After the car was handed over to another bodyguard, Ye Bufan took Jiang Jingying and the other two into the village.

Looking at these dilapidated houses with a sense of age, Ye Bufan's eyes were full of disgust.

"Tsk, a bunch of rotten houses occupying space here, what a waste of resources, sooner or later they will all be cleared out, and then transformed into a tourist attraction, and a few hotels will be built, which will definitely attract many tourists, and it will be another project that can make a lot of money."

Ye Bufan thought so in his heart, but in order to maintain a kind-hearted image in front of Jiang Jingying, he naturally changed his words.

"Alas, Jingying, look at the hard life the people in this village live. They dig in the mountains and fish in the river every day, and grow vegetables and raise chickens and pigs at home. Although it seems self-sufficient and comfortable, it is too far from the school and hospital."

"The children can't get a good education, and the elderly can't receive timely treatment when they are sick. When others are making progress, they are standing still or even regressing."

"Since I have seen it now, I can use the development project of Yunshan Village to give them a demolition payment and send it to the city. I hope they can take this opportunity to live a better life."

"The boss is such a good person. He actually cares about them so much. If they knew, they would definitely thank you."

Jiang Jingying smiled and nodded, but she felt disdainful of Ye Bufan's hypocrisy in her heart.

"If you really care about them, you should build schools and hospitals for them, instead of pretending to be compassionate."

Ye Bufan had no idea what Jiang Jingying was thinking.

It didn't take long for them to visit the whole village.

The villagers were very curious about the three brightly dressed outsiders, but because Ye Bufan's disgust was written in his eyes, they did not come up to talk.

"Well, I have basically looked at the situation in the village. When the construction starts, we will demolish the houses and rebuild them, and then dig a few streams to create a feeling of "small bridges, flowing water and people's homes", which will definitely attract a large number of tourists."

Ye Bufan became more and more excited as he spoke, as if he had seen a lot of money waving at him.

"Okay, let's go, next we should take a look at the situation on the mountain."

After calming down, he turned his head to look at the mountain where Chen Qiaoxin was, and said to Jiang Jingying and the others.


And Chen Qiaoxin, who was picking mushrooms... picking herbs.

Her basket was already filled with various colorful mushrooms.

Chen Qiaoxin naturally knew that they were poisonous mushrooms, but what she needed now was all kinds of poisons.

"Why can't I find the ghost grass after walking for so long? Could it be that it has been picked up by someone? "

After walking along the mountain road for a long time, Chen Qiaoxin's calves felt a little sore.

She said softly while patting the grass with a stick.

Suddenly, a ray of purple-blue flashed in her vision.

She squinted and looked far away.

"Ah! Finally found it. "

After confirming that it was the ghost grass, Chen Qiaoxin's face showed joy and she jumped up happily, but it was a pity that her face fell again not long after.

Because there was a huge pit between her position and the ghost grass, and there were nearly vertical cliffs on both sides, and thorns covered with sharp thorns on the right.

If she wanted to go over, the only choice was to find some stones to throw in, and then find a vine to let herself slowly go down to the pit, and then use the stone to pad herself up and climb up.

Just do it.

So Chen Qiaoxin's petite body began to get busy.

She moved the flat stones to the edge of the pit and threw them in. Because the depth of the pit was only a little more than her height, she quickly collected enough stones.

Then she pulled a thin but tough vine, tied one end to the tree, and held the other end in her hand.

"I'm so thin, this vine shouldn't break."

Chen Qiaoxin thought so.

Of course, if nothing unexpected happens, there will definitely be an accident.


"Ah! ! ! "

Just as she was moving down along the steep edge, the vine in her hand suddenly broke, causing her to fall into the pit uncontrollably.

However, because the pit was not very high, she was not seriously injured, but her foot was still sprained when she landed.

"Hiss~~~ It hurts so much."

Chen Qiaoxin rubbed her delicate and small jade feet to relieve the stinging feeling, with tears in her eyes.

"Woo woo, Sister Yuyou, Sister Ruoshuang, I want to go home..."

For a moment, Chen Qiaoxin

's mood also fell to the bottom.

When she vented her emotions, treated the injury on her foot and prepared to leave, she found that she could no longer climb out of the pit with her limp.

"I can't get out, what should I do now?"

"Is there anyone here? Help me."

However, it was raining all night. Before she could shout a few times, there was a rumbling sound from above, and large patches of dark clouds began to swallow the sky.

"Is it going to rain? No, I have to get out quickly."

Chen Qiaoxin shouted harder, but the thunder and the rustling of leaves in the wind covered her voice for help.

This was tantamount to making her already bad situation worse.


On Ye Bufan's side, he heard Chen Qiaoxin's scream when she fell into the pit not long after he went up the mountain.

"Qiaoxin is in trouble?"

Ye Bufan recognized Chen Qiaoxin's voice just by a scream.

But because they were too far away, and there was an echo in the mountains, he couldn't directly determine Chen Qiaoxin's location.

"Boss, are you saying Miss Chen is here too?"

The fact that Ye Bufan recognized Chen Qiaoxin's voice at once made Jiang Jingying's disgust for him even more intense.

"Yes, I definitely heard it right. She must have encountered something. I have to go and help her."

Looking at Ye Bufan's expectant and excited expression, Jiang Jingying knew that he must have something bad to say.

"Boss, let's go with you to find her. It will be faster."

Ye Bufan hesitated, but seeing Jiang Jingying's sincere eyes, he reluctantly agreed.

"Okay then."

The three continued to walk to the top of the mountain. Along the way, Ye Bufan pricked up his ears, but he never heard Chen Qiaoxin's voice again.

After all, she was still treating her foot injury at this time.

And Jiang Jingying also noticed the dark clouds that were gradually gathering.

"Boss, it seems to be about to rain. Why don't you let my brother go alone? This will be more efficient."

Jiang Jingying's suggestion made Ye Bufan's eyes light up, because this was a rare opportunity to be alone with her.

"You are right, Hengxuan, you also met Miss Chen last time, so please go find her alone."

Before Jiang Hengxuan left, Jiang Jingying said a few words to him alone.

"Brother, you must find Chen Qiaoxin as soon as possible to prevent Ye Bufan from contacting her. This is a mission requirement, understand?"

"Yes, I understand."

Jiang Jingying knew that if she didn't tell him alone, Jiang Hengxuan would follow the principles of the Killing Hall and not care about Chen Qiaoxin's life or death.

Looking at Jiang Hengxuan's back as he left, Jiang Jingying was a little worried.

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