After Having Everything Taken Away, She Returns As A God

Chapter 968: Soul God Envoy! Seal the devil! 【Two chapters in one】

The wind and snow finally stopped, and the sun broke through the clouds and shone in all directions.

The visitor is not young, in his early forties.

He was wearing a very simple cloth without any extra decorations.

But he exudes a detached aura that is inclusive of all rivers and all things.

Behind him, there is another monk in a red cassock.

It is the new abbot of Guanghua Temple.

At this moment, the monk's expression was very solemn, without the shamelessness of taking the little monk's pocket money secretly.

The monk clasped his hands together, and bowed to Yu Xiheng with great respect: "Greetings, Your Majesty."

Yu Xiheng closed her fingers holding the dragon bird sword and looked up.

It wasn't the face he remembered, but he could still recognize it at a glance.

"Chunyuan..." Yu Xiheng murmured, his voice very soft.

Ji Chunyuan!

The ancestor of the Ji family.

In order to resist the 100,000 undead army pouring out of the gate of the undead, he died and disappeared.

This incident was not carefully recorded in the history books. After all, it involved different worlds and the Tao of Yin-Yang and Five Elements, which could not be fully displayed in front of ordinary people.

Yu Xiheng had never faced Ji Chunyuan's death directly.

Only Si Fuqing saw that scene with his own eyes.

It can be called heroic.

He may have fantasized that everyone around him is still alive and has not sacrificed.

But such a thought was too extravagant and absurd, he only dared to meet Jiang Haiping and the others in his dreams.

In the dream, the Jiang family was still there, and Jiang Haiping stepped down from the position of marshal and retired to Jiangfu.

Although Jiang Xuanjin's nine sons are away fighting, they can come back during the holidays and bring gifts to Jiang Zhaoyue.

Jiang Zhaoyue can also grow up to eighteen years old smoothly and do what she wants to do.

Sometimes the world in dreams is so beautiful that people are reluctant to return to reality.

And now, Ji Chunyuan was standing in front of him.

Like a dream that has not yet awakened.

"I haven't seen His Majesty for a long time, and I miss you very much." Ji Chunyuan smiled slightly, "I just woke up, so I'm late, please don't blame Your Majesty."

"It's all my fault." The monk patted his head, very annoyed, "It's too late for me to think of Master. If I had gone to find Master one day earlier, the casualties would have been reduced."

He remembered that when he was Ji Chunyuan's apprentice, it happened to be the time when he could see the reflection of the Eternal Continent in the five states of Great Xia.

He didn't even have time to bring the jug, so he went to find Ji Chunyuan according to the location pointed in his memory.

It was already today when Ji Chunyuan regained consciousness.

As soon as the master and apprentice looked up, they could see countless meteorites falling towards Daxia at high speed.

These meteorites contain the laws of magic.

Once a piece of land in the five states of Great Xia successfully landed, everyone within a hundred miles would suffer severe radiation.

The monk is also very scared.

If it is one step later, the consequences will be disastrous.

"I don't blame you for this matter." Ji Chunyuan turned his head and looked at Yunxu lightly, "The holy day has come ahead of schedule, otherwise, according to the budgeted day, there will be enough time."

According to the established date, there are at least twenty days before the Holy Day will come.

However, people's hearts are unpredictable, and human desires will become the biggest killer.

With the help of Adrian, Yun Xu succeeded in advancing the holy day, and even his plans were disrupted.

Ji Chunyuan looked solemn.

And when he turned his head like this, his face was completely exposed to everyone.

Yunmeng took a deep breath and lost her voice: "Brother?!"

Fusang was also taken aback: "This is the brother you said you disappeared early?"

Lord Moyuan, Lord of Guigu and Changying have all heard her elder brother's name from Yunmeng.

It is said that his elder brother disappeared early, but left his blood in Daxia.

"Ameng." Ji Chunyuan was startled, then smiled again, "You have been in charge of Yunmengze all these years, but I'm actually not your elder brother."

"Brother..." Yunmeng was taken aback for a moment, and didn't understand the meaning of this sentence immediately.

"I am your elder brother and the ancestor of the Ji family. I have been a lot of people." Ji Chunyuan sighed lightly, "I have too many memories, and I am a little confused."

"It's you!" Yun Xu's pupils shrank violently, he gritted his teeth, "Soul Angel!"

Soul God Envoy is a very special existence.

He doesn't master the way of life and death like the envoy of life and the envoy of death, but his soul law can control life and death.

But he clearly remembered that in order to protect the souls of the four divine envoys of life, death, time and space, the soul envoy was the first to be swallowed by heaven and earth.

