
"Get out!"

Not wanting to hear Wen Yan's thoughts anymore, Si Luochen picked up a chair with a gloomy expression and threw it at Wen Yan and Si Moyan fiercely.

Si Moyan hugged Wen Yan and turned around quickly, but the chair still hit his back.

Si Moyan's back was hit with a long bloody mark.

He looked back at Si Luochen, his narrow eyes sharp and cold, "Are you crazy?"

Si Luochen's slender eyes were full of madness and bloodlust, "If you don't get out, I will get even crazier!"

Wen Yan finally saw the temper of the little yandere.

This is definitely the craziest one among the Si brothers and sisters.

"I'll come over to talk to him alone later." Wen Yan pulled Si Moyan away.

As soon as the two of them went out, the door was slammed shut.

Si Luochen sat by the bed and took out a diary from his black backpack.

He got the diary from the locked cabinet in Xia Zhi's dormitory.

xx year xx month x day.

Today is my nineteenth birthday. My family didn't call me. Maybe they forgot my birthday again. It doesn't matter. I'm used to it.

I took the small cake to the rooftop of the teaching building, sang happy birthday to myself, and made a wish before blowing out the candles.

I took a bite and the small cake was very sweet.

After eating the cake, I was about to leave. When I looked up, I suddenly found two entangled figures in the dark corner of the rooftop.

In the dim light, I saw two boys.

One is the school bully Jiang Chao, and the other is Zhou Xuyun who has been pursuing me for a long time but was rejected by me!

I panicked and left, hoping they didn't notice me.

xx year xx month x day.

I was nervous all day long, but fortunately the school bully and Zhou Xuyun didn't cause any trouble for me.

I went out for a stroll in the evening and unexpectedly met a tall and thin little beggar under the overpass.

He was wearing tattered clothes and his face was dark, as if he hadn't washed his face for a long time. He looked very pitiful.

I gave him a hundred dollars, bought him food, and sat with him for a while.

There are actually people in this world who are more pitiful than me. I should live a more positive and optimistic life and not be defeated by reality.

xx year xx month x day.

It was another day to accompany the little beggar. I originally thought that the day would be spent in peace.

But what I worried about still happened.

When I returned to the dormitory, I found that someone had peed on my bed.

I was very angry and asked who did it with red eyes. No one in the dormitory paid attention to me.

I went to the dormitory supervisor, who in turn accused me of not being able to handle interpersonal relationships and asked me to reflect on myself.

xx year xx month x day.

In the morning, I went to the cafeteria for breakfast. Someone maliciously poured hot soup on me. Instead of apologizing, the person laughed at me for wetting the bed at such an old age.

It was clear that someone was maliciously teasing me last night, and now they are slandering me for bed-wetting.

I couldn't tell, so I went to the bathroom to wash off my burned arms. As a result, the bathroom door was locked, countless basins of cold water were poured over my head, and there was unbridled ridicule outside.

I was detained for a full ten hours. After I was released, I found a counselor, but what I got in exchange was even stronger revenge.

xx year xx month x day.

They burned me with cigarette ash today, and every day I feel like I would rather die than live.

Only by staying with the little beggar can I feel alive.

xx year xx month x day.

I really couldn't stand it anymore, so I took the initiative to find Jiang Chao, the school bully.

Jiang Chao slapped me hard several times in front of Zhou Xuyan, and then had my clothes stripped off and photos of me taken.

He asked me to be his and Zhou Xuyan's dog from now on until they are satisfied.

xx year xx month x day.

I don’t understand why they did that to me. I didn’t mean to see them entangled on the rooftop. I didn’t say a word to the outside world. Why did they want to retaliate against me?

I called my grandma and told her that I was going back to China and no longer wanted to study abroad.

My grandma scolded me and told me not to return to China until I completed my studies so as not to embarrass her.

xx year xx month x day.

I was called here and there like a dog every day, and they could torture and humiliate me arbitrarily if they were not happy.

Life is so boring, but every time I see the little beggar, I feel like I have to live as strong as a grass.

Otherwise, in the future, no one will talk to the little beggar, no one will give him food, and no one will play the piano for him.

However, I really can't hold it any longer.

Can I drop out of school, go begging under the overpass with the little beggars, and wander around the world?

xx year xx month x day.

After being bullied by them for half a year, Jiang Chao asked me to go to the racing track in the evening. He broke up with Zhou Xuyan and said he wanted to end things with me.

I hope he can really let me go!

The time of Xia Zhi's last diary entry was also the day of her accident.

No one knows what happened at the racing track that day. They only know that she eventually jumped out of the car and fell seriously injured.

He is still in the intensive care unit and is dying.

Si Luochen still remembered how she looked pale and weak lying on the bed when he went to the hospital to see her.

His whole body was covered with tubes.

The arms under the hospital clothes were bony.

The traces of burns from cigarette ash and scratches from knives and forks were eye-catching.

After her accident, no one from his family came to see her.

She stayed with him under the overpass for half a year. She never said a bad word about anyone else, nor did she talk about her own experience of being bullied.

She has always been like a little sun, with a bright smile on her face, full of life, bright and cheerful.

If he hadn't gone to her school and quietly obtained her diary, he wouldn't have discovered that she was so hurt.

He will not let go of Jiang Chao, Zhou Xuyan, and her roommates who help others commit evil!

Among these people, the most damning and hateful one is Jiang Chao.

Relying on his status as the young leader of a criminal group, he was unscrupulous and domineering, displaying the most vicious and ugly side of human nature to the fullest!

Si Luochen closed the diary, his slender eyes filled with scarlet bloodshot eyes.

"I know you brought poison and hid it in the nail of your little finger. As long as you put a small amount in the wine Jiang Chao drinks, he will belch immediately!"

The door was suddenly pushed open, and a bright and charming little face stuck out from the crack in the door.

Perhaps because she was afraid that he would hit her with the chair again, she quickly retracted her head after saying that. After a few seconds, seeing that he didn't move, she put her head back in again.

Their eyes met.

The anger in Si Luochen's eyes has not faded yet.

Wen Yan's beautiful eyes blinked, "But have you ever thought about it. As the young master of a criminal group, Jiang Chao will be very careful about what he drinks. Don't you fail to poison him to death and end up getting yourself involved!"

Si Luochen doesn't understand why Wen Yan wants to meddle in other people's affairs?

Doesn't he know how dangerous this place is? When he came here, he never thought about leaving alive!

"I'll let you and brother go away. You don't need to worry about my affairs!"

[The little yandere asked me and his elder brother to get out, but he was actually afraid that we would be implicated! 】

[It’s just that his mouth is too poisonous and he can’t speak human words. 】

[When we leave, he really wants to——]

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