister was worth it.

As long as there is a glimmer of hope, she will not hesitate to give up her way of life to Si Fuqing.

"Sister! Sister!" Si Fuqing yelled with the last of his strength before completely losing consciousness, "If one day you disappear, then I... can I still find you?"

Ye Wanlan looked at her quietly, and smiled lightly: "Of course, you are unparalleled in the world."


All the pictures finally disappeared, and Si Fuqing fell into darkness again.

"Jiujiu!" Xiaobai asked in a low voice, grabbing her shoulder. "Are we out?"

Si Fuqing slowly wiped away the tears from the corners of his eyes, and he has recovered his usual calmness: "Not yet, there are more than one layer of time-space shackles, but we have already come out of the deepest layer, my sister..."

She tightly clenched the hands hanging on both sides, and the veins on her arms were throbbing violently.

Yun Xu knew the weight of Ye Wanlan in her heart, that's why she asked her to see Ye Wanlan.

But he underestimated the relationship between her and Ye Wanlan.

The friendship between life and death, don't be like this.

Xiaobai patted her head worriedly: "Jiujiu, sister is so powerful, maybe..."

"Yeah." Si Fuqing raised his head slowly, "My sister said that I can find her, so I will definitely be able to find her."

That's the night.

Ye Wanlan said yes, then yes.

"Fat Chirp, let's go out." Si Fuqing looked firm and walked forward step by step.

The past cannot be changed, so she must hold the future in her own hands.

Even a god can't trap her!


In the Eternal Continent, the battle continues.

Both Yu Xiheng and Yun Xu's figures were extremely fast, and there was an afterimage in the air, so that even Lord Moyuan couldn't capture their bodies.

But he could see that Yu Xiheng was fighting Yun Xu completely in a way that didn't require his life and had no way out.

Every time they fight, there will be more wounds on Yu Xiheng's body.

After a few rounds, his body was already dripping with blood.

The dark red blood permeated the silver-white armor, exuding a strange beauty.

"Teacher!" Lord Moyuan became more and more anxious, "Tutor, calm down, calm down."

He also knew that Yu Xiheng couldn't calm down at all.

Now Si Fuqing is missing, and I don't know which time and space he fell into.

Although Yinhuang is calm and self-sufficient, he will not be moved by foreign objects.

But he is a human being, and once the safety of the people around him is involved, he can't restrain all his emotions.

In the past on the battlefield, he led the army to fight, no matter how hard it was, he had to consider everyone's safety.

Now that he was alone, he didn't care about anything.

Yu Xiheng's expression was indifferent, and he let the blood flow from his body, and his eyebrows and eyes did not froze for a moment.

Resist the gods with a mortal body!

"No!" Changying suddenly said, "Have you noticed that it's not that Yun Xu didn't use his full strength, but that he couldn't use his full strength."

"It's luck." Fusang said solemnly, "Yunxu claims to have robbed 90% of Qingqing's luck, but Yunmeng, you should have discovered that Xiaoyu's luck and Qingqing's luck complement each other."

Yunmeng nodded slowly: "Not bad."

Two people who gather great luck should not exist in the same world.

Even if it does appear, there must be no room for two tigers in one mountain.

Otherwise, it does not conform to the laws of operation of the natural development of the world.

There can only be one darling of the heavens, if there are two, it will definitely end in immortality.

But this incident did not happen to Si Fuqing and Yu Xiheng.

Yu Xiheng's luck is strong, and Si Fuqing's luck is also strong, and vice versa.

"The original source of luck is called the source, and it is not easy to be completely refined by others." Fusang said, "The part of the luck that belongs to Qingqing will start to restrain Yunxu after feeling Xiaoyu's existence, unless he will Let go of this part of the original luck."

"So that's how it is." Lord Moyuan was overjoyed, "Does that mean my apprentice can defeat him?"

"No, this is just a tactic to delay the attack." Fusang shook his head slightly, "After all, Yunxu is a god, even if Qingqing's original luck is affecting him, his strength is far beyond ours."

Only gods and demons can defeat gods and demons.

But where to find other gods and demons?

"But it's not impossible." Fusang let out a breath slowly, and took out the tool she used to communicate with Yunying.

After a few minutes, contact was finally established again.

Yunying's voice came from the other side, trembling when listening carefully: "... Fusang?"

"Nizi!" Fusang said quickly, "There is not much time, listen to me carefully, go to Daxia now."

Yunying's hand paused: "Big Xia?"

"That's right." Fusang said, "Emperor Yin is Daxia's belief. If we gather Daxia's luck and power of faith, we may have a chance to win!"

Yun Ying's eyes narrowed suddenly: "Okay, I understand."

As he hurriedly walked out, he directed Tan Jingmo, Yue Jian and the others to contact the major forces in the five prefectures of Great Xia.

Asking, "Are you okay?"

"What can I do!" Fusang sneered, "The worst outcome is that my aunt and I will die together with this false god, and I will live enough after ten thousand years."

Yunying didn't speak any more.

With calm eyes, he began to contact the three families and four alliances of the Great Xia Empire.

The Great Xia Empire was ruled by Xiao Wenjian, the leader of the Thousand Army Alliance, and Mo Yanwen, the leader of the Mohist family.

After receiving the news, they also quickly started to act.

"Your Majesty and Miss Si are fighting for Great Xia, for us!" Mo Yanwen raised his voice, "We must never let them fight alone!"

"Let the other party know that there are us behind them, with thousands of troops!"

Protecting the mountain dragon veins, the power is resurgent, and it is majestic!

At this moment, the beliefs of the five states of Great Xia, as well as the power of luck gathered, all penetrated the two worlds unimpeded, and reached Yu Xiheng's body!

There are two updates, please ask for a monthly ticket, thank you everyone, almost 800 votes!

Qingqing's role list is also open, the last event is over, and the top ten popularity contribution list will give away gifts until the end of the month.

1-2: Yinghuang physical book "Dark Star" to sign (sent after publication)

3-5: Brother Yinghuangfu's double pillow or Your Majesty's double pillow or Night Lantern pillow (can be replaced with a painting)

6-8: His Majesty's Standing Plate in Ancient Costume

9-10: Qingqing, a set of colored paper for turning the tide

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