After Having Everything Taken Away, She Returns As A God

Chapter 976 The Proposal Ring, The Whole Network Is Paralyzed

During this time, Sang Yanqing has gotten used to the desertedness of the studio.

Qin Zhiyue became famous by copying Si Fuqing's line, she didn't say it, but she felt very conflicted in her heart after all.

Si Fuqing is Si Fuqing, unique and irreplaceable by others.

But in the big environment of the entertainment industry, she really had nothing to do.

After Qin Zhiyue made her debut under the name of "Xiao Si Fuqing", she has always respected Si Fuqing in public and regarded her as a senior.

The Muses knew that Qin Zhiyue was relying on the popularity gained by Touching Porcelain to become a new top female figure, so they could only keep their eyes off her.

Otherwise, they will be criticized in turn by the seniors for suppressing the juniors for not knowing what to do.

A few days ago, Qin Zhiyue's manager came to her specifically, saying that he wanted to talk about cooperation, but in fact, he was inquiring whether Si Fuqing would come back overtly or secretly.

Sang Yanqing also knew that Qin Zhiyue's team would be the happiest if the news of Si Fu's withdrawal from the circle was released today.

Many muses were in love, and even though Si Fu was fascinated, they did not climb the wall.

But if Si Fuqing completely withdraws from the circle, Qin Zhiyue, who follows the same path, can take over these muses and become the top class.

Sang Yanqing took a deep breath and raised his head expressionlessly.

The lights in the corridor illuminated the girl's face, dyeing her eyebrows and eyes pale gold.

Just like the first time I saw it, it was astonishingly beautiful.

Sang Yanqing froze suddenly.

She shook her body, moved her lips, and said with some difficulty as if she couldn't believe that she was dreaming: "...Qingqing?"

As soon as she spoke, she realized that her voice was very hoarse, her body trembled violently, and she almost couldn't stand upright.

"Sister Sang." Si Fuqing stepped forward to hug her, and said softly, "I abide by the agreement, I'm back."

These words made Sang Yanqing, who had always been a vigorous and independent manager in his career, burst into tears instantly.

Her body trembled even more, and she choked up and asked, "Where have you been these three years..."

"I'm sorry." Si Fuqing said in a low voice, "I have been worried that I will not succeed, so I have not contacted you, Sister Sang, and you have been wronged."

"No, no, Qingqing, you don't need to apologize to anyone." Sang Yanqing shook her head, she wiped her tears and smiled relievedly, "If you don't tell me, I can guess what you are going to do. What can be wronged?"

"Mr. Si?!" Hearing the movement, the manager's assistant ran out, startled, "Mr. Si, is it really you?"

Si Fuqing bent his fox eyes and nodded towards her: "It's me."

"It's really you!" The agent assistant cried with joy, turned his head and shouted loudly, "Everyone come out, our teacher Si is back!"

The doors of other offices were opened one after another, and the new media publicity, business, assistants, and stylists all ran out.

The entire studio team couldn't believe it when they saw familiar faces.

"Teacher Si!"

"Mr. Si, you are back!"

In the past three years, the studio's funds have not been lacking, and the dividends from the two top masterpieces "Walking the Devil" and "The Lady of the Kingdom" are enough to support the entire studio.

But the only thing missing is someone who will allow them to stand tall in the entertainment industry.

Three years is not long or short.

Some people don't want to wait, but they won't, they can wait forever.

"Don't stand here." Si Fuqing smiled and patted the assistant's shoulder, "Come on, let's go in."

Everyone sat down on the sofa one by one, and the assistant poured a few glasses of water.

Sang Yanqing wiped away her tears and smiled again: "I lost my composure, everyone laughs at me."

"Sister Sang, who dares to laugh at you?" Si Fuqing said in a relaxed tone, "Speak out, and I'll find a place for you."

The familiar tone immediately brought Sang Yanqing back to many years ago.

The previous melancholy was swept away, and she looked at Si Fuqing without saying a word: "You go and find a place for me, I'm afraid you will directly break the other party's bones and send him to the hospital."

When she didn't know her entertainer's character yet?

"Sister Sang, don't say that about Teacher Si." The manager assistant laughed, "Mr. Si is protecting his shortcomings."

Hearing these words, Si Fuqing slowly suppressed his smile, and asked lightly: "Really, who?"

The four words are very simple, and the tone is also straightforward, but there is a chill in it.

"It's not a big deal." Sang Yanqing didn't care. "I was crushed by a stone. Could it be possible to crush the stone? It didn't cause any real harm, so it doesn't matter."

Si Fuqing nodded: "The stone can indeed be crushed if it hurts the foot."

