The two of them were still immersed in the ruthless hunting of [he escaped, she chased, he couldn't fly], a storm that was attacking them had already formed in the Jiang family.

"Mr. Jiang, Mrs. Luo, please come this way."

At the gate of the Jiang family manor, the housekeeper who received the news had been waiting here in advance. When Luo Bijun and others arrived, he greeted them respectfully with elegant manners.

Jiang Yuze exuded a mature and steady temperament, and responded calmly: "Well, then trouble you to lead the way."

Of course, it was only when they were outside that Luo Bijun gave him enough face that he was treated like this.

Then, under the leadership of the housekeeper, the two got on a special car and drove towards the villa where Su Wanqing and others were.

"Wife, what do you think of my first impression?"

After getting in the car, Jiang Yuze lowered his voice and asked Luo Bijun, who showed a slightly satisfied smile on her face.

"Not bad, the housekeeper is the face of a family to entertain guests. From what I just saw, the Chu family's family style should not be worse than ours."

"That's good."

Hearing his wife's affirmation, Jiang Yuze's nervous heart relaxed a little.

Although today was under the name of a visit, in fact, he came for a showdown, wanting to help his son deal with the girl's parents. If both parties feel good, they can get engaged immediately, or even get married directly.

And what he feared was some unexpected troubles, such as lax family style, breaking the law, and having a mean personality and being difficult to get along with.

However, since his discerning wife said so, he, a henpecked husband, naturally felt a lot more at ease.

Soon, the car arrived at the destination.

At this time, Chu Yanjun and Su Wanqing had already been waiting downstairs, and when they saw the two get off the car, they immediately stepped forward to greet them.

Su Wanqing spoke in a humble and polite tone: "Mr. Jiang, Mrs. Luo, good evening!"

"Mrs. Su, Mr. Chu, good evening, will my sudden visit at this time disturb you? If so, I am very sorry."

"No, no, we just have nothing to do, and you can come and chat with us to relieve our boredom."

"Really? That's great."

"Well, this is not a place to chat, let's go in and sit together."


Su Wanqing and Luo Bijun talked to each other, and they were so familiar that it didn't seem like they were meeting for the first time, but more like close friends who hadn't seen each other for many years.

Just the distance from the door to the living room, the relationship between the two people immediately became much closer, and they even began to call each other "Sister Luo" and "Sister Su".

Jiang Yuze and Chu Yanjun followed behind them without saying a word. They looked at each other and felt that they had something very similar to each other, and a feeling of mutual appreciation arose spontaneously.

Soon, the four of them came to the living room and sat down.

Su Wanqing and Luo Bijun sat close together, while the other two sat opposite.

Those who didn't know would probably think they were the guests.

After a few simple chats, Su Wanqing felt that the other party was easy to get along with, so she planned to get straight to the point.

She took Luo Bijun's hand and said slowly with a smile: "Sister Luo, why did you suddenly think of coming to Donghai and come to us on purpose? I think you must have other things."

"Well, you are worthy of being Sister Su. I did come here for a "small" matter this time."

"Sister, just tell me, as long as it's not too troublesome, I will definitely help."

"Okay, thank you Sister Su first."

After a gentle response, Luo Bijun took out a photo of Chu Ruoshuang taken during the tracking and handed it to Su Wanqing.

"Please help me see if I know the girl above."

After taking the photo and taking a closer look, Su Wanqing immediately recognized that the girl wearing a mask above was her daughter.

At the same time, she was puzzled: "Why would they suddenly ask me about Shuang'er?"

With this puzzlement, Su Wanqing still responded with a smile: "I know her, of course I know her, the person in the photo is my daughter Chu Ruoshuang, are you looking for her for something? Then I'll ask her to come back now."

"No, no, it's enough to confirm the identity, there's no need to trouble Xiao Chu to go this way, and this matter only needs to be discussed with you."

After confirming again that her son's girlfriend was Chu Ruoshuang, Luo Bijun's tone was much more confident.

Hearing this, Su Wanqing's heart skipped a beat, as if she had guessed a possibility that the other party would come to her house.

Under normal circumstances, her daughter and the two people from the Jiang family in Shangjing would definitely have no intersection, but her daughter had just visited Shangjing two days ago, so it is very likely that she met them by chance.

Now the other party came to Donghai specially, and even came to the door in the middle of the night, it is very likely that they fell in love with her daughter and wanted to discuss marriage.

However, this is just her guess, and she still needs to wait and see what the other party's purpose is.

"Sister, don't play any cryptic tricks, just tell me directly."

"Okay, I came here just to ask Ruoshuang if she has a boyfriend and whether she has considered getting married?"

Hearing the other party's question, Su Wanqing instantly confirmed her guess.

"Are you really here to propose marriage? But... Jiang Yichen..."

Although Su Wanqing didn't communicate much with the Shangjing family, she often went to learn about some gossips of the big families after retirement, including the incident of Jiang Yichen when he was a child.

She wouldn't follow the crowd and think that Jiang Yichen really didn't like girls, but the first impression was still a lot worse.

And her daughter does have a boyfriend now, and it's not easy to break them up.

In the face of the situation, because Luo Bijun and the others were visiting late at night, Su Wanqing could only politely refuse: "Shuang'er really doesn't have a boyfriend now, and she said she doesn't want to consider marriage for the time being, at least until she's 30."

Su Wanqing thought she was polite enough, but Luo Bijun knew very well that their son was dating Chu Ruoshuang, so she quickly realized that Chu Ruoshuang hadn't confessed to her parents yet.

"It's good that she doesn't have a boyfriend. Actually, my son and Ruoshuang get along very well, so we came here this time to choose a time to arrange a marriage for the children. What do you think?"

Luo Bijun said to Su Wanqing in a very serious manner, and the latter was suddenly confused when she heard it.

"No, I shouldn't have refused so politely, so that you can understand what I mean, and Shuang'er and Jiang Yichen get along well?"

Su Wanqing was full of doubts.

Little did she know that the son that Luo Bijun was talking about was the son-in-law she had been thinking about. It was just that because Lin Mu had just returned to the Jiang family and had not held the so-called family recognition banquet, she thought they were here to propose marriage on behalf of Jiang Yichen.

After thinking about it, Su Wanqing decided to reject the marriage for her daughter. After all, she valued her daughter's happiness more, and she believed that Luo Bijun and the others were not the kind of people who were unreasonable.

"Alas, I'm really sorry, Sister Luo, I can't agree to this marriage. Not to mention that Shuang'er doesn't like Yichen, and I just lied to you. In fact, Shuang'er has a boyfriend, she..."

Before she finished listening, Luo Bijun instantly realized that something was wrong.

"Ah? Wait, Xiaochen? No, no, no, Sister Su, you may have misunderstood. The son I'm talking about is not Xiaochen!"

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