How are you still alive? !

In less than half a second, Yun Xu came to his senses.

He sneered again and again: "Okay, you are indeed a soul envoy, you didn't die at the time, but you used your blindfold to deceive me! I also lost my eye!"

No one is better at souls than soul envoys.

As long as Ji Chunyuan wanted to, he could fake the appearance that his soul had been wiped out.

"Wonderful praise." Ji Chunyuan stood still and smiled slightly, "You are also very good, you have stolen a lot of demon power, and you are stronger than before."

"It was also you who forged the bodies of Si Fuqing and the two of them and split their souls into two! You gave them a second life!" Yun Xu's eyes were as cold as a blade, "Otherwise I would have killed them long ago. Let them live until now!"

Whether it was Si Fuqing or Yinhuang, they were indeed dead for the first time.

If there is no soul envoy, everything will disappear.

But their souls were divided into two, and the remaining part of the souls summoned other souls back, and finally merged into one, becoming more powerful.

In this way, an extra life was saved.

The power of the soul god envoy is that after he separates the soul, the separated soul can be perfectly disguised as a complete soul.

That's why even Yun Xu and Yun Jin, who had accepted the inheritance of half a soul envoy, never saw anything unusual.

"Soul Angel..." Yunmeng murmured, "Brother is actually a Soul Angel!"

In addition to Yin-Yang and Five Elements, the most important thing that Onmyoji practice is the soul.

Whether it is the Onmyoji of the Eternal Continent or the Five States of the Great Xia, they are all inherited by Ji Chunyuan.

Yu Xiheng also sorted out everything, his eyes tightened, and his voice was light: "Chunyuan handed me over to the Yu family?"

"Oh, I'm sorry for your majesty in this matter." Ji Chunyuan's expression turned cold, "I put your majesty's soul in the second body, and my strength is greatly damaged, so I can't last long."

"At that time, I only met the Yu family, so I had no choice but to hand you over to the Yu family and let them take good care of you. In the future, the Yu family will definitely be able to skyrocket."

This is true.

How great is Yinhuang's luck, a little rain and dew can turn an ordinary family into a dragon in one day.

The Yu family had indeed become the first family through his luck, but it was a pity that Mr. Yu violated the agreement with Ji Chunyuan.

The Yu family is also in decline.

"Your Majesty only possessed memories at the age of sixteen because you were indeed severely injured when you died the first time, and it will take some time to cultivate your soul." Ji Chunyuan said again, "I am very happy to be able to welcome Your Majesty back again."

He was the envoy of the soul first, but after the battle between the gods and demons, the envoy fell, and he lost his power and fell into a long sleep.

Later, he woke up for the first time and turned into Yunmeng's elder brother. Together with Yunmeng, he established Yunmeng Lake and trained onmyojis.

Later, he chose to go to the new world, and reincarnated in the five states of Great Xia, where he became Ji Chunyuan, established the Ji family, and followed Emperor Yin.

In this last life, he was the master of the monk.

In the past few lives, in order not to be seen through by Yun Xu and his minions, he used the power of the soul god envoy to seal his three souls and seven souls, leaving only one soul for him to act on.

It was also he who divided Si Fuqing's soul into two halves, and stuffed half into his forged body—the body of a five-year-old girl.

The other half was reincarnated and became the daughter of Yin Beichen and Ling Hanyi.

And because Si Fuqing's luck was too strong, no matter which body he was in, he was targeted.

These years, although Ji Chunyuan has no memory, he has been observing Si Fuqing and Yu Xiheng.

He also accepted monks as apprentices and asked monks to give them advice at critical moments.

In the earliest days, when Si Fuqing entered the Eternal Continent in the game cabin, he taught her some yin-yang and five-element techniques.

Later, Si Fuqing traveled back to the Great Xia Dynasty and met him who was still Ji Chunyuan.

I practiced the trick to block the gate of the dead from him, and successfully saved Dongzhou from the disaster.

Si Fuqing was able to travel back to the Great Xia Dynasty, which was the greatest gift left by the envoy of time and space.

Otherwise, the blueprints of the hidden weapons of the Mo family would be burned, and the yin and yang techniques of the Ji family would be lost, and all the things that were done to steal Daxia's luck would never be able to return to the right track.

Yun Xu's expression turned extremely ugly.

The appearance of the soul god envoy really shocked him and made him feel confused.

He doesn't care about other envoys, but the threat of the envoy of the soul is extremely great.

"So what if you are still alive? You are not a god after all, not the peak of the spiritual realm!" Yun Xu clasped his hands and sneered, "I am the god, and you are all traitors!"