As she spoke, she picked up a stone in the flowerpot, and crushed it with a "snap", and the powder scattered in the trash can.

Sang Yanqing: "..."

other people:"……"

They almost forgot that Si Fuqing... didn't take the usual way.

"Let's talk." Si Fuqing wiped his hands and smiled, "Who bullied you, huh?"

Before Sang Yanqing could speak, the manager's assistant said first: "Mr. Si, you don't know how many people have gained popularity by sucking your blood in the past three years without you, especially that Qin Zhiyue, who has become more and more famous recently. It's getting too far!"

"Qin Zhiyue?" Si Fuqing thought for a while, "I don't have any impression."

"This Qin Zhiyue got started by copying your route, Mr. Si." The agent assistant was filled with righteous indignation, "You were a mentor in "Youth and Youth", so she went to participate in "Youth and Girls."

"You filmed "The Female General of the Town" and "Walking the Devil", and she went to film "The World's No. 1 Female Catcher". She even posted the same Weibo style as you, and tied you up every day to suck your blood for marketing! Now Everyone calls her Xiao Si Fuqing."

Si Fu raised his eyebrows: "So powerful?"

For reality shows such as "Youth and Youth", the enthusiasm of students will far exceed that of teachers.

For example, Xie Yu back then, once he danced to become a god, his debut was top class.

She did not rely on "Youth" to gain a firm foothold in the entertainment industry, but "Sixty-Six Days to Survive".

"The strength is still good, otherwise she would not be as popular with so many people chasing you." Sang Yanqing pressed her temple and sighed, "It's just that her team will deliberately jump in front of us, like an undead ant grasshopper."

"Huh, Teacher Si, she has always wanted to take over your fans so that she can become the number one female top class." The new media promotion also said, "Now that you are back, this pirated fake should also show its prototype."

"Yeah." Si Fu tilted his head, and wrote lightly, "If you jump again, you feel bored, then pinch it out and throw it away."

"Okay, okay." Sang Yanqing was afraid that she would make some bloody remarks, so he hurriedly said, "Qingqing, since you're back, I have a few variety shows here, do you want to take them?"

"Yes, Teacher Si, variety show is the fastest way to regain popularity." The assistant excitedly said, "Otherwise we will participate in the same variety show as that Qin Zhiyue. Didn't she invite Teacher Si arrogantly last time?"

Si Fu rubbed his chin: "Sister Sang, you can choose, I trust your vision."

Sang Yanqing nodded.

"I'm treating guests today." Si Fu leaned up, "Everyone come downstairs with me for dinner."


The staff cheered and took off their badges one after another to change their clothes.

Sang Yanqing and Si Fuqing walked side by side: "I haven't asked you yet, how are you and Mr. Yu doing?"

"Well..." Si Fuqing dragged his voice, "Secret."

Sang Yanqing was helpless: "Okay, okay, I don't ask, anyway, when you get married, you must give me an invitation card."

"Of course, no problem." Si Fuqing blinked, "I can also ask you to be the master of ceremonies."

"It's settled." Sang Yanqing nodded with satisfaction, "Let's go to dinner first."

Si Fuqing waved at her: "Sister Sang, Ah Jiu will see me off, you don't need to reserve my place in the car."

After speaking, she got into a black car parked on the side of the road.

Yu Xiheng raised her hand to press the roof of the car to prevent her from knocking it.

"Eh?" At this moment, Si Fuqing found a small box in his arms, "What is this?"

She took the box over and opened it to have a look.

Inside is a ring.

But it is not a diamond ring, it is inlaid with a piece of radiant and colorful transparent jade.

Si Fuqing recognized what this jade was.

There is only one core of the eight major mines in the world.

When something was discovered, Yu Xiheng was also very indifferent.

He raised his hand, brushed away the sideburns around her ears, and laughed softly: "It's the engagement ring I prepared three years ago."

Si Fuqing was startled: "Three years ago?"

"I used to think about what will happen after my death." Yu Xiheng looked ahead, "I was wondering if I could gamble my life on a prosperous world again, but I didn't want you to forget, so I made this ring in advance."

After a pause, he said lightly, "I'm not a magnanimous person. I leave the ring to you, and I will let you remember me even if I die."

Si Fuqing lowered his eyes and squeezed the box in his hand: "You are really domineering."

Emperor Yin has the world in his heart, and loves the people like a son.

But because of his growth experience in two lifetimes, he has his paranoia and violence in his bones.

"You won't be domineering to others." Yu Xiheng tilted her head, "But you are different, you must remember."

Si Fuqing blinked his eyes: "Okay, then I will reluctantly accept it."

She was about to put the ring on, but was blocked by a hand.

In half a second, both the ring and the box were taken back.

Yu Xiheng said: "Not now."

Si Fuqing's fox eyes widened suddenly: "Hey, how can you take what you gave me?!"

"I haven't formally proposed yet." Yu Xiheng smiled, "The girl has taken it away now, what do you want me to use when proposing?"

"It's okay, I don't need you to propose." Si Fuqing stretched out his hand, "Which one of us is with whom? Just give it to me."

Yu Xiheng didn't listen to her this time, but put the ring back into the box and said, "Here, but not directly."

"Stingy ghost!" Si Fuqing said fiercely, "You have to give it to me anyway, what's the difference between giving it to me now and giving it to me later?"

She doesn't value fame and wealth.

"Qingqing." He suddenly called her.

"Don't call me, I'll ignore you." Si Fuqing covered his eyes, but he could see him secretly through his fingers.

His gaze is steady and powerful, his pupils are dimly lit, and he has a slight smile.

Such a face is indeed unpopular.

"You don't need to propose, but I don't want you to be wronged." Yu Xiheng looked at her firmly, her eyebrows and eyes curled up, "It was so hard before that I couldn't be by your side. I always give you what you don't have. You make up, and you can’t miss a single one.”

Si Fuqing's heart trembled, as if a hand was touching her heartstrings.

She lowered her head: "I know."

"Yeah." Yu Xiheng turned the steering wheel, "It's yours, it won't change."

Si Fu looked at the scenery outside the window, and suddenly said: "Ninth brother, why don't you go to teach a class?"


"The Psychology of Love."

"Innate talent, learning is useless."

Si Fuqing fell silent, and began to mourn for Xijiang for three seconds in his heart.


On the other side, Qin Zhiyue's studio.

"Zhiyue, it's inappropriate for you to be on a romance show at such a young age?" Ruan Chengfang disagreed, "Why do you suddenly want you to be on a romance show?"

Qin Zhiyue smiled slightly, swirling the red wine in his glass: "Sister Ruan, this is not just a love variety show, the most important thing is Survival on a Deserted Island, do you remember that Si Fuqing had a variety show called "Survival Sixty" Six Days?"

Of course Ruan Chengfang remembered.

This variety show was filmed five years ago, and the number of broadcasts and popularity is still high.

To completely replicate Si Fuqing's route and become top-notch, survival variety shows are naturally indispensable.

"It's been three years, and Si Fuqing really hasn't moved at all." Ruan Chengfang smiled, "Zhiyue, you have the right time, place and people, and God is helping you."

Qin Zhiyue just smiled, and said casually: "Of course, my luck has always been very good."

When she was still a trainee abroad, the name Si Fuqing was already well known.

It can be called a generation of legends.

No one knows how much Si Fuqing knows. She can always inadvertently make a big splash, blowing the faces of keyboard warriors and black fans away.

Qin Zhiyue knew that she was not strong enough, so she could only develop in the entertainment industry.

She also doesn't have such big ambitions, completely copying Si Fuqing's route to conquer the game field and the sports world.

"We need to create momentum for the matter of weaving more and more love." Ruan Chengfang got up, "Contact the marketing account, bring the name of the boss Fuqing as before, and increase the popularity. The copy has been sent to you, start now."


The staff should all go down.

They have become accustomed to such things as touching Ci Si Fuqing, and they are handy.

"Sister Ruan, the Weibo server is down!" The new media assistant typed on the keyboard for a while, and said anxiously, "It's blank when I open it, and now Weibo can't be posted."

"How could you be so paralyzed?" Ruan Chengfang frowned, "Which star has been exposed to such a scandal? Public relations are so useless?"

The star and the agency were the happiest when Si Fuqing disappeared.

It will no longer be like before, when a star's black material is suddenly blown out of power.

Weibo was blank for a full ten minutes before it was finally restored.

"Sister Ruan, let's go in." The new media publicity was very happy, "I'm just—"

His words suddenly stopped.

He stared at a Weibo that popped up on the homepage.

[@司助晚V: I'm back. 】

After three years, Si Fuqing once again paralyzed the entire network by relying on four words.

The Great Demon King came back again!

That's right, the extra episode is still written according to the timeline, the wedding is in the last part, and it will be very interesting to arrange for Yinghuang and Zunzhu to attend.

At that time, the group will post a welfare bridal chamber article, not a side story. The welfare article will not affect any plot at all. It is the same whether you read it or not. Join the group voluntarily. After the full text is finished, it will be posted in the group. Next month, the group will open an activity to send free shipping cards around it and a lucky draw for pillows. 1,000 people will lock the group~

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