"Just kidding." Ji Chunyuan smiled lightly, calmly, "Actually, you also know that there is no theory of gods and demons, only the peak of the spiritual realm."

"It's interesting to make yourself a god and make others a devil."

In the past, there were not many spiritual realms in the Eternal Continent.

But there are only two people who have reached the peak of the Spiritual God Realm.

These two people are the gods and demons passed down by spiritual practitioners today.

However, except for the envoys and servants who had already been wiped out, no one clearly knew the details of the so-called war between gods and demons.

It's just that people with a heart want to cover up the facts and spread their fabricated truth.

Later, there was a name of gods and demons.

"It's just nonsense!" Yun Xu was furious, "You betrayed me, and I will let you know the consequences of your betrayal!"

He no longer held back his hands, pulling the power of heaven and earth, and violently attacked Ji Chunyuan.


In the next second, Ji Chunyuan disappeared from the spot.

Yun Xu's attack was in vain.

He turned his head abruptly, and found that Ji Chunyuan's figure was constantly changing, and he couldn't catch the real body at all.

It's not the body, but the soul!

Ji Chunyuan's cultivation of the soul has reached the peak, relying on the soul has reached the level that can perfectly imitate the physical body.

Yun Xu's eyes sharpened, he suddenly stopped attacking, and clasped his hands in the air.

"Bang bang bang!"

A series of explosion-like sounds exploded.

"Brother!" Yunmeng blurted out, "Brother, be careful!"

Ji Chunyuan's figure was fixed, his face was a little pale, but his smile didn't change.

He said softly: "Yun Xu, the power you want to gain does not belong to you after all."

Yun Xu's gaze became even more ruthless: "You are looking for death! I saw that you had already taken refuge in that devil, so I plotted against you at that time!"

Here, only Ji Chunyuan knows the truth of everything.

He must kill the envoy of the soul and write a new history.

There are no gods and demons in the new history, only he is the only god!

"Since you say it's a demon, then it's good to be a demon." Ji Chunyuan stroked his sleeves and said flatly, "If you can kill gods, why not become a demon?"

He suddenly lifted up his clothes, and knelt down on one knee to Yu Xiheng: "Please become a demon, Your Majesty!"

The monk immediately knelt down and opened the box he had been carrying.


After the box was opened, the surrounding air suddenly vibrated.

Inside the box was a mass of light and shadow, without any entity, but it exploded with energy that made even the Holy Spirit Realm terrified.

Fusang's complexion turned pale, but the light in his eyes became more and more intense: "That, that is..."

There was a brighter light in Yu Xiheng's eyes, and he only felt that the light and shadow in the box had a very familiar feeling, pulling him closer and closer.

This is the core strength of "magic".

Only the blood of the "demon" can receive it.

Yun Xu is a "god", so he can naturally recognize what it is.

But after he successfully killed the "devil", didn't he already devour the core power of the "devil"?

It is precisely because he devoured the core power of the "devil" that he was able to appoint Huangquan Ghost Emperor and others as demon servants at will.

If this is the core power of the "demon", then what was he devouring at that time?

Yun Xu's expression changed drastically in an instant, and he sternly shouted: "How dare you! Bring it to me!"

He gathers energy and makes a powerful attack.



When the attack touched Yu Xiheng, it was severely shaken away.

The golden light was strong, and the sky and the earth shook.

The light and shadow have merged with Yu Xiheng, and the power at the peak of the spiritual realm is slowly recovering.

"Stop wasting your strength." The monk snorted coldly, "Your Majesty is the heir to power. If you, a thief, want to take it, don't even think about it!"

The Lord is here, how can others covet it?

Yun Xu's face was sullen, and his anger had swelled to the extreme.

He was plotted against by the devil, Wujian!

He had never heard of Wu Jian leaving behind descendants!

He absolutely does not allow new "devils" to be born.

"It's not that I'm helping His Majesty, but that I should be His Majesty's subjects, and His Majesty must serve as the Lord." Ji Chunyuan was still kneeling on the ground, and said in a low voice, "Your Majesty is the only descendant left by Lord Wujian. My lord was murdered by Yunxu, and you are the only one left."


It is the "devil" that is now passed on by word of mouth.

Being plotted to death by Yunxu, he was also given the title of "devil".


Thunder roared in the sky, and violent storms rolled.

Amid the upheaval, Yu Xiheng remained motionless.

He raised his head with a calm and indifferent expression.


Become a demon!

Another hole-filling one.

Continue to ask for a monthly ticket, thank you

The ending is really written, I am too stuck, my head is bald

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